Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Gu Yan’s hard work, dripping wax!

Where Yaodong’s eyes are.

A man in a black suit sat on the VIP table with his legs crossed, his slender fingers rubbing lightly on the wine glass.

The facial features under his half-wear mask are flawless, gentle and elegant.

The shaking light hit his side face, illuminating the deep eyes under his mask slightly, revealing an indescribable mystery and deadly masculine charm.

The other person is sitting.

But the shoulders are wide and the legs are long, Yaodong’s visual observation is at least 1.8 meters or more!


The perfect-looking man!

Handsome, unpretentious, and masculine, the most important thing is this sense of mystery.

It was literally poked into Yaodong’s heart.

Yaodong licked her red lips unconsciously. This was not what she thought at all, but a subconscious action.

But she took a deep breath and withdrew her eyes.

Although she is here to release.

But Yaodong is still wise.

She did a lot of crazy things, but she didn’t let a man touch it, even if she touched it.

She has her own bottom line and principles, and at the same time…she doesn’t like creatures like men at all!

Even if one day she falls in love with a man, the other man must be extremely powerful, at least stronger than her, and she must be convinced!

Either way, she had to convince her.


Yaodong is not watching.

The more that man appeared in her heart, the more itchy she was.


Take another look?

Just a glance, nothing will happen anyway, he is only allowed to be handsome, but he is not allowed to watch it by himself?

Isn’t it okay to have no reason, what are you struggling with? is it necessary?

Yaodong directly used Jiujin to look back at the VIP table again, seemingly indifferent.

This time she was really only going to take one last look.

But something unexpected happened to her.

This time.

The man also turned his head and looked at her, with an elegant and gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

He also shook the goblet in his hand towards Yaodong.

“He found out that I was looking at him, and then he wanted to invite me to have a drink?”

Yaodong’s heartbeat speeded up inexplicably for a moment, and she looked at the man’s eyes and smile.

Handsome, elegant and unpretentious.

Without any evil thoughts, it is clean and natural.

But… or refuse it, it’s not necessary.

Thinking like this in her heart, she smiled and shook her head.

I came purely to drink, and the same is true for drinking alone.

But she found that the man was still shaking the goblet slightly, and gestured to her direction.

Yaodong looked down subconsciously, shocked in his heart.

I don’t know if it was because she was communicating with a man, or she was drinking too much and she was a little bit drunk.

The wine glass in her right hand was not held steady, but tilted slightly.

Hold the wine glass upright calmly.

Yaodong looked at the VIP seat again.

Men no longer look at her, but continue to make decisions for themselves, the right to happen when nothing happens.

He was reminding himself to hold the wine glass upright.

And want to invite yourself to drink?

Yaodong was a little stunned.

To be honest, she had never encountered such a situation.

In a place like a nightclub, I don’t know how many men want to have a drink with her.

In order to please her, some men even spent a lot of money to make the whole nightclub cooperate with him.

Yaodong has always ignored this kind of people. When she meets someone who is divided, she will directly teach the other party by herself, or let the bodyguard come in and teach the other party.

But this man…

Yaodong’s red lips raised slightly, with a beautiful smile, stood up with the wine glass, and walked towards the second floor on his own initiative.


“Are you really indifferent, or a veteran in love with a long history?”

Gu Yan looked at Yaodong who was sitting across from him.

The woman was smiling, with her breathtakingly beautiful eyes, she looked at herself with a full smile.

“But you still came up by yourself, is this important?” Gu Yan asked softly.


Yaodong couldn’t help laughing, and raised the wine glass in his hand, “Drink one?”


The wine glasses of the two touched each other, and then they separated quickly.

Yaodong became interested in the man in front of him.

She wanted to grasp this man step by step, extract all his information, and let him confide in his true thoughts.

If you can succeed, Yaodong will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Therefore, this curiosity is also confined to this bar, confined to this hour.

When she walked out of here and participated in the Tianding rally.

They are people of two worlds.


Just when Yaodong was preparing to talk about it, there was a dance song in the nightclub!

Very familiar!

This is exactly her favorite song when she goes to the nightclub!

“Shall we go down and play? Let’s go together.”

Yaodong wants to go to the dance floor, but she hasn’t forgotten Gu Yan and invited her.

She is confident. While playing, she can get anything she wants to know from Gu Yan’s mouth.

“You first, I’ll drink it before going down.”

Gu Yan gestured to his goblet and smiled indifferently.

Yaodong didn’t speak, but walked downstairs with long legs.

She has a very good figure, although she is nearly thirty years old, she still hasn’t left any traces on her body.

Tall and plump, skinny where it should be, meat where it should be, and skin like an eighteen-year-old girl, Bai Zhe is delicate.

It’s not like Ye Liuli’s greenness, and Su Qingyue’s subtlety.

She is more like a rose, a rose with thorns on the surface, but in fact it is in bud.

Gu Yan waved to the waiter, gave him some money, and ordered him one thing.

He knew that Yaodong came up to drink with him, not because she liked herself, but because she wanted to play with herself.

Yaodong has seen too many people and experienced too many things. If she wants to deal with her with the same way of dealing with little girls, not only will it not work, she will also cooperate with your performance and play you secretly.

No flaws.

But what Yaodong didn’t know was.

Gu Yan had already targeted her and planned everything.

After a few minutes.

Gu Yan came to the dance floor and found Yaodong.

The explosive music is deafening, Yaodong also dances to the rhythm, forgetting about it.

See Gu Yan coming.

She stopped and said to Gu Yan smilingly, “Do you know how to dance? Do you need my sister to teach you?”

At this time, a waiter happened to be holding a tray and passing by Yaodong.

There are fruits, red wine, and a few red candles to enhance the atmosphere in the tray.

Gu Yan didn’t answer Yaodong’s question, but in front of her, “inadvertently” turned around and bumped into the waiter!

The waiter’s center of gravity was out of balance, and the tray dropped out.

Yaodong wanted to hide subconsciously.

But one of the candles unbiasedly threw out a drop of wax and flew towards Yaodong.

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably when he saw this.

This is his calculation and his hard work.

Specially prepared for Yaodong.

Drop wax! ! *

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