Chapter 271

Chapter 271: I’m back late

Chapter 271: I’m coming back late

Hearing Gu Yan’s words, Charmaine Bai’s heart ignited a glimmer of hope.

It seems that this person is really willing to help her.

“Gu, Shao Gu,” Bai Sheng felt a panic suddenly surged in his heart when he heard Gu Yan’s words. He lowered his head, with big drops of sweat falling down.

“Gu Shao, this Bai Shiman is the adopted daughter of our family. Our aunt Bai Jian’an had a strange illness some time ago. Some people say that it is necessary to go to Xi to get better, so…

In the following words, Bai Sheng felt that he couldn’t speak anymore.

Because it seems to be nonsense.

“Who said it?”

“You have lived so many years, do you still believe in those superstitions~?”

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows lightly. He was like a king who overlooked the whole world. Sitting here at this time, there was an impeccable temperament and gloomy aura that made many people dare not-look up at him.

It’s a bit scary.

Yum really felt that he couldn’t bear this kind of pressure, but if he didn’t use this method, then his son would

Thinking of his son’s end, Bai Sheng felt as if a hand was grabbing his heart, and he felt painful.


Gu Yan hummed softly again, Bai Sheng’s hands were shaking.

“Since you are the adopted daughter of your family, Chongxi should also switch to another person. Outsiders look like brothers and sisters are married, which is a bit embarrassing.” Gu Yan’s words lightly, like a huge bomb, hit Bai Sheng heavily. In the heart.

Similarly, it was also in the heart of Charmaine next to him.

Hope rose in Bai Shiman’s heart. She clenched her fist tightly. Originally thought that Lin Bei would come back at this time, and anyway, she would be able to rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering.

After all, he had promised himself before, didn’t he?


Facing the tremendous pressure of Gu Yan, Bai Sheng couldn’t even say a rebuttal now. He was really nervous.


“You kid, how bad is our Bai family’s good deeds? Don’t think that my father treats you respectfully. You can

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yan waved his hand gently and the man flew out, farther than the next kid from the Bai family just now. After hitting the wall of the auditorium, he fell off.

Stop breathing directly!

Seeing the blood from the corners of his mouth, not only Bai Sheng, but also everyone next to him was stunned.

This Gu Yan…

“Gu Shao,” I don’t know what happened, Bai Sheng suddenly gained courage, “This is my adopted son after all, you do this_

“What’s wrong with me?”

Gu Yan stood up from where he was. Seeing that the time was almost up, he suddenly stepped onto the stage and stared at Charmaine Blanc in front of him, “Is someone bullying you, don’t you dare to resist?”

Shiman Bai’s two hands gently pinched her wedding dress. She had imagined for countless times that she could wear a white and beautiful wedding dress to marry the person she likes.

This time wearing a wedding dress is indeed to satisfy the wishes of the Bai family.

To be precise, it is to repay the favor.

Because after Lin Bei had left, if she hadn’t been adopted by the Bai family, she would have probably already died on the street.

It is impossible to live to the present.

“I…” Bai Shiman coughed and gasped and did not speak. Bai Sheng saw that he could not attack Gu Yan, but he could attack her.

“Bai Shiman, don’t forget, if it weren’t for our Bai family to adopt you, you would be dead by now!”

A heavy sentence smashed into Bai Shiman’s heart, she tightly pinched the corner of her skirt, and tears fell down, and everyone felt sorry for him in this way.

A beauty who is all over the country and the city is forced to such a situation.

Immediately afterwards, Charmaine White suddenly raised her head, as if Gu Yan by her side gave her courage.

She looked up at Bai Sheng and said softly: “Dad, I thank you for adopting me so that I can live until now, but I really can’t marry your brother, so I’m sorry, if you need me to repay me. If so, I can repay it in any way in the future.”

After speaking, Charmaine Blanc felt a lot more comfortable in her heart.

She didn’t have this kind of courage before, because she had no backing.


Thinking of this incident, Bai Shiman’s face began to become flustered again. Today, Gu Yan only met him in peace, so there was him once, but it does not mean that he will be able to become his backing in the future.


“Come with me.” Gu Yan stretched out his hand gently.

Shiman Bai hesitated for a long time, and finally pushed all the thoughts back to the back of his head, gently placed a hand on the palm of Gu Yan’s palm, and was led by him to leave the auditorium.

………For flowers…

Regardless of the consequences, she must follow Gu Yan today.

Just because at this moment, Gu Yan became his salvation.

[Ding, the host changes the plot of the original book and rewards the villain with 150,000 points)

After the sound of the system sounded, Gu Yan smiled slightly and tightened when he pulled Shiman Bai, the temperature came up, warming Shiman Bai’s palm, and also warming his heart.


Gu Yan had just left here with Shiman Bai, when a beautifully dressed woman rushed up, knelt on the ground and began to cry overwhelmingly.

“What should we do now? What should our son do? Why didn’t you come just now? Why did you let that little bitch leave!”


Mrs. Bai has always hated Charmaine, because she feels that she is too coquettish and seems to have a pair of eyes that seduce men everywhere.

“That’s Gu Yan, do you know Gu Yan?”

“I care who he is, what I care most about is my son now!” Mrs. Bai shouted loudly, a slap from the next life had fallen on his face, because he saw the people around Gu Yan .

Everyone hasn’t forgotten the fate of that side boy just now.

“If you say more, you will get out of here!”

Bai Sheng pointed to her angrily and his hands were shaking. He couldn’t do anything. Even if he was reluctant to let his son go, no one would dare to stop the person Gu Yan wanted to take away.

Even the demons are going to go viral, as long as Gu Yan is offended, then the family is a dead end.

In the end, the incident ended in a farce.

Those who came to the wedding also scattered. After all, the Visible Gu Yan who appeared here today is a figure they can’t afford to offend.

But after I went out, today’s matter became everyone’s after-dinner talk.

Let’s talk about the head office, anyway, the Bai family can’t cover the sky with one hand.

On the other side, Lin Bei rushed back immediately after receiving the news. When he came to Jin’an Road, he was stopped by a rampage car.

He wanted to get out of the car, but before he got out of the car, the door was kicked up, and he got out of the car angrily.

What I saw was the face of a very coquettish woman. and

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