Chapter 288

Chapter 288 Packet Capture

Chapter 288: I’m Sorry


Charmaine White had just gone upstairs when he heard someone talking about him at the stairway. He gently took off his high heels and stood at the stairway with his shoes.

She didn’t have the habit of eavesdropping on other people, but inexplicably felt that this matter seemed to have something to do with her.

So I just want to listen.

If it really doesn’t matter if he listens to it later, then he will leave consciously, regardless of other people’s secrets.

“But now someone is investigating. If it is found out that Bai Shiman’s parents were killed by Bai Sheng, she will not be able to stay in Bai’s house anymore. We must find a way to use her in exchange for a certain amount of money. .”

Hearing these words, Charmaine Bai’s eyes widened at once.

If he heard this voice correctly, he should be Ji Yue’s cousin, who used to come to the villa to ask for money.

They all came while avoiding Bai Sheng’s absence.

“Are you a fool? I’ve already planned things for tonight. Those two people were willing to pay a high price for her first night. After it was over, we deliberately lured Lin Bei and Gu Yan27 upstairs.

“This is a good idea. If this is the case, then we can make a lot of money.”

“What the hell is going on with brother-in-law? I think he still has guilt in his heart.”

Bai Sheng, “That person,” Ji Yue sighed slightly when he said here, “It is because of guilt that he has let Charmaine Bai stay at the Bai family for so many years.

“But so what, compared with his son, these guilt is not as good as one ten thousandth of his son. He must do everything possible to make Jian’an better again.”

“Then us?”

“As long as things tonight can be successful, we will leave here with the money, and we don’t have to stay at the Bai’s house anymore. He has always kept the photo of that little bitch in his study, just like Shiman Bai.

Before she finished speaking, Liu Feifei ran up in a panic.

The two people were interrupted.


Seeing Liu Feifei running up at this time, Ji Yue couldn’t help but frown, “How did you do? Does Charmaine White drink too much now?”

“I’ll go upstairs and change my clothes first. She was surrounded by my little sisters and drinking in the middle.” Liu Feifei felt a little upset when he heard that what Ji Yue cared about was Shiman Bai.

Didn’t you see that all of her clothes were dirty?

After Liu Feifei came up, Ji and his cousin left Shiman Bai and held their mouth tightly, and couldn’t help crying.

At this time, it was not only her who heard these words, but Gu Yan and Lin Bei.

Gu Yan has known the shocking plot for a long time, so he has prepared a hangover pill, which is different from those in ordinary pharmacies that he researched on his own.

As long as one eats one, you can be a thousand cups without getting drunk.

As for Lin Bei, he had already thought of a more cruel and vicious way.

Lin Bei didn’t know Charmaine Bai. He gritted his teeth tightly when he heard these. Originally, he just wanted to breathe it out and think about what these things are like.

But I didn’t expect to hear Ji Yue’s conspiracy. It seems that all those words she said were false.

The death of Bai Shiman’s parents has nothing to do with his parents.

He doesn’t need to be ashamed!

After the three of them heard this idea, Charmaine White entered Bai Sheng’s study and no one came here tonight.

Lin Bei was looking for someone to make Liu Feifei pay the price.

As for Jiyue, just clean her up slowly in the future.

Shiman Bai entered the study, looked around inside, and found nothing. Just when she was about to give up, she saw a book on the shelf, and took the book in a mysterious way.

I turned a few pages and saw a beautiful picture.

Above is an extremely beautiful woman, wearing a dark red dress with exquisite makeup. Although the photo is a bit blurry, she was also a beauty in that era.

Charmaine Bai can recognize that this is his mother.

After the photos were released, she continued to flip through the bookshelf, and found some guilty letters, all of which were sandwiched in those books that her mother liked back then.

After reading these things, Charmaine Blanc couldn’t help taking a step back.

She hadn’t found out for so many years, and she regarded the person who killed her parents as a benefactor.

I want to give them so much money.

Do not!

Shiman Bai cried out, and then he heard the sound coming from downstairs, he quickly opened the door of the study and walked out, worrying about where to hide.

Hugging her with one hand, she fell into an embrace.

Originally wanted to struggle, but after smelling the fragrance of Gu Yan’s body, she let him hold herself.

“We will go out after they have gone.

Gu Yan hugged Shiman Bai, he had noticed that she had entered the study, so he waited at the door, Bai Sheng was also deliberately attracted by him.

The purpose is to create opportunities for him and Charmaine to get along further.

Thoroughly intensify the contradiction between Bai Shiman and Lin Bei.

Shiman Bai struggled slightly, Gu Yan whispered: “Miss Bai, I don’t want to take advantage of you, but if you go out now, it is estimated that you will never show up at the banquet tonight, and I want you to make your parents white. die?”

Hearing this last sentence, Charmaine Bai’s body was slightly stiff.

“I want to know you too, so I thoroughly investigated.”

When Bai Shiman heard this, she took a deep breath. It turns out that there are people in this world who really care about her.

Gu Yan, who has never seen him a few times, is not the Lin Bei who grew up with his childhood sweetheart.

He never respected his own ideas and never put his wishes behind.

All I think about is myself.

I’m sorry, “Miss Bai, I was abrupt.” Gu Yan finished speaking softly. There was no movement from the people outside, and she let go of the person in her arms.

There are still tears on Bai Shiman’s face, and Gu Yan handed her a handkerchief: “Dry the tears on her face. If it were me, I would personally avenge my parents.”

Miss Bai”, I’m leaving now.

When Gu Yan turned around, a wicked smile appeared on his face. He had done his business, and after the fermentation of the matter, he could achieve the effect he wanted.

He doesn’t need to keep staring anymore, Charmaine Blanc will not have a problem anyway.

“This is for Miss Bai. After eating it, you can have a thousand cups without getting drunk. Of course, if Miss Bai doesn’t want to believe me, you can just throw it away.

As soon as Gu Yan finished speaking, Shiman Bai swallowed the pill directly.

“Can Mr. Gu stay a while longer?”


Lin Bei had arranged for people to do everything, Charmaine and Liu Feifei returned to the hall again, and the two were surrounded by many rich ladies.

Ask them to drink.

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