Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Draw directly, right?

Yaodong’s expression also changed visible to the naked eye, with a trace of astonishment.

Gu Group, Gu Gongzi?

Gu Yan?

She cooperates with the Gu Group, and Gu Yan has a great reputation in the upper class recently.

There is no other reason.

Yang Xuming of Dingsheng Finance suddenly unilaterally gave 80% of the company’s equity and five private equity funds to Gu Yan as a private gift yesterday!

This news shocked countless people, it was a miracle!

Gu Yan also became mysterious and became famous.

But Yaodong doesn’t care about these.

She only cares about one point!

Scald medicine!

In the nightclub, after the drop of wax splashed on Yaodong’s hand, she buried her head in the arms of the mysterious man. She did not leave until the symptoms disappeared. No one noticed before and after, only the mysterious man knew the whole process.

Moreover, she vaguely remembered that the mysterious man said that he would give himself medicine before he left.

He also sneered at this sentence and walked fast.

but now……

Look at the front and back, do you want to play in the nightclub, but in the end fell in his arms for five minutes.

Is it Gu Yan? !

Just then.

A man appeared at the gate of Tianding assembly.

He was slender, handsome, graceful and mysterious. He came over without delay and sat next to Yaodong very naturally.

It is Gu Yan.

Gu Yan put a tube of external ointment on the gaming table, looked at the black glove on Yaodong’s right hand, curled his lips and said, “Is the wound better?”

Yaodong people are stupid!

This temperament, this look, this familiar voice…

It’s exactly like the mysterious man in the nightclub!

His eyes quickly dodged, and he flicked his ears and temples, leaving Yaodong’s hands nowhere to rest.

Thinking back to everything that happened in the nightclub, she felt really embarrassed!

“Gu Gongzi, I don’t have time right now. We will talk more about it when I finish the last bet.”

Yaodong quickly adjusted his state, with a cold tone.

When a problem occurs, the problem must be solved. She will negotiate with Gu Yan, but not now.

Gu Yan didn’t speak.

The dignitaries around the gaming table also saw Gu Yan and greeted Gu Yan one after another.

Let alone the energy of the Gu Group itself.

Just say that Yang Xuming can give private equity funds, even equity, to Gu Yan for nothing.

This is definitely not simple.

In this world, there is only one level of ability, regardless of age.

Even if Gu Yan’s age is compared with the people present, it is simply that of the children’s generation.

But now, no one regards Gu Yan as a child, all of whom are equal to his peers!

“Master Gu?”

Chen Tianming also raised his brows and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect you to come to the Tianding rally, but you are also qualified, son.”

“But my son, let me advise you, those who are near Zhu are red and black are those who are black. Don’t go around, don’t sit here, lest you get something that is not worthwhile?”

He doesn’t need to be friendly with Gu Yan.

Tenglong Real Estate and the Gu Group have no interest in cooperation in the first place.

Even if Gu Yan manages the prosperity of the financial industry, Chen Tianming is most convinced to say something powerful, and that’s all!

Change the place.

Chen Tianming might have a drink and chat with Gu Yan, but not now.

Yaodong is their life-and-death enemy of Tenglong Real Estate. Chen Tianming had already thought about the things that made Yaodong’s face completely lost today, and no one can destroy his plan halfway!

Gu Yan directly ignored Chen Tianming.

He glanced around the gambling table, then looked at Yaodong, “I will help you win it back, donate the money, you belong to me, let’s talk about cooperation for half an hour, okay?”

Yaodong looked at the handsome man in front of him.

I couldn’t see through him for a while.

cooperate? What cooperation?

Could it be that Gu Yan came up to find himself, and there are other things to say?

And… would he bet?

Don’t be kidding, Gu Yan grew up in an elite family, how could Gu Wanshan let him get into the habit of gambling?

Just when she wanted to refuse, she saw Gu Yan fumble for the “grazing medicine”.


Yaodong Qiao blushed and quickly returned to normal. She gave Gu Yan a weird look, “Huh, let’s talk about it if we win.”

She was directly grasped by Gu Yan’s lifeline, and she dared not refuse.

After all, if Gu Yan talked about the nightclub, Yaodong would have died directly socially.

But when she looked at Chen Tianming, her eyes dimmed for a while, but it quickly became cold again.

She didn’t expect to win today’s bet.

But so what?

She will definitely find her place elsewhere in the winter!

She remembered the hatred!

“Ha ha.”

Upon seeing this, Chen Tianming said without a smile, “It seems that Young Master Gu is going to intervene in this matter today.”

Gu Yan looked plain, “Let’s get started.”

“Okay, it’s hard to be kind.”

Chen Tianming smiled and waved.

A staff member came from the side, and in front of everyone, he removed a new set of playing cards and laid them flat on the table.

“The last two rounds of the gambling game between me and Yao, the game is the most common, but we draw cards by ourselves.”

“Squeeze the chips, draw the cards to compare the big and small, so it’s over.”

Chen Tianming put out two hundred million chips, then touched the poker show, and said with a smile: “Gu Gongzi, it’s my turn first.”

Gu Yan’s head slightly.

Chen Tianming gritted his teeth bitterly with his gentle attitude.

In any case, Gu Yan is one round younger than him.

Being treated like this by a junior, Chen Tianming felt a deep discomfort.

Draw the cards.

Chen Tianming stretched out his hand and motioned to Gu Yan, it was his turn.

Gu Yan draws the cards very quickly and irregularly.

In that show of cards, he quickly took out three cards.

In the same way, he pushed a billion chips, and then directly said: “Go on?”

This time.

It’s not just the onlookers who were stunned.

Even Yaodong gave Gu Yan a surprised look, and Yang Tianming laughed even more.


The reason why it is called gambling is because there is not only luck, but also skills!

The memory of cards, the observation of facial expressions, and the game between the hearts of both parties are not so simple.

Fried Golden Flower is just a game.

Really powerful masters can figure out what the opponent’s hand is in the stage of looking at the cards, and what is the odds of winning this hand.


There is a premise here!

It takes a period of time to play the game!

But Gu Yan didn’t even look at the cards and opened directly, which undoubtedly skipped the game stage!

To be honest, there is no such thing as fun.

There is only one kind of person who can do this kind of thing!

That is a novice gambling player who knows nothing about gambling and relies solely on luck!

“Okay, then go ahead and go all-in!”

“Gu Gongzi, young people shouldn’t always do something meaningless for the sake of face.”

Chen Tianming smiled.

At first, seeing Gu Yan’s vows, he thought the latter was some kind of gambler.

but now.

He seemed to have seen Yaodong’s ugly face after his big victory.

He is actually not afraid to open cards directly.

Because he was well prepared today, including the first eight rounds to win Yaodong!

His luck is destined to be the best today, the winner…

It can only be him! *

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