Chapter 294

Chapter 294 Late Night Sneak Attack

Chapter 294: I’m Sorry

Since being sent over, Liu Feifei stayed in the big villa all day madly, making Boss Wang very upset.

I just married Ji Yue, and then I looked at the people upstairs and said.

“If you can’t persuade him, then give me back the ten million that I paid you. It was originally not worth so much for a woman, but it has already happened, as long as he is willing to give it. I don’t care if I have a baby!”

Boss Wang is a well-known valley in Huadu. He has his own business all over the world and is a particularly rich man.

It’s a pity that he became the Mediterranean at a young age, and it has become very ugly because of hard work in the past two years.

Moreover, people are very loving, which makes Liu Feifei especially nauseous when facing him.

“Okay, okay.

Although the Bai family has a certain status in Huadu, Boss Wang has more money than them, so Ji Yue dare not say much now, only a smile on his face.

It’s really bad luck, Laozi spent so much money, originally wanted to buy a pure and beautiful woman like Charmaine Blanc!”

After Boss Wang said this, he cursed and walked out.

When Ji Yue faced Boss Wang, there was a smile on her face. As soon as Boss Wang left, her face collapsed.

The money is already in hand, and Liu Feifei must not be lost.

To persuade this dead girl.

Liu Feifei sat sluggishly in the room. Since being sent to Boss Liu, although the man was not touching her, she felt sick even living here.

The whole room is full of Boss Liu’s taste.

Hearing the sound of footsteps with high heels, Liu Feifei suddenly raised her head. After seeing Ji Yue, her eyes widened and she stood up frantically, and rushed towards him.

If it weren’t for Jiyue, she had been giving her advice, how could she have become like that that night.

The person who was going to be unlucky should be Charmaine White, but she turned out to be her in the end.

She hated Charmaine White and Jiyue.

From then on, she could no longer appear in front of Lin Bei and Gu Yan. These two men are so good men, but she never had the chance to have them again.

Whenever she thought of these things, she felt a special hatred.

When Ji Yue watched him pounce, her eyes widened, and then she gently dodged Liu Feifei next to her, and suddenly fell to the ground, her whole body looked very embarrassed, she was dirty, and she didn’t even have clothes. Willing to change.

To make it clear is to abandon yourself.

When Liu Feifei stood up and was about to pounce towards Jiyue again.

She said loudly: “If you calm down now, I might be able to help you figure out a way, and then you can become very rich.”

Hearing what Ji Yue said, Liu Feifei became even more crazy.

At the beginning, “You said that if I killed Charmaine Bai, I would be able to get Lin Bei and Gu Yan, but now, what good end did I get.” Liu Feifei smiled sternly, that expression looked terrifying.

Even Jiyue couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva.

In fact, all Ji Yue thought in her heart was, if she hadn’t done it herself, how could she have fallen to that point.

But I can’t say this now.

“Now you hear me say that boss Wang is so rich, if you obey him and give him a child, all his assets will be yours when he dies, isn’t it better than Charmaine Blanc?”

Ji Yue started a new round of brainwashing, anyway, he must settle Liu Feifei.

But now Feifei Liu is no longer a fool after experiencing these disasters, and immediately said: “I know why you came to persuade me, didn’t he give you 10 million? You divide me half.”


“This is my money. If you don’t divide me in half, I will never give him a baby, and I won’t die at that time. I will say that you mean it. Do you think he will find a way to give the money? Want to come back.”

“Just think of a way to get the money back. If Boss Wang tells my uncle everything, maybe your end will be worse than it is now.

With a sharp smile on Liu Feifei’s face, she definitely won’t let Ji Yue get better.


Ji Yue clenched her fist tightly. If Bai Sheng knew about this, he would definitely divorce him directly, because what he cared about most was Charmaine’s mother.

She is usually bad to Charmaine Bai, and Bai Sheng always closes one eye.

But if you dare to put Charmaine Bai on someone else’s bed…

“Auntie, you still give me half of the money in the end. I will dress up tonight and try to give birth to Boss Wang as soon as possible. Then I will be able to share some of your money, right?”

Liu Feifei raised her eyebrows, and finally chose to compromise.

Half of it was given to her, and then left Boss Wang’s house in anger, and Liu Feifei began to clean up.

Since there is no room for choice, you can’t choose a man, just take the money. Boss Wang has so many assets. As long as he has a child, everything belongs to the child.

You can do everything with money.

That night, Liu Feifei and Boss Wang were formally together, and Boss Wang was very satisfied.

She was given a black card.

After Liu Feifei heard the news that Shiman Bai had already been working at home, she suddenly felt out of breath, dialed the phone, and paid someone very generously.

Let him do things.

Shiman Bai has not seen Gu Yan in the past two days. After get off work, she took out her mobile phone and hesitated to ask him for a meal.

Just when he was about to send a message, a colleague suddenly walked behind her and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

“Let’s go to eat hot pot tonight, I found a very good restaurant yesterday.” After coming to the Bai Group, Bai Shiman met two or three good people here.

In fact, they are not good people, mainly because of their higher status.

If you want to find Qian’s (Bai’s) group, some things are relatively simple.


Charmaine Bai agreed. He felt that he still had no way to face Gu Yan, although it was him who couldn’t sleep every night.

However, there is still a gap between them.

I found the hot pot restaurant nearby, and bid farewell to my colleagues after finishing the meal. Charmaine must cross a relatively secluded path before he could reach that side to find a car home.

When she came to this road, she felt a little scared.

Holding the phone tightly, I found Gu Yan’s phone number unnaturally.

She quickened her pace, and when she was about to walk to the entrance of the alley, a hand suddenly caught her behind her. He hurriedly broke away, turned his head and lifted his high heels and stepped heavily on that person’s foot.


Only hearing such a shout, Charmaine Blanc ran to the alleyway, and then hurriedly walked on the street.

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