Chapter 186

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six


Fang Xian won’t respond for a while, what is going on?

“Give me back the green stone that the old man gave you just now!” Since Su Lixue has witnessed it just now, she will never do anything now.

Fang Xian was shocked, it turned out that Su Lixue actually saw the scene just now.

The old man had been begging him for treatment for many days, and his wife had a very serious illness. If he hadn’t had the newly developed medicine, he would be dead in three or four days.

But he couldn’t get any reward, so Fang Xian didn’t have any desire to save people.

Unexpectedly, Ye Su Lixue saw it in his eyes.

“I, I just made a joke with that old man just now, and now I’ll go over and help him see his wife.” There is a weirdness in the stone, maybe it contains great spiritual energy and exercises, so Fang Xian can’t give her. .

“Give me!

Su Lixue was very firm. Since Fang Xian didn’t plan to save people, he didn’t deserve to accept the stone.

It must be taken back for the old man.

“If you don’t give it to me, you can never stay in this hospital!” Su Lixue’s eyes were full of disgust.

Seeing Xian’s eyes, Fang felt a little hurt.

In the past, Xiao Su Lixue, when he first came to Su’s house and suffered a lot of bullying, he always stood up to protect him, give him warmth, and share some food for him.

It was precisely because of the existence of Xiao Su Lixue that no one in the Su family dared to bully him anymore.

So this time he wanted to go down the mountain, and then give Xiao Su Lixue a perfect love and build his own career.

A double harvest of career and love.

That is really beautiful.

But I didn’t expect that the things I wanted to do twice, all let Gu Yan preempt, what is the origin of this person?

Why did Mr. Yang say that he couldn’t find any information about him?

“Give me!

Su Lixue said again, Fang Xian couldn’t refuse his request, so he slowly took out the green stone from his pocket.

He took the stone back and squeezed it tightly in her hand. Su Lixue didn’t even look at him and said indifferently: “You can go now, don’t show up in this hospital again in the future.”

[Ding, the protagonist Fang Xian’s mentality has changed, and the value of Blacken is 40%]

(Ding, the protagonist Fang Xian’s mentality has changed, Blacken is 45%)

[Ding, change the plot of the original book, reward the villain 1250 thousand]

Three more voices rang, and Gu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The story really became more and more interesting.

All this was designed by Gu Yan long ago, waiting for Su Lixue to send someone to find a doctor, and then he would come back.

Before he came, he had already used the villain points and system to exchange the skills of the genius doctor, which was much stronger than Fang Xian.

Because the system is produced, it must be a high-quality product.

“I’ll go now.” The thing is done. As for how to develop in the future, let it go. Anyway, Su Lixue will not have any good feelings about Fang Xian anymore.

The son of luck in every book is almost all because of women.

I don’t know if this Fang Xian will be an exception.

“Benefactor, when I’m done with things here, our family invites you to dinner, I will definitely thank you.” Su Lixueman’s feet are not touching the ground, so there is no time to invite Gu Yan to stay for a while. Down.

After the two spoke softly, Gu Yan left quickly.

Su Lixue let out a sigh of relief. After busying in the room, he patted his head and remembered that the old man’s affairs had not been resolved.

When he was about to invite Gu Yan to come again, Ye Liuli was standing at the door.


Intuition tells Su Lixue that this woman should be Gu Yan’s woman.

Just thinking about this in his heart, Ye Liuli took out a small red box from his pocket, “Brother Gu Yan asked me to give it to you. It can cure that old man’s disease. After eating it, nothing will happen. NS.”

After Ye Liuli finished speaking, she nodded gently, and then left.

Be polite.

Su Lixue looked at the little red box and couldn’t help but wonder, who is this Gu Yan?

Why can I expect everything?

And even when she didn’t make any preparations, she delivered all the medicine. This person is really amazing.

Su Lixue found the old man, gave the medicine to the old grandma, and then magically changed.

Originally, the grandmother had been diagnosed by the hospital as a patient who could no longer be treated, so the old man had to ask a genius doctor for help, but he did not expect to get such a result in the end.


I didn’t hold anything. I hope that after taking this medicine, my heartbeat will start to stabilize again, and everything is changing.

The old man was so excited that tears came out, and he would kneel down for her after speaking.

“There is someone else who really saves people. It’s not me. I just put a thread in the middle.” Su Lixue won’t take credit for it, and asked the old man a bit, and then gave him the green stone in his hand.

“If it’s really an important thing, then you stay and don’t be snatched away again.

Su Lixue is not stupid, she knows that this thing is of great use to the other side.

So let the old man take good care of it.

“You give me this thing to the person who really saved my wife. He should need it very much. After so many years, it has no effect. Besides, it will only be used on my body. Snatch it.”


The old man’s heart was like a mirror, and Su Lixue could only agree.

He left the hospital with the stone, and now his cousin has recovered a lot from his injuries.

When Su Lixue left the hospital, a black car was parked on the opposite side. The window slowly fell. Fang Xian’s face appeared in the window. He tightly squeezed his fist and looked at Su Li. Snow left the hospital.

“Qingyue, wait for me again. When I return to Su’s house in half a month, I will be able to hold everything up.

After developing it just now, I thought about it carefully. If you just rely on the name of a genius doctor and want to go down, it will probably be difficult.

So he got someone to connect, and tonight he is going to meet a gangster who has been ill for a long time.

It’s a private gathering.

If that person can be cured, then his reputation will be spread out, plus he is now in the realm of the Minister of Reiki, many people will rush to him.

Develop your own business and quickly establish your own team and helpers within half a month.

After half a month, he will return to the Su family in the most glorious posture.

His eyes slowly became cold. Fang Xian gently pressed the steering wheel, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out quickly. He was going to the party tonight.

Gu Yan on the other side also received the invitation letter.

[Ding, there is an original plot for the banquet tonight, please check it with the host,

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