Chapter 21

Chapter 21: It’s Time to Play by Oneself

“The cancellation of the marriage contract is actually not the idea of ​​Gu Yan alone.”

Su Qingyue Qiao’s face was serious, but judging from her entangled hands, her mood was far from being as calm as it seemed on the surface.

She is actually very nervous!

Even a little scared!

“Actually, I also want to cancel the marriage contract! I don’t like Gu Yan, and I don’t like everything you arranged!”

“I want to divorce, that’s my reason.”

After speaking, Su Qingyue sat down again.

Now, her pretty face has become drunk and red because of tension, and her breathing rate has accelerated.

But her beautiful eyes became clear again, and the temperament of her whole person also had a sense of transparency, which made her look more moving.

If there was any change in Su Qingyue and when he first walked in.

That is her now, no longer hesitating, no longer confused!

It seemed that he had taken off the burden that he had been carrying, and said what he had kept in his heart for a long time!

“What did you say?”

Su De spoke.

With a solemn expression on his face, he said to Su Qingyue, “What are you going to do?”

“Let’s not talk about the agreement of the ancestors, just say that Xiaoyan has never done anything sorry for you, he is not thin to you!”

“You can withdraw this marriage contract if you want to withdraw it? I don’t agree! Don’t even think about it!”

Su De’s voice is loud.

Su Qingyue’s screaming body trembled, and the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time at this moment, like the tide of a bank burst, surged in her heart.

The tip of her nose was sour, and a layer of mist slowly emerged in her beautiful eyes.

Her red lips were pressed tightly.

Forced not to let the tears drop.

“Brother Su, don’t be so angry with the child. Let’s discuss what’s the matter. Why are you doing this?” Gu Wanshan hurriedly spoke out to persuade him.

Ye Liuli is kind, and she also takes Su Qingyue as a friend.

Seeing Su Qingyue crying, she was also uncomfortable. She took out a pack of facial tissues from her pocket, stretched out secretly from under the table, and stuffed the paper into the palm of Su Qingyue’s palm.

She didn’t know how to coax people, so she could only gently hook Su Qingyue’s finger, very anxious in her heart.

Gu Yan looked at this scene calmly.


He did not expect that Su Qingyue would be like this.

In the original book, Su Qingyue is a perfect woman, perfect in all aspects.

She has almost all the advantages of a woman, both externally and internally.

But this is exactly the problem!

No one is perfect in this world.

No one is truly perfect!

Su Qingyue could not escape this law.

The lives of most people are unspeakable, mixed with ups and downs, big and small, and everyone is different.

But Su Qingyue’s life is standardized, mechanized, and can be summed up in a few words!

Since childhood!

Su Qingyue received the family’s elite education. From the age of four, she began to learn foreign languages, piano, and everything the family thought was useful.

And it’s not just skills.

Noble etiquette, observing words and colors, talking and talking, appearance…

Too many procedural things, since then, have been pressed on Su Qingyue’s head.

The family had arranged everything for her a long time ago, including what school to attend in the future, which world-renowned professor is the teacher, what course to learn at what time, and when to join the group for practical work.

Her life is a mime without accidents.

No joy and no sadness, like a machine without emotions, constantly operating day and night.

In the end, Su Qingyue learned and became a beautiful, scholarly lady.

At the same time, she also lost her true self.

She did not want others to look at her gaze, she was in awe, timid, and hypocritical!

She wants to fall in love and go shopping like a normal girl, even eating junk food at roadside stalls!

She even wants to do crazy things, want to get drunk, want to go drag racing, want to go bungee jumping!

She dreams of having a world-famous hero appear in her life all the time, resisting public opinion, and taking herself to the end of the world to pursue their romance.

No longer want those rigid and cold rules, and no longer want her to be restrained from breathing.

Su Qingyue just wants to be free, just to live out of herself!

She is also human!

But who really cares about her inner thoughts?

Not even Ye Tian!

In the original book, Ye Tian helped Su Qingyue withdraw from the marriage contract with Gu Yan in order to rely on the big tree of the Su family group, and put more energy on annexing the Gu family group and meeting with Sodeda. Good relationship.

Perhaps Su Qingyue was good at disguising and did not show her true self.

Perhaps the author of the original book created such a perfect set of characters, and was reluctant to get into the harem early, so he has been appetizing.

all in all.

Ye Tian has never really understood Su Qingyue, so the relationship between the two has been vague, just friends who are close to each other.

Gu Yan understands Su Qingyue.

So he has been guiding step by step.

But what he didn’t expect was…

The effect is so good!

Su Qingyue directly expressed her heart, and publicly resisted the Su family’s instructions to her!

Although Su Qingyue has now given in, she still dare not fight against the family chamber.

But this is always a good start!

What Gu Yan wants is to liberate Su Qingyue’s nature step by step, and finally change her!

It’s time to play by yourself.

“Parents, Uncle Su, Aunt Su, and Miss Su, let me just say a few words.”

Gu Yan looked around the audience with deep and calm eyes.

I don’t know why.

No matter who it is, after meeting Gu Yan’s gaze, he will quiet down inexplicably.

The same applies to several elders.

There was silence at the dinner table for a few seconds.

Gu Wanshan sighed, nodded, and signaled that Gu Yan could speak.

Su Qingyue was still sobbing slightly.

But at this moment.

She held Ye Liuli’s hand, her strength became lighter, and her breathing became lighter.

Is it anticipation? Or some other emotion?

Su Qingyue’s mood is very complicated, and she doesn’t know what she is thinking.

all in all.

She is waiting for Gu Yan to speak! *

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