Chapter 179

Chapter 179 Killing!!

Ye Tian yelled quite confidently, but the scene was silent.

No one cares about him at all.

“This, this” Ye Tian opened his eyes wide, and then continued to close his eyes and chant a few spells. When he opened his eyes, he found that the people in front of him were still quiet.

What is the situation?

He tried to recite the spell again, and even pinched the black bead in his pocket.

Still nothing happens.

“This guy is a fool, what the hell is he doing? He actually told us that there is a bomb down there!”

“This person’s words can’t be believed at all, just rubbish.”

“I think so too.

The people at the scene began to discuss and commotion, but Gu Yan only smiled slightly, and Ye Liuli, who was next to him, also had an impeccable smile on his face, gently holding his hand.

Ye Tian didn’t believe it, how could his secret method be ineffective?

Just as he was about to act again, a person appeared at the gate again.

It’s old man Li.

“Ye Tian, ​​don’t be too much. Your legislation has already expired. Nobody here is controlled by you. We all pretend to be.” Old man Li walked in loudly, and then took Ye Tianxia medicine. Said all the things again.

Just finished speaking, those people from the Guwu family immediately took to the stage and surrounded him in the middle.

Gu Yan and Ye Liuli quickly walked to the other end of the red carpet.

This time, there is no need for Gu Yan to do anything, just to watch.

“You, you” Ye Tian stammered, he didn’t even think that all this he had arranged long ago turned out to be a joke.

All of them were unsuccessful.

Where are the people who responded to him before?

Just thinking about it in his heart, Old Man Li seemed to have insight into his thoughts and patted his hands gently, with a confident smile on his face.

After the clapping voice fell, a group of people slowly walked into the auditorium, being escorted by some people.

Although they were the people arranged by Ye Tian before.

They didn’t expect that the seamless thing they had done was discovered, and then they were arrested by the family after they reported back that day. They still don’t know what happened.

I don’t know how the people at home know it.

Think about it carefully, they always feel that their bodies are numb.

Extremely thinking and fearful.


After Ye Tian’s eyes widened and came from here, all the things he showed made him feel incredible.

Who is in control of the overall situation?

He looked up and saw Gu Yan. The smiling face appeared in his eyes, his pupils suddenly widened, and Ye Tian squeezed his fist tightly.

He didn’t believe it.

How could it be Gu Yan again?

“Do not!

After yelling, Lei Hongshen appeared in everyone’s sights, and a yellow talisman was suddenly attached to Ye Tian’s head.

“You are not just a day, you are also a demon who escaped from us many years ago. After so many years, Patriarch finally found you, and today you have to pay for what you have done!”

After speaking, all the members of the family rose into the sky.

Those guests who had been placed by them had been evacuated early, and they wanted to enter today’s alternate venue.

Now waiting to kill Ye Tian in one fell swoop.

“No, it’s impossible!” Still muttering in his mouth, Ye Tian suddenly yelled, and a black breath broke out all over his body, a trace of blindness surrounded him.

In the end, cyan marks appeared on his hands and face.

It’s really like a ghost!

All power was exploded, and two voices appeared at the same time.

“I was able to escape many years ago, and I am the same today!”

“Who are you? Why are you in my body?”

Hahaha”, ignorant child, if I were not in your body, do you think you still have a chance to be resurrected?”

“how so!

The two voices interlaced, and if these people in front of them had not seen the world, they would have been scared and fainted a long time ago.

But what they want now is to deal with Ye Tian.

“I’ll just talk about how my grandson died. It turns out that you gave him a medicinal pill to increase his power, so that his body couldn’t withstand the explosion and died in the end!”

Old man Li stared sharply at Ye Tian, ​​and everything was caused by this person.

Including attacking the three-regardless zone.

Now everyone understands the truth of the matter.

To take his life to pay tribute to those who died.

But now Ye Tian, ​​two souls have already appeared in his body, they yelled loudly, as if they wanted everyone to die here.


“I put a bomb under this auditorium. As long as I press the button in my hand, the entire auditorium will explode, and everyone will die!” Ye Tian continued to be rampant, and another voice seemed to be complimenting him. It’s not bad.

The moment his hand pressed the bomb, everyone tried their eyes.

I was about to escape, but found that there was no movement at all.


There was another surprised voice. Thinking about it, Ye Tian’s eyes widened again, and his spirit was completely defeated.

From returning to this world to do so much effort.

Unexpectedly, he just made wedding dresses for others, resurrected others with his own body, and left a trace of soul and consciousness.

Now that I have been planning for so long, all the plans have been reduced to ashes.

It’s like fake.

Thinking of this in his heart, Yan smiled and walked in front of him, “I know everything well, so including the bombs under Zhejiang Province, I have already sent someone to clear them.”

“Ye Tian, ​​your death date is here!

After Gu Yan’s words were finished, a wicked smile appeared when he turned his head, and two fingers lightly pressed on Ye Tian’s chest.

Severe pain came from his chest.

(The promise is good) The people of the Guwu family around all looked straight ahead.

What technology is this?

Ye Tian rolled on the ground in pain, and finally couldn’t even speak clearly, but his eyes were still staring at Ye Liuli’s direction.

“Ye Tian, ​​I hate you especially!

“I hate you, hate you, don’t show up in this life, I hope you are wiped out!”

When Ye Liuli said these words, there was a fierce look in his eyes, but Ye Tian slowly turned to ashes in everyone’s sight, and all disappeared.

It was just a person who used his body to possess him and resurrected him by the way.

He also wanted to avenge him, but in the end he was killed by Gu Yan, who was in control of the overall situation.

Killed in one fell swoop, and since then there is no more Ye Tian in the world.

He didn’t have the chance to live again.

“Gu Shao is mighty!”

The people around knelt on one knee, and then screamed with both hands. They all respected Gu Yan.

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