Chapter 252

Chapter 252 The Child of Fortune Aura has been activated

Chapter 252: Aura of the Child of Luck has been activated

“It turned out to be Mr. Gu!”

Shen Wanqi yelled softly, and then immediately walked in, pressing her two hands on the counter lightly, then raised her head and whispered: “Mr. Gu, is there anyone here who can detoxify?

All this was planned by Gu Yan, so when she heard Shen Wanqi’s words, there was no surprised expression on his face.

Just glanced at her lightly, and then sat down at the counter opposite her.

“What do you want to detoxify?”

He had just said his words, and Shen Wanqi’s trembling hands stopped shaking, as if his voice fell in her heart like a natural sound, like a particularly magical attraction.

In an instant, she felt that her mood had eased a lot.

It seems that no matter what happens, as long as you see Gu Yan on February 20, you can feel very relaxed.

This thought just surfaced in Shen Wanqi’s heart, she immediately patted the signs, and gave the man in front of her a light look. She was handsome, handsome, tall and mighty, and exuded all over her body.

And he is just an ordinary person, but also for a man to sever the relationship with his family.

How can you be worthy of him again?

Do not!

Shen Wanqi shook her head gently. After Shen Wanqi calmed down, “I don’t know what the poison is, but a doctor in the neighboring city asked me to come here to find someone who can detoxify, Mr. Gu, the one who detoxified. Is it you?”

Shen Wanqi put a hand on the table, she looked into Gu Yan’s eyes, really wanting to get the answer.

In fact, she had already acquiesced that the person who would detoxify was Gu Yan.

Because he is so elegant and perfect, he is sure to do all the good things in the world.

“It’s me, but I have to see the poisoned person with my own eyes.” After Gu Yan admitted, Shen Wanqi let out a sigh of relief for some reason.

It seems that everything can get better with Gu Yan.

“The poisoned person is my father. He is in my house now. I will take you there now. Can you see it?”


After hearing Gu Yan’s promise, Shen Wanqi showed a bright smile on her face, and then immediately invited Gu Yan into the car parked at the door.

Her father had an accident and she couldn’t care about it anymore, so she moved back home in the past two days. When we came today, she also drove the car Wenqing gave her.

Just as Gu Yan got on the car, Shen Wanqi went around to the regular price, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car galloped out like a sharp sword, but she didn’t expect all of this to fall into Liu Quan’s eyes.

Liu Quan didn’t wonder why Shen Wanqi didn’t return to their rental house.

But I wondered why he didn’t go to work, so I wanted to come and have a look in person. After following Shen Wanqi all the way to Yunshantang, I knew that he must have come to see a doctor. At that time, Liu Quan’s heart jumped sharply.

If Shen Wanqi really knew it, it was she who killed his father.


The consequences could be disastrous.

He hid in the dark and watched, but he did not expect that Shen Wanqi brought out an extremely handsome man, wearing the most ordinary clothes, with one hand in his trouser pocket, but he still couldn’t conceal his aristocracy.

Liu Quan can conclude at a glance that this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

Then who is he!

Doubts surfaced in his mind, especially when he saw the bright smile on Shen Wanqi’s face, Liu Quan felt that his mentality had exploded.

Recently, the relationship between the two of them has been extremely stale.

It’s been a long time since I saw her smile from the heart.

Obviously he is her boyfriend, why does she have to smile so happily at another man?

No, no!

Envy came to my heart, Liu Quan took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number marked as a star, and the person on the other side had just connected.

He said directly: “I’ll send you a photo later, and you can help me investigate who the man in there is. I want all his information not to be missed at all!”

The other side didn’t know what was said, he hung up the phone and sent the photo.

After the photo was sent, a voice was attached.

“Be sure to give me all the news about this person.”

As for Tian Dong, who was guarding in front of the computer, after seeing the photo, he couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows, and then pinched his nose.

This Liu Quan is looking for death by himself.

The person above is obviously Gu Yan, and he still wants all his information, is it a dream?

“I can’t find the information about this person. Please ask Gao Ming…After Tian Dong responded, he told Gu Yan about the incident. Now he is sitting in Shen Wanqi’s car and heading straight to Shen’s house. .

Seeing Tiandong’s message, Gu Yan showed a playful smile on his face.

This thing is really getting more and more interesting.

“Just reveal a little news, let him divide 10% of your company’s shares, and after it falls, you can take over this company.”

Although Gu Yan’s money has not been used up many times, there are things that were delivered for nothing.

Even if the news is revealed, no one in this world can deal with him.

They are not worthy!

I don’t have the guts!

Seeing Gu Yan’s reply, Tian Dong showed a nice smile on his face. If anyone sees it, it must be the smile of the country and the city.

One look at Qingcheng’s eyes, and two look at Qingcheng’s country.

It’s probably a beauty like Tiandong, and she belongs to the kind of sexy and coquettish, people can’t stop thinking about her.

It is really “more and more interesting, such a man can meet my appetite.” Tiandong said to himself, and then quickly typed a message on the interface.

“If I share 10% of my shares, I can tell you that this person’s identity is unusual!”

Seeing the news from the other side, Liu Quan was so angry that he almost threw the phone away, but when he thought of seeing that person by himself, he was so extravagant that he knew what the person said was true.


After agreeing to 3.5, I quickly typed some Gu Yan’s basic information on the interface, and finally ordered.

“This is not an offensive person, you have to be cautious!”

When Liu Quan heard these words, he couldn’t stop sneering at the corners of his mouth. As long as he was powerful and powerful, even the king Laozi could deal with it.

At this moment, he felt something surging all over his body.

[Ding, the aura of the child of luck is activating, the integrity of the aura of the child of luck is 100%]

Gu Yan had just arrived downstairs in the Shen’s house, and suddenly a reminding voice came in his mind. He was taken aback for a moment and then showed a very nice smile at the corner of his mouth.

There was danger and joking in it.

“Mr. Gu!” Shen Wanqi found that Gu Yan hadn’t followed, and she just saw the smile when she looked back.

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