Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Character Hidden Card! Ye Tian is only good for base

Gu Yan raised his eyes and responded indifferently.

With the consent of Gu Yan.

Yang Xuming straightened up and greeted Gu Wanshan, Gu Mu, and even Ye Liuli one after another.


He only didn’t say hello to the Su family, as if he hadn’t seen it, completely ignored!

Regarding this situation, Su Qingyue just lowered her beautiful eyes and said nothing.

But the other elders are a bit unable to sit still!

What’s the situation?

Why does Yang Xuming respect Gu Yan so much?

And… also directly ignored the Su family?

You must know that if we only talk about the closeness of cooperation, the friendship between the Su Group and Yang Xuming is far greater than that of the Gu Group!

Su De and Yang Xuming were even good brothers who confided in the wine, and they even worshipped a man at one point!

“Lao Yang, what’s your situation? Can’t see me?” Su De asked with a frown.

“Sorry Old Brother Su.”

Yang Xuming looked at Su De lightly and said, “Now, I only stand with Master Gu.”

After speaking, he walked directly in front of Gu Yan, took out a file, and slowly opened it.

The two parents wanted to say something.

But when Yang Xuming took out a few contracts from the folder, they were simply dumbfounded!

It’s not just them!

Even Su Qingyue’s eyes that were as beautiful as autumn water couldn’t help shrinking.

A total of six documents!

Yang Xuming didn’t evade anyone, and the head of the contract was in bold and black font, everyone could see clearly what was written on it at a glance!

There are five documents that appear to be “Dingsheng Financial Private Equity Fund Cooperation Agreement!”

The other one is “Instructions for the Transfer of Dingsheng Financial Equity!”

Just a few words.

But it gave everyone an extreme shock!

Not to mention the five cooperation agreements of private equity funds, this is what countless powerful and powerful people in the magic capital want to get.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Xuming was able to flourish in the magic city.

This is something that even Su De and Gu Wanshan couldn’t refuse, thinking about it!

There is another…

This is too exaggerated.

Instructions for equity transfer!

What concept?

Many people in the upper class know Yang Xuming’s deeds, and they also know that this person has been poor all the way, and he can no longer value his today.

This is a group he has built with tears and blood for decades!

It is also a company that he owns 100% holding!

Just think about it, how shocking the four words of “equity transfer” are!

“Gu Gongzi, you sign, these things will take effect.”

Yang Xuming ignored the gaze of the people around him, and quickly took out a pen from his pocket, “I have prepared the pen, Master Gu, please.”

His current expression revealed a trace of anxiety.

Let the elders even wonder if they are dreaming.

Yang Xuming is begging Gu Yan to sign?

Begging Gu Yan, accept these huge profits that are enough to make any powerful person jealous? !

But the elders naturally don’t know.

Yang Xuming’s anxiety is not acting, but real!

He went back in the afternoon, and he had made all the investigations and done a paternity test, and in his own way, he tortured the truth from the fake parents.

What they said is 100% similar to what Gu Yan said, even the details are the same!

Yang Xuming dealt with this matter, and did not go anywhere, so he sat hard on the sofa for six hours.

In the end, he got the result.

This grace must be reported, Gu Gongzi, must get acquainted!

so horrible!

How did he know all this?

Yang Xuming couldn’t even think of this method.

He has a faint hunch that he has given away the hard work he has accumulated over the years, but it does not mean that he will be in despair.

On the contrary, following Gu Yan, he is likely to reach a height that he has never reached before!

do not know why!

Yang Xuming has this instinct!

So he is anxious!

He hopes that Gu Yan can sign quickly, so he can rest assured!

Gu Yan did not speak, but took a pen and wrote his name on every contract.

Yang Xuming finally laughed when he saw this, “Okay, then, Mr. Gu, I will leave first after signing the contract. Don’t bother you to eat. If you have anything to do, please call me.”


Yang Xuming said goodbye to Ye Liuli, Gu Yan’s parents, and once again ignored the Su family.


The door closed tightly.

Living room, deathly silence!

“According to the long-term benefits of these five private equity funds and the results of the funds operated by Yang Xuming himself, the combined profit rate can reach 85 percent.””The group’s current liquidity should be between 10 and 12 billion, leaving a billion for emergency needs, and all the remaining money will be invested, which just reaches the capital limit of the private equity fund.”

“A net profit of 8 billion.”

Gu Yan took the contract of the private equity fund and said calmly.

After finishing speaking, he pushed the contract and picked up the equity transfer agreement, “The current market value of Dingsheng Group is 10.37 billion.”

“Eighty percent of the equity transfer is also 8 billion.”

“The two add up to 16 billion.”


Speaking of which.

Gu Yan looked at Gu Wanshan who was stunned in place, and said lightly: “This sixteen billion is enough for you to sign a gambling agreement?”

Gu Wanshan took a deep breath, his hands trembling a little, flew to Gu Yan, picked up the six contracts, and looked at it carefully.

Finally, he swallowed.

Give these things to Su De.

Su De’s face kept changing until he looked at Gu Yan again.

In his expression, there are shocks and panics, but more still can’t believe it!

The contract is real!


How did Gu Yan do it? !

Let Yang Xuming hand over these things by himself, or is it willing to give it to Gu Yan?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe it, and they couldn’t slow down!

“Xiaoyan, you… When did you meet Yang Xuming? When did it happen?” Gu Wanshan stumbled, his voice trembling slightly.

Gu Yan took a sip of red wine and told the truth, “I just met this afternoon.”


From the afternoon to now, less than ten hours.

Ten hours, 16 billion!

This can already be called a miracle!

No one would disbelieve what Gu Yan said.

Because the contract is here now, this is real money, and there is nothing more real in the world than this!

“Okay, okay! Since you have the ability to lead the Gu Group, I’ll sign it!”

Gu Wanshan lit a cigarette.

He hasn’t smoked for a long time, and he has passed his lungs, making him cough.

But the joy and excitement in his expression cannot be concealed at all!

Taking out the gambling agreement from under the tablecloth, Gu Wanshan, who just thought the agreement was absurd, picked up his pen and quickly signed his name on it.

“Okay, father, hurry up and do it for the group’s capital injection. I have other things, so I will go back first.”

Gu Yan saw that Gu Wanshan had signed the contract.

Putting down the goblet, called Shang Ye Liuli, and after saying goodbye, he left.

From beginning to end, I didn’t look back.

The living room fell silent again.

“Brother Su, I think Xiaoyan is right. He is telling the truth. The marriage contract is just a pretense to deceive others. If you want to be stable, you can only become stronger.”

“Xiaoyan has this ability, has this responsibility, he has grown up, this agreement…I have to sign.”

Gu Wanshan opened his mouth to break the calm and said to Su De.

Su De shook his head and sighed.

He didn’t speak, just drank liquor from glass to glass.

The strong alcohol did not make any change in his face.

In his expression, there was a melancholy and regret lingering from beginning to end!

Su Qingyue also slowed down.

Without a word, she got up from the chair and walked out the door as well.

Outside the villa.

The summer night in the magic city is a bit cool, and the moon hangs high in the sky, contrasting with this prosperous city that never sleeps, and it is beautiful.

The weather is a bit cold.

Su Qingyue tightened her body and looked at the figure of a man and a woman drifting away in the distance.

The moonlight shone on her pretty face as white as jade.

The beauty is a bit unreal.

I was wrong.

From the moment I met in the magic city cbd this afternoon, she had misunderstood Gu Yan.

Gu Yan came to cbd not to see her, but to do errands, to find Yang Xuming.

Ye Liuli is not Gu Yan’s support to show off, but really his personal nanny.

Yang Xuming is not looking at the face of the two families, but looking at the face of Gu Yan alone, and even he can give Gu Yan the painstaking efforts he has worked for decades.

Gu Yan’s gambling agreement is not unreasonably crazy, but handy and calm.

This is an ambitious, responsible and capable man.

At this moment.

Su Qingyue’s past prejudices and opinions about Gu Yan slowly began to blur, and eventually disappeared completely!

And what about yourself?

Su Qingyue couldn’t help thinking about herself.

The courage that was originally decided was only a flash in the pan, and under the scolding of his father, he still regressed.

The marriage was still retired by Gu Yan.

He did something he couldn’t do!

Take a deep breath.

She looked at Gu Yan again.

The man’s back, slender and tall, walks well.

There is also a kind of mystery in him at this time, a kind of fatal personality charm!

Su Qingyue is too curious, and she has too many things to say to Gu Yan.

At least, he hates this marriage contract as much as himself, hates being restrained, doesn’t he?


Su Qingyue bit her red lips lightly, stepped away from her slender legs, and quickly followed.

“Gu Gongzi, sister Liuli, please stay!”

Gu Yan heard the sound coming from behind, without any accident, stopped gently.

At the same time, he calmly said to Ye Liuli: “You go to the car and wait for me first.”

Ye Liuli nodded obediently, and waved her hand with Su Qingyue playfully before leaving, and then she was discharged from the hospital.

Su Qingyue stood one meter away from Gu Yan and stopped her feet, staring at the man in front of her with beautiful eyes, slightly stunned.

The man in the moonlight is not only more handsome, but also has an indescribable softness on his face, and his deep eyes are extremely mysterious.

Elegant and noble, is the prince charming in every woman’s heart.

“Miss Su, tell my dad and Uncle Su, let them continue to eat, I will go back first.”

Gu Yan spoke and said calmly.

Su Qingyue also woke up, she realized that she had just been stunned, her pretty face had a moving reddish color, but it quickly dissipated.

Did not avoid Gu Yan’s eyes.

She and Gu Yan looked straight, shook their heads and said, “No, Gu Gongzi, father and they didn’t tell you to go back. I want to find you.”

“What do you want me for?”

He said so.

Gu Yan was not surprised.

Everything is expected.

He just smiled inexplicably.

Su Qingyue, finally couldn’t help it?

“I want to invite you to dinner.”

Su Qingyue said seriously: “In this marriage contract, I did something wrong. If it weren’t for you, I might never have the courage to speak out about retiring.”

“Gu Gongzi, thank you, let me express my apologies, can you?”

This is the first time she has offered to take the initiative.

There is no abruptness and discomfort.

There is only a hint of tension.

Gu Yan looked at Su Qingyue.

Under the moonlight, she was as beautiful as a fairy in the painting. The tension and shyness that occasionally flashed in her beautiful eyes made her whole person add a touch of smoke and smoke, making her more moving.

this moment.

Ninety-nine-nine-nine percent of men can’t say a word to refuse.

“Forget it, I don’t necessarily have time.”

Gu Yan refused, but left a gap.

as predicted.

When Su Qingyue heard Gu Yan say this, she smiled, “Since Gu Gongzi is busy, then I will ask once a day.”


Gu Yan didn’t say much, but just responded softly, and then said to Su Qingyue: “I’m going back, you go back too, it’s cold outside.”

“When I have time to eat, I will talk about it when I have time.”


Under Su Qingyue’s gaze, Gu Yan went straight out of the compound and sat on Rolls Royce.

The car started quickly and was hidden in the bustling night scene of the magic city.

In fact, Gu Yan had long known that Su Qingyue was looking for herself to make an appointment.

But direct agreement, and letting Su Qingyue take the initiative to invite many times, and then reluctantly agree, are completely two concepts.

He wants Su Qingyue to take the initiative!

Taking the initiative will lower the bottom line little by little, which will eventually turn into dedication.

As long as you give, you will be unforgettable with this relationship.

What people want is always the white moonlight hanging on the horizon and the cinnabar mole carved in the heart.

Details touch people’s hearts most.

Also can control people’s hearts most!

River view villa.

Gu Yan took Ye Liuli back home.

“Go to bed early, and remember to work on time tomorrow.”

“If you are still in the living room or sleeping on the sofa, you feel weak the next day and can’t work well…”

Gu Yan threw the key in his hand to Ye Liuli and smiled softly.

“Know it!”

Ye Liuli’s face was slightly red, and some did not dare to look directly at Gu Yan, took the key and trot upstairs.

When she was at Gu Yan’s house, although she didn’t understand some things, she was not a fool and didn’t understand anything.

Gu Yan is really good.

Before that, she thought that the only good man was her brother.

but now.

Ye Liuli had to admit that Young Master Gu was a better man than his brother!

I think I will stay with Gu Yan for a long time in the future.

Ye Liuli no longer had previous rejection and reluctance in her heart, on the contrary, she felt that she should work harder.

After all, Gu Gongzi’s porcelain bowl is worth four million yuan.But I broke it by myself.

Gu Yan also went back to the bedroom.

He poured himself a glass of red wine, and then sat on the chair by the balcony, tasting it gently.

In mind.

The black calculation of Wang Zilong has been fully formed!

【Ding! The total amount of villain points earned by the host reaches 3000, and the system store opens! 】

At this time.

A clear reminder sounded in my mind.

System store?

Gu Yan’s face was calm.

In fact, he is not very dependent on his own system.

For him, the system is just a tool for redeeming various skills and additional rewards.

But since there is.

Let’s take a look.

“Open the system mall.” Gu Yan said.

A transparent panel emerged before his eyes.

[Character Hidden Card: After use, you can temporarily hide the characters in the specified range from the original story. During this period, the original master Ye Tian will not encounter the hidden characters again. 】

[After use, the host can make the original book role reappear through the release operation. 】

[Exchange price: 2000 villain points. 】


Gu Yan looked at this description, feeling a bit interesting.

In mind.

Suddenly a thought came up that made him feel a perfect match with this card.

“System, can I use this card to hide certain female characters in the original book?”

【Can! But some important female characters cannot be hidden! 】

[Example: The four female characters in the original book who helped Ye Tian a lot, had a messy relationship with Ye Tian, ​​and were not included in the harem. 】

Gu Yan suddenly understood.

In other words, except that Ye Liuli, Yaodong, Su Qingyue, and another extremely special heroine can’t be hidden, can the rest be hidden?

Didn’t it just follow Gu Yan’s intention?

He can first use this card to hide those irrelevant female characters who have been admitted to the harem, so that Ye Tian can’t touch and touch them.

Then after he killed Ye Tian, ​​he would perform the cancellation operation to make these female characters reappear.

Gu Yan recruited them all again, leaving them all to herself!

Although he would not be emotional for the female characters in the original book that were accepted by Ye Tian.

But it’s always okay to have fun, right?

Moreover, in Gu Yan’s eyes, everything must be perfect. Since he wants to kill Ye Tian, ​​let him die in pain and have nothing.

Want to have a woman?

Ye Tian is not worthy!

This card does not change or affect Gu Yan’s overall situation, but it makes him comfortable.

that’s enough.

“System, redeem and use!”

Gu Yan said immediately.

【Ding! The redemption and use is successful, the following nine female characters are successfully hidden (expanded to view details)]

Gu Yan unfolded a look, and suddenly felt that what he did was right.

These female characters are either stewardess, model, female teacher, or even the top brand in the club that sells their talents…

In the original book, they were all women who Ye Tianzhuang got after forcing her to slap her face.

In terms of appearance, they are definitely not as good as the four important heroines, and in terms of personality, they are almost at the level of an ordinary goddess.

but now!

Gu Yan has passed the system and deprived Ye Tian of his final welfare!

Instead, leave it to yourself!

The system interface is closed.

Gu Yan looked at the bustling night scene outside the window, and there was no wave in Gu Jing’s deep eyes.

one day.

In just one day, he unknowingly did things that ordinary people couldn’t imagine.

Ye Liuli…Su Qingyue…Yang Xuming…

There are still 16 billion and a gambling agreement.

This is nothing for Gu Yan’s two goals.

But it is always a good start.

No one can imagine.

An invisible net of heaven and earth has been slowly spread out in a corner no one has noticed, linking up all interests!

fiscal! right! color!

And the final winner….

Gu Yan drank the last layer of red wine and turned off the light in the bedroom.

in the dark.

He faintly showed an inexplicable smile.

The final winner… can only be yourself! !

ps: This chapter is a 5000-word chapter.

The recent data is not good. Can you give me some feedback to the author? It makes me more motivated. Thank you all. *

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