Chapter 221

Chapter 221 Dong Shi Xiaofeng

Chapter 221: The Secret

“Miss Liu,” Gu Yan looked at her in a daze, smiled lightly, and then called her.

Liu Wanwan reacted at once, and then smiled embarrassedly and explained: “I’m sorry, Mr. Gu, when the waiter came to deliver this little forest cake, I immediately thought about my business.”

Gu Yan shook his head instead.

Staring at the little forest cake Liu Wanwan, gently picked up the fork and took a bite, then nodded.

“It hasn’t been a birthday for many years, and no one remembers it. Today is my birthday. My grandma used to cook a bowl of noodles and put a poached egg on me when she was healthy.”

I don’t know why, Liu Wanwan said all this.

Then he hurriedly explained: “I just sighed, don’t care, Mr. Gu, thank you Mr. Gu for inviting me to dinner.”

After speaking, the two of them will leave.

Checking out and walking to the hotel entrance, when Liu Wanwan was about to leave, Gu Yan called to stay with her.

When she turned her head, she looked confused, but she heard Gu Yan whisper: “I already know Miss Liu’s birthday. Should I pretend not to know? This is not the work of a gentleman.

The implication is to take her to her birthday.

When Gu Yan looked back and saw someone following him, he knew that it must have been sent by Chen An.

After finishing talking, he quickly walked forward two steps, approached Liu Wanwan, stuck a hairpin on his head, and said faintly: “I don’t need the thing I bought just now, this thing is just Give it to Miss Liu, and hope that Miss Liu will not dislike it.”

In fact, he bought it deliberately to create a better effect.

Because in Chen An’s body, the aura of the son of luck is weakened, which has something to do with Liu Wanwan’s hatred.

If this is the case, it is necessary to increase their contradictions. Maybe this game is more interesting than the previous ones.

After all, this person also carries the reborn Gold Finger, and there is another enemy with the reborn Gold Finger.

Two people walked into the scene of wearing a hairpin, and the person who followed took a photo. Liu Wanwan blushed slightly, and then touched the hairpin on his head with his hand.

I couldn’t stop moving in my heart.

How could she not know that there was a row of baskets on the left hand side when she came out of the restaurant just now, all of which were selling female hairpins and small toys.

It was bought deliberately and not as a gift, just to prevent her from being under psychological pressure, so I said so smoothly.

All aspects are considered.

An inexplicable feeling rushed to my heart. Liu Wanwan felt warm in his heart, and then followed Gu Yan away. The two of them first went to some Internet celebrity cafes to sit, and arrived at the top floor in the afternoon. Revolving restaurant.

Gu Yan has already set the location and even covered the entire top floor.

There are only two of them on the roof.

“let’s start.”

Gu Yan’s voice said softly. After the end, the violin rang. Then I saw many people coming up to send roses, one by one.

In the end, a large handful was full, and Liu Wanwan was so touched that he couldn’t help himself, even tears flowed out, and he sniffed and said: “No one has ever thought so much for my birthday. This time I really thank you. Mr. Gu.”

Staring at the man in front of him, Liu Wanwan knew that his heart was moving.

After all, I have never met such a good person.

“It’s okay, probably because Miss Liu and I are predestined.” After speaking, the two began to eat steak, drink red wine, and they would also tell some jokes and talk about business matters.

In short, I feel that when I am with Gu Yan, apart from a sense of awe for him, I feel that this person is too perfect.

Intimate photos of the two people were uploaded to Gu Yan’s phone.

When I saw him, my eyes were about to breathe fire, I squeezed my fists tightly, and called to confirm: “No. 5, the photos you are sending me now are true!

Brother “You also know that I never fool you. How could the photos I sent you are not true? I saw my sister-in-law and that man several times.” Just hung up the phone.

Chen An, who was standing in the living room, had cold eyes, and then went straight to the second floor.

Gu Yan and Liu Wanwan were going to play for a while after they finished their meal, her cell phone suddenly rang.

It was the butler of the Liu family. After the connection, he heard the butler hurriedly say: “It’s not good, the old lady has a problem with her body. Now she has begun to vomit and diarrhea. It looks like she has already recovered a lot. Two people.”

As soon as he heard the words, Liu Wanwan became anxious.

I took a few steps outside with my bag, then turned around and looked at Gu Yan and said, “Mr. Gu, can’t ask you to come with me. My grandma’s condition has relapsed again, I don’t know what it is. reason.”

Gu Yan nodded, and then the two quickly went downstairs to check out and headed to Liu’s house.

Chen An is now hiding in the dark at the entrance of Liu’s villa. Waiting for a while, as long as Liu Wanwan comes back, he will appear, and then save the old lady with one fell swoop, and finally let her successfully believe in her identity as a genius doctor.


Her attitude should be able to change drastically, and the two of them will be able to play.

The old lady’s condition was caused by him, because he was dissatisfied with Liu Wanwan having dinner with Gu Yan, so he deliberately created something to make her anxious and rushed back early.

After waiting for a long time at the entrance of the villa, I finally saw a black car.

The black Maybach was low-key and luxurious. The lights were like the eyes of a cheetah. They shot straight over. Although Liu Wanwan didn’t see it, Gu Yan saw Chen An hiding there through the light.


Gu Yan is so clever, he immediately figured out what was going on, it seemed that everything was done by Chen An.

In that case, don’t blame him.

If you have to bring it to the door yourself, if you don’t slap your face, that’s really stupid.

“Mr. Gu, trouble you.” Liu Wanwan quickly pulled Gu Yan upstairs, and then entered the old lady’s room. This scene fell in Chen An’s eyes again, and he suddenly went wide. Eye.

What’s going on? How could this surname Gu appear with Liu Wanwan!

However, the two people now have entered the old lady’s room. After Gu Yan’s inspection, it was discovered that the old lady’s body had been injected with a toxin.

“The previous poison has been discharged almost, but now that the old lady has been injected with another toxin, I can only drag it temporarily. I must find the real murderer, and then he tells me what the poison is, so I can To solve. and,

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