Chapter 261

Chapter 261 Asking for Help

Chapter 261: I’m Sorry

Shen Wanqi stood there listening to the discussion of those colleagues, and her heart was particularly uncomfortable.

He clenched his fists tightly, then pretended that he hadn’t heard anything, and approached the top president’s office directly. At this time, the old man Shen was still working, and his face was full of sad expressions.

Because the company encountered an economic crisis, the whole Huadu incident has spread to a lot of rumors.


Shen Wanqi went into the office and yelled to Master Shen softly before she raised her head in front of the computer.

At first, he frowned, as if the storm was about to come.

When she saw Shen Wanqi, she smiled all over her face.

“Wanqi, you are here.” Master Shen walked over, watching her open those rice boxes, then frowned and said, “If it is too troublesome in the future, you don’t have to send it over. It’s also true that I go to the restaurant with the staff. the same.

Although the change of her daughter really made Master Shen very happy, she didn’t want her daughter to work so hard.

And if you have been coming to the company recently, you are likely to hear some gossip.

This is what Elder Shen didn’t want his daughter to hear.


Shen Wanqi took out all the boxes, and all of them were the dishes that Mr. Shen liked to eat.

“Now I am not as busy as before, and I also know how big mistakes I made before. Now I am making up for you, so I hope you can accept it, Dad.”

Shen Wanqi lowered her head. When Mr. Shen saw such a daughter, he also felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

“The food has been delivered, so I will leave first. I am going to hand in the design draft today.”

After speaking, Shen Wanqi walked outside the door. Master Shen wanted to say something, but found that she couldn’t say a word.

There seems to be nothing to say.

It seems that I don’t know how to speak.

Master Shen sighed deeply until he saw his daughter had left the office.

If this time the economic crisis can be passed smoothly, then Master Shen decided to tell Shen Wanqi everything, including his previous decisions.

If not, if the company goes bankrupt, the family can live a peaceful life in the future.

Thinking of this in my heart, the old man felt a lot more comfortable.

Even if it is bankrupt, it will not affect it.

“President Shen.” Just as Shen Wanqi left, a middle-aged man walked in. This was the most powerful assistant to Master Shen, “Our company still has about one million funds, but now we have to leave it to employees to pay wages. , Or we will talk to the staff first


Of course Master Shen knew what the idea was to help his ideals, so he just rejected it.

Interrupting him, “Our Shen Group will never owe employees’ wages. Don’t slap us in the face. Even if there is only one million in working capital in the end, it will all be used to pay wages, and there is no need to invest in the company.”

These people in the company are just ordinary employees. They still have to live. If something goes wrong with the company, they cannot help with difficulties.

Because they will not have any share in the future, no one will do such a stupid thing.

After Shen Wanqi left the Shen Group, she went straight to the Liu Group.

Now the Liu Group and the Zheng family have a very shallow relationship, so when he went there, he found that there was no sign of bankruptcy, and no one was discussing the economic crisis.

Everyone is working very well.

“It turned out to be Miss Shen!” Li Meng appeared in front of Shen Wanqi. He just looked up and the woman recognized him, without any expression on her face.

“I want to see Liu Quan!”

Shen Wanqi put on her own attitude directly. Li Meng saw her like this and couldn’t help but snorted, “I heard that you broke up with our CEO Liu, and now I come to the company to act as a female director. I think that Mr. Liu has become the only heir to the Zheng family, so I want to come to Pan Gaozhi.”

Pan Gaozhi?

Shen Wanqi sneered in her heart, Liu Quan is not very good, and my secretary is really bad.

It looks disgusting, and the perfume smell is particularly strong.

“You should use inferior perfume, I think you can change it, because Liu Quan doesn’t like the smell!”

After Chen Wanqi finished speaking, she slammed away from Li Meng and walked to the top floor, where Liu Quan’s office was.

I saw them before I walked to Liu Quan’s office.

When Liu Quan saw Chen Wanqi, there was a touch of joy in his eyes, as if he had forgotten the things she had done before.

Seeking flowers…

“Wanqi, you…

“If I remember correctly, my dad once lent you two million when you started your business. Now you should return it to me. From then on, we will pay the bill. “If it is possible, Shen Wanqi will never want to see it again in this life. Liu Quan.

But she must get back the two million that her father gave him last time.

Come to help the Shen Group through the difficulties.

“Two million?” Liu Quan was very happy when she saw Shen Wanqi, but when she heard her say this, the unhappiness in her heart instantly surfaced.

Everyone knows that the entire Huadu has fallen into an economic crisis, especially those big companies that have encountered difficulties and are now looking for money to turn around.

Although Liu Quan’s company was saved, the Zheng family’s company has now encountered an unprecedented crisis, and it needs millions of dollars to survive this difficulty.

He has given all his extra money to the Zheng family.

Because the Zheng family will be his property from now on.

But now that Shen Wanqi comes to the door, he can’t afford to pay at all.

“Don’t you deny it?” Shen Wanqi approached step by step, her eyes were full of coldness, and Liu Quan was not given any opportunity to defend her.

Liu Quan couldn’t help but sneered when he saw him like this.

My heart hurts like I was stabbed by a knife.

“If you have the ability, go find that wild man, that person will definitely help you, don’t come to me, I have no money!” I don’t know why, seeing Shen Wanqi’s attitude towards herself, Liu Quan felt special in her heart pain.

They were obviously the best couples, and he also wanted to wait until the company was on the right track before starting to propose.

Give her a grand wedding.

But why has it become like this now?


Everything is because of Gu Yan. If he hadn’t gotten a foot in it, everything would not have become like this.

Shen Wanqi stared at Liu Quan for a few times. When she finally left, she said word by word: “I will use other methods to make you pay for my two million. I don’t care about you now, but please take care of you in the future. The dog around!

The person talking about is Li Meng!

When Shen Wanqi had just left, Liu Quan, who heard this, looked at Li Meng next to her.

Immediately “Go to the finance and settle the salary, and then get out!” and,

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