Chapter 283

Chapter 283 Picking Ming

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Three: Picking Out

As a result, her phone rang several times before she left.

Bai Shiman was a little confused, just picked up the phone and glanced at it, and saw the message sent by a good friend.

She has only had Lin Xue a friend for so many years. She also worked with the company. A few days ago, because of a business trip, she could not help her.

Before going to bed last night, Charmaine Blanc told her everything that happened that night.

Lin Xue reminded him and said: “Lin Yan is not a good bird. He told you to drink so much alcohol. It is very likely that he is trying to calculate you.”

However, “She doesn’t normally do this kind of thing, so you should check it carefully to see if there is anyone behind her?”

After Lin Xue’s reminder, Charmaine White seemed to have some thoughts in his heart.

After seeing Lin Xue’s message again early in the morning, he was directly stunned!

“Let me tell you, Shiman, Lin Yan and the female director have all been punished. I heard that they were sent to the hotel upstairs last night. Several people took turns.”

Seeing the message sent by Xue Lin 27, Shiman Bai was slightly stunned.

What’s happening here?

Lin Xue told him so much last night, she originally planned to wait for someone to check it out after meeting with Lin Bei today.

As a result, the World Report came suddenly this morning?

Just as Charmaine Blanc was stunned, Lin Xue called her and joked as soon as she opened her mouth: “Could it be that person who helped you avenge you? Maybe…

Regarding Gu Yan, Charmaine Bai also talked to Lin Xue.

But before Lin Xue had finished speaking, Gu Yan directly denied it.

“People like him, if they really want to help me, they shouldn’t do such a bad thing, after all, this kind of thing!” Bai Shiman didn’t know what to say.

In short, in his heart, Gu Yan is the most perfect person in the world.

Wearing an elegant coat, the whole person is as noble as an emperor, it is impossible for him to do this kind of thing.

“Then who helped you out? In fact, I think there must be a mastermind behind this incident. How could the two of them target you for no reason.”

When Lin Xue said these words, she gently clenched her fist, she must help Bai Shiman check it out.

Hearing Lin Xue’s unusually angry voice over there, a smile appeared on Bai Shiman’s face.

This good friend is the best to himself.

“I know you are good to me. I have something to go out first. I will tell you what the situation is, okay?”


After hanging up the phone, Charmaine Bai was puzzled, but didn’t say much. After cleaning up, she went to the coffee shop, where she waited for Lin Bei to come over.

While waiting for Lin Bei, Charmaine Bai had many childhood scenes in his heart.

She can’t remember how she became an orphan, and when she thinks about those things when she was a child, especially about her parents, she feels a pain in her head.

I can only remember the time when I was together with Lin, the two lived on each other in the orphanage.

The people who came to the Bai family found her.

After the life trajectory of the two people was slowly changed, there was also the scene in which Bai Jianan bullied her and Lin Bei made her debut. She still remembers the bloody scene.

In fact, she shouldn’t blame Lin Bei, after all, not everyone has an obligation to rescue her, right?

Just that day, Lin Bei didn’t show up at the wedding scene, so what? There was only some disappointment in her heart. In the end, she was rescued by someone who was better than Lin Bei, and it also affected her heart.


After thinking about all these things, Charmaine Blanc suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Regarding Lin Bei as her elder brother, leaving the Bai family on her own, and pursuing the people she likes, this is what she wants to do most at the moment.

She didn’t want to care about other things.

Just after figuring out these things, Lin Bei sat opposite Charmaine Blanc with a small box in her arms. She prepared a gift for Charmaine Blanc today.


Lin Bei just yelled, and Bai Shiman’s face became serious.

Although she had figured out just now that she wanted to treat Lin Bei as her brother, but the 100 million thing really made her feel a little bit uncomfortable in her heart, and she had to make it clear.

“Lin Bei, I already know that you are fighting, and I know you are for my good, but I hope you will not do this kind of thing again in the future.

Charmaine Bai straightforwardly picks up the words, if Lin Bei goes again, then their relationship will be worse.

“I just want to help you. If you can leave the Bai family, life should be much happier than it is now?” Lin Bei’s selfishness is obvious.

But because Charmaine Blanc had already wanted to understand before he came, so now he directly rejected it fiercely.

“What do you think of me, do you use a hundred million to redeem me at the Bai family?

“In the past few years I have been at the Bai family. Although they have not treated me particularly well, they have not treated me too much, except for the fact that they asked me to marry Bai Jian’an Chongxi.

“Furthermore, even if they treat me too much, you won’t be able to redeem me with a hundred million. I’m not selling them to their house. I’m not selling myself, understand?”

“I will leave the Bai family by my own ability instead of relying on you all the time. After all, I can only count on myself.” Bai Shiman lowered his head slightly after saying these words.

When she was looking forward to Lin Bei’s return to help her, he never came back.

But now she uses another way to help it, which makes her unable to accept 250.

“Shiman,” Lin Bei lowered his head, “I have the ability to protect you now. I really want to protect you. Give me this opportunity.”

Lin Bei said that he was about to reach out for Charmaine Bai’s hand, but she suddenly retracted it.

Shaking his head gently.

“We are just brothers and sisters who grew up together, you don’t have to be like this.” Charmaine White stood up after speaking, and she was about to leave here.

Although Lin Bei could not accept what she said for a while, he would figure it out slowly.

Seeing Bai Shiman had left his opposite, Lin Bei didn’t have the courage to stand up and chase him, his heart sank little by little.


[Yes, the halo of the child of luck is weakened by 28%, the Blacken level is 32%, and the villain rewards 150,000 points)

Gu Yan thought of the system prompt, followed by the voice of the villain clicking into the account.

This system will be updated slightly every once in a while, and then some weird features will appear.

Gu Yan couldn’t help but smile when he heard the system prompt. He was sitting across from him just now, watching Bai Shiman and Lin Bei meet.

[Ding, system reminder: The life experience of the two people is slightly related, and some people make a difference from it]

life experience?

Hearing the sound coming from the system, Gu Yan couldn’t help frowning.

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