Chapter 305

Chapter Three Hundred and Five

Chapter 305: I’m Sorry

Xiao Zaoying outside was gone. He stumbled to the periphery of the villa circle and hit a car with his hand.

The driver saw that her chest was covered with blood, and he hurried to take her to the hospital.

“No, sir, go to Jinshui Garden.

Xiaoying closed her eyes lightly, leaning on the back seat, one hand enclosing the scar on her chest, the blood was still flowing, but she felt no pain at all.

“I said, girl, you still have to go and see if you have suffered such a serious injury, so that you will not be in a bad situation in the future.” The driver’s master gently called her, and Xiaoying didn’t say a word.

The driver can only take her to Jinshui Garden.

“Give you some healing medicine. I used to treat stab wounds by my family’s ancestors. I often put it in the car.” The driver master watched her get out of the car and handed her a white porcelain bottle in his hand.

Xiaoying thought for a long time and took the porcelain bottle, and then returned to Jinshui Garden.

I just went back and saw the tiger who was waiting at the door.

“Xiaoying, are you injured?”

Huzi yelled and ran over, supported her, and shouted inside, “Boss, come out and have a look, Xiaoying was seriously injured!”

Then he yelled twice and there was no movement inside. Xiaoying’s face showed a mocking smile, and then gently pressed Huzi’s hand and said, “Don’t shout, boss 343 will definitely not come out here now. .”

After speaking, I walked in step by step.

Lin Bei is sitting on the sofa now, and he is thinking, how Gu Yan has perfect control of all this, the last time Hoth, now Bai Shiman.

It seemed that everything was under his control.


How could anyone in the world be so good?


Huzi helped Xiaoying in, walked in front of Lin Bei, and then said softly: “Xiaoying found those people’s plot and was seriously injured, the boss should heal him first.

In the past, when Lin Bei rescued them, he was more or less skilled in medicine.

So this time everyone still felt that Lin Bei could save Xiaoying.

“Go to the hospital and have a look. This is just an ordinary wound. It should have been stabbed by a dagger.” Lin Bei turned around and took a look, there was no expression in his eyes.

No previous distress, pity.

Ordinary wound?

When Xiao Ying heard these words, she felt her heart cold suddenly, and she no longer had the initial impulse. She opened her mouth, “The boss is not easy. When she hurts me, I always feel that my chest is special. Pain

It should be “No one can hurt you. You go to rest first and call me all the others. This time you must kill Gu Yan at any cost!”

Lin Bei interrupted Xiaoying’s words directly, and after speaking lightly, he asked Huzi to summon everyone together.

“Boss, this matter must be considered in the long term, there is an excellent woman beside Gu Yan.”

Xiaoying kindly persuaded that if these people passed by now, all of them would not end well.

Although her heart is cold, she doesn’t want any brothers and sisters to have an accident.

Although they didn’t come from the same place at the beginning, they have been with Lin Bei for so many years, and they still have feelings of sympathy.


“Yes,” Xiaoying saw Lin Bei finally turned his head, feeling a little delighted, and said faintly: “There is a woman next to Gu Yan who is very beautiful and strong. She hurt me. ”

“Do you have a photo?”

Xiaoying shook his head slightly. Gu Yan looked at the tiger next to him, “This matter will come to an end for the time being. Now you can help me find out about the woman next to him and take some pictures for me.”

Huzi’s eyes widened, and he called everyone here, is it just for Charmaine Bai?

“Boss, let all of us be dispatched, for Miss Bai alone, isn’t it a bit worthless?”

Just when this sentence was said, Lin Bei stood up (chdf), and walked in front of Huzi, with a finger on his neck, and his face was full of hideous expressions, “Who wouldn’t you say? It’s worth it, who is it?”

Lin Bei’s tiger was a little bit out of breath, Xiao Xianying rushed forward.

“Boss, Huzi is just making a joke.”


With Xiaoying, plus Lin Bai, it suddenly occurred to me that these people were still useful to me, and then he let go of the hands that patted the beard, and then glanced at him indifferently, as if looking at a slave.

Indifferently said: “Go and take the picture right away. If you can’t take the picture, you don’t have to come back.”

Huzi hasn’t slowed down yet. After hearing what Lin Bei said, he nodded with difficulty, and Lin Bei went straight upstairs and returned to the room.

The people in the living room, you look at me and I look at you, everyone looks at each other.

Can anyone tell them what is going on?

The former boss never became what he is now for a woman, but now he suddenly became like this, which is suddenly very scary.

How to do?

“Everyone, let’s go down first.” Xiaoying sighed softly. She didn’t know when her sister Hanako would come back, and she would say it after she came back.

Huzi set off to complete the task. She returned to her room. Just when she was about to lie down, a porcelain bottle rolled out of her body.

Seeing the white porcelain bottle rolling around on the ground, Xiaoying picked up the porcelain bottle, opened it, and smelled a faint fragrance and a strong smell of medicinal materials.

In fact, her heart was really cold, and Lin Bei actually ignored her wounds at all.

Where was the person who saved them back then?

Has it changed? Or, it is not this person at all!

Xiaoying glanced at the porcelain bottle last, and even Lin Bei didn’t care about her. The taxi driver was willing to give her the medicine, so she gave it a try, even if she died.

Gently sprinkled the medicine on his wound. After he felt the wound was cold, he lay on the bed without any movement.

Huzi’s speed is very fast, and I don’t know if it is because Gu Yan and the others deliberately relaxed their vigilance or what.

When he went, Gu Yan and Ye Liuli were watering the flowers at the door, and the two were loving each other, and they laughed so brilliantly.

Huzi quickly took a few photos, and then hurried back to Jinshui Garden with the photos and handed them directly to Lin Bei.

“The task is done well, but if you dare to say anything about Shiman in the future, you will be careful of your dog’s life!”

After Lin Bei finished speaking, he took the photo and left Jinshui Garden and went straight to Bai’s house. ,

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