Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Anxious and Depraved

Chapter 217: I’m Sorry

Looking at Gu Yan’s direction, Chen An immediately hid, and he was heartbroken, hiding behind the pillar.

It’s like being discovered by someone.

It was a feeling that I had never felt before, even if I relived it for the first time, even if I met his old opponent Mo Fei, this kind of feeling has never appeared before.

But why, the first time he saw Gu Yan, he felt terrified in his heart.

It seems that it is a kind of suppression of ordinary people by the king.

After swallowing his saliva and hiding in the pillar for a while, Chen An appeared again in front of Zhuzi. Gu Yan and Liu Wanwan were still talking and laughing inside, keeping the scene just now.

Gu Yan noticed him again, with a slight smile on the corners of his lips.

Give him a gift.

He just finished thinking about it, he raised his head and looked at Liu Wanwan on the opposite side with a smile, and said with a smile: “If the old lady has any problems in the future, you can directly contact me. It is best not to let others handle the treatment, otherwise the consequences will be caused. Unthinkable.”

Liu Wan listened to it late, and then even nodded in thanks.

At this moment, Gu Yan raised his hand slightly and said in a low voice, “Miss Liu, there is something in your hair.”

After speaking, she stretched her hand directly in the direction of Liu Wanwan. She would also move slightly because she heard Gu Yan said that there was something on her head.

In the direction of Chen An, the posture of the two people seemed very warm.

Gently touched Liu Wanwan’s hair, quickly removed his hands, and the two of them returned to their previous appearances. Chen An saw this scene in his own eyes.

Gritting his teeth tightly.

There was all unwillingness and anger in his heart. It was almost three years before he got married, but he had never touched Liu Wanwan. Neither of them had had such close contact with a finger.

But now Liu Wanwan and Gu Yan…

It hasn’t been long before the two people knew each other.

There was something more struggling that occupied his entire mind. He raised his fist gently, and hit the pillar with one punch. Then, watching the staff look over, he quickly retracted.

For fear of being seen by Gu Yan.

But after hiding behind the pillar, he was thinking about resurrecting his life. He was obviously the one who brought Gold Finger, so how could he be afraid.

As soon as he showed up, Gu Yan’s eyes looked over here again.

He flinched again.

(Ding, the protagonist’s mentality has changed, the Blacken value is 20%, and the aura of the child of luck is weakened by 25%)

Another voice rang, Gu Yan couldn’t help but smile when he heard the voice in his head. Today’s scene is over.

In fact, he thinks he can get the Oscar winner’s award.

She shrugged slightly and looked at Liu Wanwan on the opposite side, “It’s almost time, I’ll send Miss Liu back.”

After chatting just now, Liu Wanwan has developed a great affection for Gu Yan. He always feels that this talent is what he wants to meet, and there is an unclear feeling in his heart.

When I looked up at him, he seemed to have the look of my little daughter at home.

The deer in his heart was beating.

I haven’t felt this way for many years. Liu Wanwan nodded gently, and then walked out of the cafe with Gu Yan.

From the day when her grandma officially handed over the company to her, she has been busy with the company every day in order to keep the company up with the development of the city.

There will never be any problems, and I will live up to my grandfather’s hopes.

This is her goal.

It is also because these things hit the shoulders, so he feels particularly tired, plus the current Chen An is completely different from before, and grandma’s body has also become like this.

Liu Wanwan felt even more upset.

The two people walked out of the cafe and walked towards the pillar on Chen An’s side. He saw this scene and immediately found a place to hide.

It was a very natural feeling, as if he was naturally afraid of Gu Yan.

Do not!

Although unwilling to yell loudly in his heart, Chen An still found a place to hide, and then watched the two of them gently walk past in front of his own eyes.

Liu Wanwan was holding a cup of steaming milk in her hand, talking and laughing with Gu Yan. A little girl selling flowers was at the top of the stairs and ran over after seeing the two of them coming.

“Brother, buy a bunch of flowers for your wife. The flowers here are very fresh and beautiful, and they are worthy of this sister.

The little girl’s mouth is very sweet. Several couples who passed by just now all bought flowers.

Gu Yan did not speak, Liu Wanwan thought he was upset, and immediately explained: “Little sister, we are not like that.

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yan took out the wallet, took out two hundred-yuan bills from it, and handed it to the little girl of Baihua, and said, “I bought them all, please help me to wrap up the flowers… .

Liu Wanwan was stunned.

The little girl smiled at Mimi and borrowed the money, and then she wrapped the flowers and bowed to Gu Yan and said, “Thank you, big brother. I wish you a hundred years and happiness forever.”

After speaking, she gave the wrapped flowers to Liu Wanwan, and then quickly ran away towards the stairs.

Chen An saw this scene in the dark, and his teeth were about to break.

[Ding, the protagonist’s mentality has changed, and the Blacken value is 25%][Ding, the protagonist’s mentality has changed, and the value of Blacken is 30%][Ding, the protagonist’s anger value has reached 100%, and the halo of the child of luck is weakened by 45%]

Several voices rang continuously in the old man’s mind. He curled his lips and smiled. This story is really getting more and more interesting.

The experience of each lucky child is different, and the current plot has also begun to become confusing, and it has long been different from the plots guided by the system in the past.

He is playing a great game that can bring him real pleasure.

Very cool!

“Miss Liu, here.” Gu Yan knew that his goal had been achieved, so his attitude was slightly indifferent. After calling for 3.5, the two people walked towards the stairs.

When Liu Wanwan left, he was always looking at the bunch of red roses he was holding.

After three years of marriage, Chen An never gave her a bouquet of flowers, and always caused him countless troubles at Liu’s house, and asked her to solve the follow-up matters.

Looking at this bunch of red roses, Liu Wanwan’s eyes were slightly sour.

At the door of the mall, Liu Wanwan realized that he did not get in Gu Yan’s car, but thanked him, then shook his hand and said, “Thank you Mr. Gu, thank you Mr. Gu for the flowers and saving my grandma. Can I go to you if I have something to do?

After all the words were said, Liu Wanwan felt that there was something wrong with this.

Two talents have seen two sides, is it a bit inappropriate to say such a thing?

Just about to explain a few words, Gu Yan said, “Of course, you can come to me anytime.”

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