Chapter 200

Chapter 200 Shocked!

Chapter 200: Shocked!

On the second day of Jinmei’s investigation of Jinlin’s news, the entire Jin family knew about it.

Jin Lin is the only boy in the entire Jin family. His father had died a few years ago, and his grandfather had also passed away. Only his grandmother and Jin Mei were the only ones.

The rest is staying in the Jin family that is about to ascend into a fairy, has been helping them to calm down the people who want to look at their whole family.

Therefore, the old lady was fainted after learning about this. The past two times were originally women who had no power to bind chickens and had no practice.

Knowing that there was something wrong with the grandson, there must be no way to continue sitting flat.

The old lady was sick, and the whole thing and the company were all handed over to Jinmei. The burden on her shoulders was very heavy, and every day when she came back, it was late at night.

During a certain day, she said she had come back two hours early because she heard that the old lady’s health was not good again. She wanted to go to Chuncaotang and ask the genius doctor to see it.

As a result, as soon as the old lady was helped down from the stairs, a young man rushed in and looked at Jinmei twice when he saw Jinmei.

Because Jinmei once ordered that if you have news about Jin Lin, you must tell her first, and you can’t tell the old lady for the time being.

In case the old lady loses her breath, she will be gone.

We said hello to the old lady, Jin Mei quickly walked out, and the person who just went out reported: “140 Jin, we have found the news about the young master, but he”

The man dropped his head as he said, and Jin Mei’s heart was alarming, and she must have known that something bad had happened.

She took a deep breath, and heard the man continue to say: “Our father in Chuncaotang found the corpse of the young master. His whole person is like a corpse. The law is exactly the same.”


This sentence was like a shocking bomb that fell in Jinmei’s heart. She took two steps back quickly and finally stabilized her body.

“Where is Jin Lin?”

In the end, the family brought Jinmei to the scene. The moment she saw Jin Lin, she felt that her breathing was about to freeze. Just a few days ago, her brother was still acting coquettishly at her.

But now it’s just a corpse.

It took a long time to slowly straighten up. Jinmei immediately notified Su Lixue and asked her to come over.

Su Lixue arrived and couldn’t help frowning when she saw Jin Lin’s body, but Jin Mei said: “This matter must be thoroughly investigated. If I am not wrong, it should be (chdf) someone used Jin Lin. Lin killed your elder brother, and he himself was killed by the real behind-the-scenes murderer.”

Hearing Jinmei’s guess, Su Lixue’s hands couldn’t stop shaking.

Now that Jin Lin is dead, everything is dead and there is no evidence, and the real culprit must be found behind the scenes.

“I have seen my elder brother’s things on Fang Xian’s body, as well as storage bags. If he is the real murderer behind the scenes, maybe he will also have Jin Lin’s things on his body.” Su Lixue now can only Guess blindly.

In fact, as early as the beginning, he felt that the person doing all this must be Fang Xian.

But there must be evidence, otherwise the father and old man would definitely not believe it.

“My brother,” Jimei thought carefully, and then turned his eyes quickly and said: “My brother has a piece of spirit treasure that I used to give him. It is like a bell pin. It should be able to be hung on him. As a decorative item, only I know about it.”

“If the bell is not catalyzed by the special power of our Jin family, it will look ordinary, just like an exquisite object.

Jin Mei said this, just wanting Su Lixue to check him, and if Fang Xian is in him, if he does, then he is the real murderer behind the scenes.

Not only killed Su Xue’s eldest brother, but also killed the only grandson of the Jin family.

Su Lixue nodded, Jin Mei watched her turn around to leave, stepped forward and grabbed her hand, squeezed her hand tightly and said, “You must be more careful. If you find your heart, tell me immediately. He paid the price for my brother’s death.”

Nodding slightly, Su Lixue quickly left here, Jin Mei could only let people take his brother’s body back.

Find a good opportunity to tell the old lady.

After returning home for a circle, I found that Fang Xian was not there, and asked the aunt who was sweeping the floor again. After learning that he had left after noon, Su Lixue entered his room.

When I opened it, I felt a trace of cold air, and I always felt trembling all over.

“Huh, definitely not a good person, even the breath in the room is so strange to himself.” After saying that, Su Lixue looked in the room again, but there was no gain.

Finally, inside the cabinet placed at the door, there is a delicate gift box with a pink bow and her favorite carnation.

what is this?

When it was about to open, I suddenly heard a sound from downstairs, Su Lixue quickly left the room, and could only go in and check again next time.

Sure enough, Fang Xian came back. He arranged everything today and sent a message to Gu Yan.

Said that Su Lixue was in danger in the mysterious forest behind Yunshi, so he asked him to go and save people quickly.

And he was hiding near the hotel, watching Gu Yan driving away from the hotel to the big forest, and watching him come back after entering the forest.

As long as you get in there, it is impossible to come back alive.

There are countless treasures to be given to him by parties.

“Mr. Fang, you are back.” The sweeping aunt didn’t know what Fang Xian was, so they greeted him with a smile.

After all, this person is more important to Su Mo.

Fang Xian nodded. When he went upstairs, he found someone walking by the door. He was not too surprised. He just walked into the room and opened the cabinet to see the pink gift box.

This is a gift he gave to Su Lixue.

He walked to the door of Su Lixue with the gift, knocked on the door gently, and her voice came from inside.

“it’s me.”

It has been ten minutes after Su Lixue opened the door. Looking at Fang Xian standing at the door, she gently leaned against the door and asked weakly, “Just say anything.”

“This is a gift I gave you. It was carefully selected by me. We haven’t seen each other for several years.

Fang Xian took out the pink box after finishing talking. Su Lixue was slightly shocked when she saw the box.

This thing is for her?

“I won’t accept your things. I was extremely disappointed in you.” Su Lixue turned around and entered the house after saying that. At first he knew that Fang Xian was not a good person. Later, he became infected and hurt himself. Big brother’s suspicion.

There will be no intersection with him at all.

“Look at it first. It’s a beautiful bell.

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