Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Thoroughly Blacken!

Chapter 303: I’m Back

“You are so blind, you think you can blind us

The person behind did not know the identity of Gu Yan. Although he was afraid of the powerful force in him, he shouted loudly at this moment.

Before half of the words were spoken, a person fell from the sky and directly blinded his eyes. He pointed to his own eyes and laughed on the spot.

But no matter how he called, those around him dared not say a word.

Several people all knelt to the ground.

Knocking their heads one after another, they said, “I’m sorry, it’s us that is wrong, forgive us!”


Several people said this one word to one word, but Gu Yan didn’t have any soft-hearted thoughts, waved his hand gently, and his secret guard pierced these people’s eyes.

Shiman Bai heard the words Gu Yan said, but did not look back.

After a few steps, when he was about to turn his head, Gu Yan gently covered her eyes with his palm.

Then whispered: “Don’t look, it’s dirty your eyes.”

Listening to this gentle voice, feeling the power coming from his palm, Bai Shi 27man felt his heart throbbed.

She is emotional!

When the two left the cafe, Lin Bei on the other side naturally got the news.

“Boss, today Miss Bai followed his adoptive mother to the Sweet Honey Cafe. I heard that several old men entered a private room before and seemed to be waiting for them, because these people had seen Jiyue before. ”

Lin Bei was thinking about how to solve Gu Yan.

After hearing this report from Huzi, he jumped up and got up from his chair.

“Where are they now?”

As soon as Huzi heard these words, his eyes suddenly flickered. He could never tell his boss that Miss Bai had already left with another man.


Lin Bei’s indifferent eyes swept Huzi, and after taking a step forward, he immediately replied: “She is on the middle street right now.”

Lin Bei nodded, and then left their residence with the car key and headed straight to Zhongda Street. Huzi sighed slightly and sweated from his back.

Their boss is really getting more and more terrifying now.

very scary!

Just before he recovered, Xiaoying patted his shoulder gently.


Huzi yelled, then took it, and when he saw Xiaoying, he gently patted his chest.

His little heart almost jumped out of shock.

“I said grandma,” Huzi sighed helplessly, “Can you stop me here, the boss scared me just now, you are actually scaring me now.”


Xiaoying frowned slightly.

Huzi nodded, and while walking outside, he said: “The boss has kept me staring at Miss Bai in the past few days. Just now I saw that Miss Bai had some problems, so I reported it.

Xiao Ying’s eyes started to flicker when she heard the words. She had always been doing the things that stared at Charmaine Blanc.

Why is the tiger suddenly changed now?

Don’t believe her?

Just as Xiaoying was thinking about it, she turned around and accidentally bumped into the pillar, and the recording pen in her hand fell out all of a sudden, knocking on the ground into pieces.

“Oh, what can I do? I remember there are a lot of important things in it.”

Xiaoying picked up the things, why was she so careless just now?

Huzi thought for a while, took him straight to his room, took out the innermost chip, and plugged it into the computer.

“I will ask a friend of mine to help you copy the contents of the recording. You can buy a new recording pen.” After Huzi finished speaking, he typed on the keyboard secretly.

Xiaoying nodded, and then went out.

Huzi had just finished processing here, and several brothers surrounded him.

“what are you doing?”

Huzi laughed, and was about to speak. A man came out from behind and frightened him. He slapped him on the computer keyboard with a slap.

The sound rang in the room, and when I was about to turn it off, I suddenly heard a familiar sound.

It happened to be those conversations between Hoth and Lin Bei that day.

All the words that Hoth and Xiaoying said are also exposed, because Xiaoying always likes to turn on the recorder when doing business, so that he can record everything.

Lin Bei’s favorite thing is to listen to the fragmentary recordings, because you can hear some extremely secret things from those recordings.

Can also get some news.

I don’t know why, no one has pressed the pause button, everyone has listened to this recording.

After listening to the recording, everyone’s nerves were a little different. Everyone was not talking, and Xiaoying kept pushing the door open.

“Huzi, are you okay?

Xiaoying walked with the recorder, and said, “What are your brothers doing here?”

After hearing this sentence, everyone turned their heads abruptly, and then immediately shook their heads.

They did nothing.

“I remember we seem to have something else, let’s go first.”


Everyone just talked about it and left. Huzi quickly took out the chip and handed it directly to Xiaoying.

Although Xiaoying thought these brothers were a little strange, they didn’t say much.

They all know the bottom line, and it’s impossible to do anything bad.

Lin Bei drove to Zhongda Street.

Before 343 had time to ask about Charmaine’s whereabouts, she and Gu Yan were standing at the door of an internet celebrity coffee shop.

Lin Bei parked the car on the side of the road. He rolled down the window and observed the two people on the opposite side.

Gu Yan had already seen it when Lin Bei’s car just stopped. He smiled slightly and moved closer to Charmaine White: “Know that you are smart, but don’t do such risky things again in the future.”

Feel the approach of Gu Yan and his warm voice.

Charmaine Bai’s face slowly turned red.

The heartbeat just now has obviously stopped, and now it is beating sharply again, how could this be?


Shiman Bai finished his stammering answer. They just came out of the cafe and came to the door of the Internet celebrity coffee shop, wanting to buy two drinks.

“You two blueberry love sparkling water.”

Hearing a call from the waiter inside, Charmaine White hurriedly walked in and took the things out, crowded out the crowd, and handed the pink drink directly to Gu Yan.

At this time, it looked like a couple in love.

Seeing Gu Yan take it naturally, the heart of the story seemed to jump out, he slightly raised his feet.

Like the kissing couples next to him, they kissed Gu Yan gently on the face.

Then he drew back quickly.

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