Chapter 291

The 291st chapter is all for you to mention

Chapter 291: It’s all because of you


Ji Yue stopped Charmaine White again, and then said softly: “I think you should stay at home. You are living outside by yourself. We don’t worry about the supplies. Just pack up and pack, or you can. Pick a room again.”

Although she didn’t know what was going on tonight, why did Charmaine Bai become Feifei Liu?

But now so many people are here, they absolutely can’t reveal their thoughts.

Once Bai Sheng’s face is lost, it can’t be solved with a few words.

“Auntie, I…

Before Shiman Bai had finished speaking, everyone saw Liu Feifei rush out from the inside and climbed in front of Shiman Bai. I..”

Before he finished speaking, Lin Bei suddenly pushed Liu Feifei to the ground.

“It’s you who did such a shameful thing, and you still blame it-Charmaine Blanc?”

Lin Bei’s eyes were sharp, and the meaning seemed to be saying, if you say one more thing, I will cut your tongue.

However, now Liu Feifei doesn’t care about so much at all. Her body is full of traces of blue and purple. There are still so many people watching outside, and her innocence will be gone in the future.

If you go out again in the future, you will definitely have to cultivate your face, or you will have nothing to end after being recognized by those people.

“It has something to do with me?”

Charmaine White stepped forward with a helpless look, and then asked suspiciously: “Cousin, you have to pay attention to evidence when you say this, but you are going to talk about what it has to do with me.”

Although “This is my room, I didn’t let you go in and do sly things with other people, right? I still feel bad luck, but you blame me now.

With a helpless look on Bai Shiman’s face, those around him began to accuse Liu Feifei.

How can this person be like this?

Obviously it was her fault, and she had to rely on others.

“Bai Shiman, you slut!” Liu Feifei ironically blamed everything on Bai Shiman, because he was the one who wanted to calculate.

At that time, she thought of Charmaine Beth in the room, but she fainted as soon as she came out.

What happened when I woke up was the scene just now.

She has been lost, and now she doesn’t care about it at all, she just wants to avenge herself.

Said that Liu Feifei got up from the ground again in despair, and ran in the direction of Charmaine Bai, she must take this woman…

Before he found Shiman Bai, Lin Bei kicked him again. He was kicked to the ground like a broken object. She suddenly didn’t want to get up.

He started crying when he lay on the ground.

Because he just looked up and saw Gu Yan standing outside the crowd.

He stood outside the crowd, but it was as if all the gates were converging in his direction, and the whole person was shining.

People can’t help but feel shocked.

It seems that all the light in this world has gathered on him, giving people a very wonderful feeling.

I want to get close to him.

However, this tall and godlike man is now standing with Charmaine Blanc. The two are tall and match inexplicably.

Do not!

After Liu Feifei lay on the ground and cried loudly, many people next to her started talking in a low voice, and after some discussion, they left Bai’s house one after another.

They were originally here to attend the birthday party, but they did not expect to be unhappy, and many people were unhappy.

Shiman Bai also turned to leave, but Lin Bei stopped her.

“Shiman, since things have happened, we might as well talk about it today, and the outsiders have already left.” After saying this, Lin Bei clapped his hands gently.

Xiaoying and Huzi walked out from the outside, each carrying a black box in their hands.

Bai Sheng was very angry now. As soon as he saw these two boxes, he remembered the last time. He closed his eyes deeply, pointed at the door indifferently and said, “You get out of here.”

This man caused his son not to talk, and now he is here again to make trouble.

Will he do the things tonight?

Although Liu Feifei is only his niece, this incident happened in the Bai family after all. It will be spread out in the future. It will only say that they have problems with the Bai family and the family style is not correct. That’s why they taught such a niece.

“This is one hundred million. After you accept the money tonight, Shiman will officially leave the Bai family.

If the time goes back a few hours, and Lin Bei said this, Charmaine Bai may still be extremely grateful.


But she had already heard some rumors, and she also knew that the death of her parents back then had something to do with the Bai family. She had already figured it out clearly and must stay.

Find out the truth about the death of his parents that year and avenge them.

Hearing these words now, it was like slapped on the face of Charmaine Bai.

“What do you mean?”

Shiman Bai just asked her voice, and Ji Yue next to her immediately laughed sarcastically.

He said bitterly, “Charmaine Blanc, you still have to act here, he has already said so clearly, do you still treat us as fools?”

“I don’t understand what auntie this means.” Bai Shiman deliberately pretended to be stupid, but in fact she had already figured out a lot of things in her heart. The death of her parents is likely to be related to Ji Yue and Bai Sheng.


It’s just that it hasn’t been found out yet, and there is no definite evidence.

“There are so many men vying to get ahead for you, don’t you plan to choose one?”

When Bai Shiman heard these words, he clenched his fist tightly, and Gu Yan also left when the people dispersed just now.

What would he think if he was afraid of hearing this sentence?

| Shiman. ”

Lin Beijiqi hated Jiyue.He couldn’t imagine that if he didn’t hear the plan tonight and didn’t make some annoyances about the plan, what would happen to Charmaine Bai?

She should be the one who is ruined now.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt angry.

“These people have already done this to you, do you want to stay? You can go with me, I have the ability to take care of you, and the money is just for me..


While Lin Bei was still talking about Bai Shiman, she already yelled angrily.

Looking at Bai Shiman’s appearance, Lin Bei was a little stunned.

In the past, Charmaine Blanc never lost his temper, nor would he show an angry look like he does now, as if he was licking his wounds, unwilling to be known.

“I won’t go with you, and you don’t want to hit me with money.

“For so many years, the Bai family has raised me. If I leave now, I will be unrighteous.” After Bai Shiman finished speaking, he raised his head and gently closed his eyes. and.

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