Chapter 198

Chapter One Hundred Ninety Eight

Chapter 198: I don’t think it’s right

I quickly walked into the Su family, and now it has entered the memorial stage, and the people of the Jin family can only leave because of Gu Yan’s arrival.

They have to wait until this matter is over, and then ask what the Su family really means. The fact that their Jin family can come has given them enough face, and they still don’t welcome their people to come in.

It’s too much!

The arrival of Gu Yan surprised everyone present. Some people who wanted to carve up the Su family’s property did not dare to move such a thought.

Who is Gu Yan? A big man they can’t afford to provoke.

Under normal circumstances, they would not participate in these occasions, but today they appeared in Su’s family, and there was a white chrysanthemum on his chest, which was a memorial to Big Brother Su Lixue.

This shows that the relationship between Yan and Gu Su Lixue is not ordinary. If anyone dares to move the Su family, the consequences must be clear.

So no one dares to make a mistake.

Just when the memorial ceremony was about to end, a person appeared again in the hall of Su’s family.

“Why are you?” Su Lixue couldn’t help but scolded aloud when he saw the party, and then said lightly: “Our family doesn’t welcome people with corrupt morals like you to appear, so please go.”

The special 27 indifferent expression in his eyes once again hit Fang Xian’s injured heart.

When she was a child, Su Lixue was very cute, and her eyes were full of emotion when she looked at him, but now she has completely changed.

It’s all because of Gu Yan.

“Xiaoxue, I didn’t come to quarrel with you today. I have something to come to Uncle Zhu.” Although Gu Yan was also on the scene, Fang Xian managed to control his anger.

I quickly walked to Su Mo’s face, then bowed deeply, looked at his eyes and said, “Uncle Su, I am Fang Xian who lived in your house for six years. The master’s life came down the mountain, and after knowing that something like this had happened to the Su family, I came back.”

Seeing Fang Xian in front of him, Su Mo was slightly stunned.

Then I remembered, I didn’t know what Fang Xian was doing outside, so I held him with my hands, and said excitedly: “It turns out to be a villain, you finally came back.

Fang Xian nodded.

“I won’t let anyone bully the Su family again this time, don’t worry.” Fang Xian said awe-inspiringly, but Su Lixue didn’t believe it.

Instead, he sneered and said: “Kick the old man in the hospital. It should be you who will not treat him. At the banquet, it was said that he was going to treat the Yun family’s grandfather, but in the end it made a mess. You are the same person, right?”

“Just like you, what qualifications do you have to say to protect our entire Su family? You are not worthy at all!”

Su Lixue calmly said all the truth, and the people who came out to pay homage to the ceremony were all stunned.

“Xiaoxue, I can explain this matter.” Fang Xian was about to speak, and Su Mo frowned. “Xiaoxue, if you don’t want to attend your elder brother’s funeral, you can go out first.”

Su Lixue’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect his father’s attitude to change so quickly.

Why is it so?

Feeling unhappy for a while, he ran out quickly, Gu Yan could only say hello to the old man, and then walked out slowly, leaving the hall while everyone was watching.

Su Mo’s true thoughts were actually Yuan Fang, who had been away for so many years, and was taken away by a mysterious old man. He must be powerful when he comes back again.

If they can stay, it would be great for their Su family, and it is very likely that they will be able to avenge Su Chengwei.

That’s why he scolded Su Lixue like that just now.

[Ding, Su Lixue’s mentality has changed, and his hatred is 25%)

[Yes, Su Lixue’s mentality has changed, and his hatred is 50%]

(Ding, the protagonist Fang Xian’s mentality has changed, Blacken’s degree is 65%)

(Ding, the protagonist Fang Xian’s mentality changes, Blacken value is 80%)

Listening to the voice coming from the system, Gu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. It seems that all the plots have been changed now, and the rest is his free play.

As long as he can kill Fang Xian, the son of luck.

Nothing else matters.

It’s a pity that some things still lingered. Gu Yan smiled and quickly followed in Su Lixue’s footsteps. Little did he know that after they left the pool, Fang Xian also found a chance to follow.

“Why treat me this way!” Fang Xian stood by the swimming pool in the backyard, holding a handful of pebbles in his hand, and plunged into the swimming pool little by little.

Gu Yan walked over quickly, with a slight mystery in the corner of his eyes, he knew Fang Xian was behind.

Play a good show.

When they walked in front of Gu Yan, the distance between the two people was a little closer, and finally persuaded a little. Because Su Lixue felt sad, she leaned slightly on Gu Yan’s shoulder.

“Mr. Gu shouldn’t mind?” Su Lixue cried for a while before reacting, and then suddenly recovered from Gu Yan’s shoulder, and fell into the pool accidentally.

The foot is empty.

Seeing that the person was about to fall to the bottom of the water, Gu Yan embraced him with one hand, and the two stood on the edge of the pool in the warmest posture. Into the water.

(Ding, the protagonist’s research and development mentality has changed, the Blacken value is 100%, and the protagonist’s aura is weakened by 10%)


Gu Yan picked it up. The aura of the protagonist was not stimulated. After the Blacken value reached 100% and the heroine’s hatred for him increased, the aura of the son of luck would be weakened.

The show officially opened.

The two stayed by the pool for a while before returning to the house, Fang Xian quickly followed.

After Gu Yan’s persuasion, Su Lixue finally stopped driving Fang Xian away, but she didn’t say a word when she saw him, just passed him by.

Because Fang Xian had officially returned to Su’s house, Su Mo arranged a room for him.

The aunt at home took Fang Xian’s clothes down from upstairs. When she was about to wash, she was catching up with Su Lixue passing by. She hadn’t paid attention to it, but she always felt that some things seemed familiar.

Turning his head slightly, he saw a green object.

Going forward to open the clothes, the cleaning aunt was shocked, but he saw a green stone gleaming, and then he found a cloth bag embroidered with black silk thread.

This kind of cloth bag is covered with spiritual energy, and it is specially used to store the reduced version of the spiritual treasure.

This bag was woven by Su Lixue personally for her elder brother before, but after being infused with aura by her eldest brother, he used it as a storage bag and has never left him for many years.

Why is this thing on Fang Xian’s body?

Su Lixue’s eyes began to sharpen, and when Gu Yan was about to leave the property, she found him.

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