Chapter 249

Chapter 249 Critically Ill Again

Chapter 249: I’m Sorry


The two people looked at each other, and Liu Quan ran out quickly, but no one saw it.

He was slightly puzzled, and then walked inside. The old man hiding by the side took a deep breath. When Liu Quan ran out just now, he saw it. friend.

Originally, I was thinking, if this time Liu Quan really won the championship of the computer virtual competition.

The old man wanted to call them back for a meal.

Although Shen Wanqi said that she would cut off the relationship with their Shen family, but she was also her own daughter after all, and she only had this child.

But I didn’t expect

The old man was so shocked that he walked out two steps gently. When he was about to turn around, he accidentally ran into a nurse.

“Master Shen, your health is still not very good, you must take a good rest, don’t go out and wander around.

“Okay, okay.

After giving birth and answering, he hurriedly walked into the ward, but these conversations were heard by Liu Quan and that person.

The man still turned his back to Liu Quan, and after hearing this, he smiled slightly.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to let the old man discover that Liu Quan did all of this matter. He didn’t expect that the passing nurse Taoist helped him by mistake.

It seems that her luck is really good.

“Ha ha.”

When he wanted to play so much in his heart, the man made a sneer, and Liu Quan was a little creepy.

Liu Quan was not a fool either, so he immediately stretched out his hand and prepared to pull him.

She drew a step back suddenly, her eyes became cold, and she suppressed her voice and said, “You don’t think I did this thing, do you? If I deliberately let the old man know that you did it, I will show the evidence directly. Isn’t it all right in front of him?”

“But why are you looking for me at this juncture?

Liu Quan still felt strange.

I had the courage to cooperate with him last night, but I didn’t expect that things would turn out like this after the cooperation.

this person.…

His eyes dimmed, maybe this person could not be believed.

“If you don’t believe me, then forget it. You’d better think of a solution first. If the old man talks to Chen Wanqi about your hand, I guess you will lose money and money. Believe it or not?”

Hearing the words “people and wealth”, Liu Quan’s voice thumped and jumped.

Do not!

His eyes suddenly became fierce. Shen Wanqi was his girlfriend in college. It is not easy for the two of them to walk now, let alone the industry that they have worked so hard to establish.

Although the first pot of gold really came here a bit inexplicable, but now he simply can’t manage so much.

It’s already going crazy.

“You make your own decision!” The man quickly left the corridor after speaking. After Liu Quan stood quietly there for a long time, he slowly raised his head with a terrifying expression in his eyes.

No one is allowed to snatch the things he finally got.

Absolutely not!

When the old man returned to the ward and sat on the bed, he felt that his heart was beating very fast. After thinking for a while, he got out of bed again and was about to go to the next place to take a look at the two people.

Just when he walked to the door, Liu Quan was already standing in front of him with a smile.

“Uncle Shen.

Liu Quan yelled, and Mr. Shen knew if he could not leave.

He was stunned, then turned back to the ward, returned to the bed and sat again, unnaturally pressing a button with one hand, and then looked at the incoming person indifferently and said, “What are you doing?”

“Uncle Shen, I have something I want to talk to you.”

Wen Qing and Shen Wanqi went out shopping. On the way, they asked her about their recent relationship with Liu Quan.

Because I didn’t want my father to worry about it, I always praised Liu Quan for self-study last night.

“In this case, waiting for the end of this computer virtual entrepreneurship competition, you will take him back to your father to meet him, and you will be forgiven after all. After all, you are the only daughter.” Wen Qing tightly Holding Shen Wanqi’s hand.

Their home is still harmonious.

Although Wenqing married in later and was much younger than Mr. Shen, she has always been good to Shen Wanqi.

“Thank you, Mom.

The two people smiled and walked into the hospital, but they heard the sound of the alarm before they reached the VIP ward upstairs.

“problem occurs!”

The sound above the corridor became louder. Shen Wanqi could judge that it was from the upper floor. She immediately ran upstairs and walked to the top of the stairs. Sure enough, she saw the nurses hurriedly running down the corridor.

It was the direction of Mr. Shen’s ward.

After a slight daze, the bread in Shen Wanqi’s hand fell to the ground, and he rushed to the door of Mr. Shen as quickly as possible.

I saw that the old man’s body was already filled with pipes, and he was pushing it out.

“What happened to my dad?”

“You should belong to Mr. Shen’s daughter. Come with us to sign and tell you later.” Shen Wanqi was dragged over in a daze, Wen Qing also stumbled and ran to the door of the emergency room.

Father Shen was sent in, and the two of them stayed in a daze.

They just went out for a trip, how could such a big thing happen.

how come?

“You two are the family members of Mr. Shen? About an hour later, a doctor walked out of it, and the two nodded.

The doctor sighed, “I don’t know why the old man’s heart suddenly dropped. Before that, he sounded the alarm. When we ran over, we found that the door of the window was open. Our hospital has now called the police and is ready to investigate. ”

“who is it?”

Wen Qing stepped forward, and Shen Wanqi’s heart also mentioned her throat.

Who on earth wanted to harm her father!

“We don’t know yet, I’m sorry (it’s), this is our mistake, but now things have happened, I hope the two can

“Little mom!

Before the doctor finished speaking, Wen Qing fainted. She really couldn’t stand the shock.

Shen Wanqi yelled, and then hurriedly helped the person up. After the last toss, the little mother lay in the ward, and she came to the emergency room alone to guard the old man Shen.

It’s been six hours, but no one has come out yet.

“What’s the matter?” hurriedly walking around in front of the hospital, Shen Wanqi is now extremely embarrassed, her body is dirty, and there are still tears on her face.


At this moment, Liu Quan appeared behind him carrying something.

“You, weren’t you at the door of the ward when I left with my little mother? Where did you go?” Shen Wanqi asked Liu Quan anxiously, as if she wanted an answer from him.

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