Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Yaodong, the heroine with the greatest contrast

After Gu Yan went downstairs, he drove away from here.

Destination, Jinlan International Building!

The place where the Tianding rally is held!

Lin Bai is dead, the sky and the earth have been set up, and Gu Yan’s performance is left.

Yaodong… Yang Chen… Wang Zilong.

Everyone has their value.

Gu Yan wants to squeeze out their value one by one!

As for the woman who just scratched her head at Gu Yan downstairs.

It is also the common mistress of Wang Zilong and Lin Bai, “Sasha”.

This woman can’t stay either.

But it is obvious.

Gu Yan just wanted to shoot her in broad daylight, unrealistic.

But he didn’t worry about what Sasha would expose, because she hadn’t seen anything and knew nothing.

A useless woman.

Just leave it to Wang Zilong to solve it, or let him suffocate when the time comes?

After all, I was wearing a hat on my head, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to change…

Not to mention Lin Bai, who wears a hat for Wang Zilong, in a sense, is the person who indirectly harmed him!

No Lin Bai!

Gu Yan’s plan will never go so smoothly.

If Wang Zilong has any other ideas and doesn’t deal with Salsa, it will not be too late for Gu Yan to make a move.

The final result will not be changed at all.

Jinlan International Building.

One of the landmark buildings of the Magic City, with a total of 32 floors, a multi-functional building integrating catering, entertainment, and commerce.

The consumption here is extremely high.

Even if it is a casual meal in the lowest standard restaurant, consumption starts in four digits.

The paradise of high society.

The second generation and daughters come here to consume, and corporate capitalists come here to talk about things and talk about cooperation.

After Gu Yan parked his car in the underground garage, leaning on the invitation letter from Tianding rally, he directly got on the VIP elevator.

The Tianding rally was held on the top floor of Jinlan International Building, and the party injected capital to cover the entire floor.

And the invitation system is strictly adopted, and those who do not have an invitation letter are not allowed to enter.

The size of the assembly is also limited to 20 people.

Those who can participate in this rally are all the elites, the capitals of the capital!

Gu Yan has an invitation letter, and it is natural to enjoy the highest standard of treatment.


Gu Yan did not go directly to the 32nd floor, but went to the 17th floor.

The elevator doors opened.

The surrounding sight dimmed suddenly, and the blurred and colorful lights were struck down by the professional instruments on the ceiling, and they flickered quickly.

Young men and women dressed in cool clothes walked around here, hooking their backs and talking and laughing.

Look to the left.

In the center of the whole floor, there is a building similar to a cave structure. The lights inside are mostly purple, blue, and yellow, which are not dazzling lights, which are constantly changing.

Above is a huge led light board, and the font on it is “Blues Nightclub.”

Countless young men and women lined up and paid to enter the door.

Before entering the blues bar, each of them will also wear a half-mask at the door that covers only half of their face and exposes their eyes, and the bodyguards will allow them to enter.

Next to the bar, there is a striking sign with four big letters flashing.

“Masked ball.”

Inside the blues nightclub.

Shaking lights, deafening music, on the dance floor, the masked crowd shook their bodies without restraint, and the air was filled with hormones.

Here, there are no worries, no sorrows, only with the rhythm of the music, follow your heart, and carry out the most primitive release!

Gu Yan sat in the VIP table.

Even if he wears a mask, this half-wear style can’t cover his entire face at all.

The outline of the handsome face, the nose and thin lips, and a pair of deep, Gujing Wubo eyes.

In addition, VIP seats with an opening fee of up to six figures.

Naturally attracted the attention of countless women.

After Gu Yan refused the tenth woman’s kind invitation.

Open a bottle of whiskey and decide for yourself.

Spicy alcohol entered the throat, and the blurred lights kept flickering.

Gu Yan’s face is always flat.

He is not interested in everything around him and everyone around him, just like watching a somewhat funny mime.

Came to Jinlan International Building one hour in advance, just for now!

Meet Yaodong, one of the heroines of the original book, at the blues club!


The chairman of Magic Blue Fashion, the vice chairman of Tianding Gathering, worth more than 10 billion yuan, was rated as one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in the city.

She is very beautiful, even so beautiful that she became a story in the former magic capital, and people call her “the flower of the magic capital.”

It means a thorny rose!

Yaodong started from nothing, and has been up and down for more than ten years, step by step, and her strong mannerism and domineering style have even made countless male entrepreneurs feel ashamed and willing to go downhill!

There are many people richer and powerful than Yaodong, but few dare to provoke her.

Because as long as Yaodong is not pressed to death for the first time, she will launch an unscrupulous and frantic counterattack in a short period of time!

At the same time, Yaodong is also wise, and his interpersonal handling is perfect.

She can reach a friendly and cooperative relationship with anyone in one day, as long as she wants.

There are countless men who have pursued Yaodong, and some of them even jumped off the building to force them.

But no matter what the process is, Yaodong will refuse and end up perfectly. Not only can he continue to maintain the interest relationship, but he can also hold 100% of the initiative.

Her titles are too numerous to count.

In the original book, Yaodong was also the person who helped Ye Tian the most, not one of them!

Ye Tianneng pretended to slap her face in the magic city, pushing all the way, and Yaodong’s support and advice was indispensable.

But Gu Yan knows more than just this.

In Yaodong, because her father died of alcohol, her mother jumped from the building with grief. She was sent to an orphanage and then taken away by a woman prone to domestic violence.

The shadow of childhood, not only did not crush her, on the contrary, it caused an unprecedented change in her psychology!

She wants to be strong enough to never live by relying on a man like her own biological mother!

She wants to live out herself and control her own destiny!

But Yaodong is still a human being after all, she is still a woman, and her psychological defenses are far less powerful than imagined.

Despite the most difficult period, the injustice of fate still left a mark on her.

Severe psychological disorder, masochistic tendency.

Also known as shaking m!

She was suffering and entangled, and she didn’t dare to face reality at all, and even for a while in Yaodong, she didn’t even dare to look in the mirror, because she was afraid of seeing that humiliating herself!

But she is nearly thirty years old.

The combination of masochistic tendencies and some strange needs made her think extraordinarily!

Yaodong finally faced her own quirks squarely, and she began to vent in other ways.

For example, gambling, such as drinking, such as doing some exciting sports, such as horse riding or drag racing, to relieve psychological pressure!

This is why Gu Yan came to the blues club one hour early!

Because Yaodong will also come, she needs to decompress this way before participating in the Tianding rally!

She can be the most shining queen in the nightclub the last moment, and then she can wear luxurious dresses and participate in the Tianding rally in the next moment, and can do well in the upper class.

The heroine with the greatest contrast in the original book!

The most exhausting heroine who holds all the secrets in her heart and cannot be released for a long time!

ps: After the 4D update is complete, the author wakes up to sleep and continues to write.

The book review area is so deserted, is there a big boss to warm it up? *

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