Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Cultivate first and then kill

Chapter 232: I’m Sorry

Is it?

A not-so-good idea appeared in Gu Yan’s mind.

“Is it necessary to train him first, let him become the person standing at the top, and then play him bit by bit, wait for him to go to the cloud and drag him to hell!

This is a very exciting gameplay, but Gu Yan never thought that this kind of game would appear in the system.

After Gu Yan’s thoughts came out, there was still no movement in the system.

He was slightly disappointed.

It seems that the rules of the game are not like this.

While being disappointed, the voice of the system suddenly rang.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for guessing the gameplay and rewarding villains with 150,000 points]

After the sound of the system rang, Gu Yan curled his lips helplessly.

It’s really interesting, was it stuck just now?

“Then I will follow this procedure according to “One Eighty Seven”.” After talking to himself, Gu Yan straightened up and looked at the person next to him.

Liu Quan, let’s play slowly.

Now Liu Quan is just an ordinary person, let Gu Yan bring him some opportunities, and then rely on his own business perception to become a powerful person.

Then it was time for the game.

Let Liu Quan know that with Gu Yan’s existence, the two fought fiercely.


The more Gu Yan thinks about it, the more interesting it becomes. It’s even more interesting than the previous games. It destroys the person he has cultivated little by little.

Finally let him know the truth of everything.

It’s so cool.

“Brother Gu Yan.” Ye Liuli yelled softly, Gu Yan retracted his gaze, and then went on to the opposite cafe.

The system has prompted the next episode.

If according to the book, Liu Quan will wait a while to go to the antique market, first buy something there with his sharp eyes, and then exchange it for the first pot of gold.

Then I accidentally saved a person on the side of the road, and then met a big business man in Huadu.

Immediately afterwards, he began to develop his career, and finally stood at the top of Huadu, even far surpassing Zhou Gui.

As for the heroine of this book, her name is Shen Wanqi. Now the two of them are already lovers, and they have had a very difficult time.

After that, the relationship between the two of them was pretty good. This book is not the kind of particularly powerful protagonist, but slowly grows up.

Then began to pretend to slap her face.

This book is like Ye Tian’s book. There is a very crucial link. After Liu Quan met a noble person, he also had the first pot of gold, and the money was still not enough.

So Shen Wanqi needs to go back and beg her father to borrow a sum of money.

The plot in the book is that Shen Wanqi went, and indeed borrowed a large sum of money, and then successfully opened the company. With the advantage of Liu Quan himself, the company was embarked in just half a year. On track.

And he himself is a computer master, that is, the kind of top hacker.

What Gu Yan has to do now is to promote development from it, but in this process, Shen Wanqi must be gradually disappointed in Liu Quan.

Only then can future plans be implemented.

After figuring it out, the two people had already sat down in the coffee shop. Before Gu Yan had time to speak, Ye Liuli had already carried the computer out and snapped on it.

By the time she finished her coffee, Ye Liuli had already given out all the information about Liu Quan.

“Liu Li is really getting smarter and smarter.” He didn’t say any polite remarks, but gave a slight compliment.

A sweet smile appeared on Ye Liuli’s face.

When I was with Gu Yan, Ye Liuli was very at ease, because he had been together for a long time, so he understood what he was thinking.

Always do everything well before Gu Yan has said it.

This is one of the main reasons why Gu Yan always brings Ye Liuli wherever he goes.

Because he is obedient and well-behaved.

“Brother Gu Yan is happy. “Now Ye Liuli also likes to play the same games as Gu Yan, but she never makes her own way, she always obeys Gu Yan’s instructions.

The eyes of the two people met for a while, and everything started naturally.

Gu Yan went to the antique market.

According to what the book says, Liu Quan will come to the antique market in half an hour and choose a small box that looks very inconspicuous, with a very valuable bead inside.

I exchanged this bead for the first pot of gold.

Gu Yan came to the antique market and got off. In order not to be noticeable, he deliberately wore a white baseball cap with one hand in his pocket…

But because of his amazing temperament, many people noticed him. From the moment he walked in, everyone watched him, and then saw the hawker next to him, shouting loudly.

“Boss, come and have a look, I have good Hetian Yu here.

“Boss boss, this Liu Wanwan bottle here is a genuine product from the Qing Dynasty, don’t believe you come and take a look.”

“Boss, this one here is the Chuan Guoyu Seal!”

As soon as he walked into the antique market, Gu Yan found that the hawkers inside were extremely exaggerated, and he even took out the jade seal of the country.

It must be a pirated version.

Finally, he stopped in front of an antique vendor. This is a Buddhist owner lying in a wicker chair sleeping, covering his face with a newspaper, as if he didn’t want to sell something.


Gu Yan yelled softly, and the person sleeping on the recliner suddenly straightened up, then took off the newspaper from his face, and said with a sleepy look: “If you look good, you can ask me about the price. Don’t bargain. ”

While talking, he picked up the fan next to him and shook it calmly.

After I woke up completely, I saw Gu Yan’s face, and the boss’s eyes were straight.

Before he could react, Gu Yan looked straight at the boss. He felt trembling all over, and the person’s eyes were terrible.

The imperial temperament is extremely precious.

Looking at him, he felt that his whole body was numb.

“That 3.5,” the boss stammered. “This gentleman, if you see something, just say it.”

Gu Yan gently touched the small black box with his finger. The boss immediately took the small black box out as soon as he saw it, and then smiled and said, “Mr. and I have a good relationship with you, and this item will be given to you, anyway. It’s not a valuable thing either.

The boss is anxious now and wants to send this person away as soon as possible.

Standing in front of him, the pressure is too great.

He is just an ordinary person.

After some conversation, the boss still insisted on stuffing Gu Yan, he put down two hundred yuan bills, and then walked slowly towards the intersection ahead.

After buying this thing, Liu Quan could not get the first pot of gold.

But he will guide him to buy another item, which is more valuable.

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