Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Ye Tian, ​​Toys

Li family.

Except for Old Man Li, those who have taken the pill but have not had an attack are all normal now.

Ye Tian just went back and saw the old man sitting on the grass outside, basking in the sun, looking very comfortable.

This look seemed to anger him.

Ye Tian walked over quickly and kicked one foot on the wicker chair. The old man rolled down from the chair and grabbed his head when he saw him, “Honorable Lord.”

“You still know who I am. If you let me see you like this again in the future, be careful that I abolish you!” After Ye Tian finished speaking, he quickly returned to his room.

No matter who you see now, you lose your temper inexplicably.

Because I can’t conceal the emotion in my heart.

The beloved woman is going to marry someone else.

That kind of feeling hurts.

It’s as if the heart was dug out “Zero Nine Three” and it was very painful.


Another laughter appeared in the empty room. Ye Tian quickly turned his head and stared at a place very sharply.

Step by step, he said indifferently: “If you don’t get out again, believe it or not, I will make you fragmented tonight, and you will never be able to escape from me.”

“Don’t be so grievous, I came tonight to talk with you about cooperation.

A man in red appeared, with long hair.

Is the leader of the three-regardless zone.

In the former three-regardless zone, there really were no people, the weak and the strong, the low-powered people in it simply didn’t have any qualifications to eat or cultivate.

As long as you can live, it is already the supreme glory.

Later, after this person appeared, he used the most cruel means to unify the entire three-regardless zone, ensuring the livelihood of some weak people, and at the same time giving some people the opportunity to practice.

So the area also began to become orderly.

The leader Liu Qing has become the god of the lowest-end people.

“Cooperation?” Ye Tian smiled, with an expression of undeniable expression on his face, sat down in front of the coffee table, made a pot of tea for himself, and said mockingly: “How do you cooperate with me? Please leave immediately.”

“Ha ha.”

Liu Qing’s voice is neither male nor female, and she sounds like goose bumps all over her body.

I feel terrible in this room even more.

“What if I said that what I want to discuss with you is Gu Yan’s business.” As soon as Liu Qing said what he said, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the chair, suddenly became calm.

As soon as he heard this man’s name, he wanted to get angry.

“what’s up?”

The two began to conspire in the room, while Ye Liuli on the other side was trying on a dress.

Regardless of whether Gu Yan is going to deal with Ye Tian or because he really wants to marry him, as long as he can put on a gown and walk on the red carpet with him, all the rituals are already over in my heart.

That’s enough.

Tian Dong sat on a chair, his long legs dangling leisurely.

With his chin in his hands, an expression of admiration appeared in his eyes, “You are still the happiest, if one day I can also wear a wedding dress and walk the red carpet with him.”

But Tiandong knew that this was simply impossible.

There are more women rushing to the police for Gu Yan.

Only Ye Liuli can penetrate into his heart.

“You will definitely be fine someday. You can help me see, which of these two styles is more attractive?” Ye Liuli finished speaking, and started to provoke the wedding dress.

This wedding was proposed only recently, so the preparations were a bit hasty, but with Gu Yan’s huge connections and connections, someone had already prepared these things well.

Because they all want to flatter Gu Yan.


Ye Tian looked straight at Ye Liuli who was trying on the wedding dress inside, and every smile could affect his heart.

Seeing her so beautiful, she is about to walk on the red carpet with another man.

I feel angry.

A strange feeling came to Ye Tian’s hand while holding the glass, as if people were about to walk in.

But when he heard the sound of the car braking, he quickly hid in the corner next to him, looking at the smile on his face, walking slowly into the store with his leather shoes, and gently holding Ye Liuli’s shoulders. .

Two people are looking in the mirror.

The two people in the mirror match perfectly, and they are both men and women.

Tian Dong left long before Gu Yan came.

In the magnificent studio, two people stood together and looked at the mirror. The store manager and a group of service staff behind them were all shocked.

I have never seen such a match,

“Brother Gu Yan, I really look forward to that day.” Ye Liuli gently hugged Gu Yan, and the intimate movements of the two fell into the eyes of Ye Tian who was standing outside the door.

Actually Gu Yan knows it all.

Deliberately approached Ye Liuli, talking gently next to her ear.

Another action, like a dense pinhole, pierced into his heart fiercely, and it was painful.


I felt that this anger was about to come in. Ye Tian flashed away quickly and left the studio directly.

“Brother Gu Yan, look at my performance?” Ye Liuli also knew that Ye Tian was outside, just trying to piss him off. Who made him never think about her feelings.

After speaking, Ye Liuli’s hand gently touched Gu Yan’s face, a finger gently ran across his cheek, and finally caught his neck.

“Brother Gu Yan, you have to reward me.” The action of the two people is more warm, and if Ye Tian stays, he will definitely be sucked into vomiting blood.

However, he has now returned to Li’s house.

After entering with red eyes, he saw two people talking at the door laughing and joking. The smiling scene seemed to irritate him, and he stepped forward and pinched one of them by the neck.

Before the other one could speak, he turned his hand slightly and the man fell to the ground.

There is no sound.

“Lord, I, I

The other person hadn’t finished speaking yet. Gu Yan looked at his long 3.5 fingers and suddenly tried his best. One hand directly pinched his heart, and the whole hand was full of blood.

Another one died.

Seeing these two corpses fall down in front of him, Ye Tian felt heartily.

The anger that was irritated before has gently dissipated, and now the countdown has begun, and there are still six days before the wedding begins.

At that time, he will be able to personally avenge himself.

Solve the people who have been yelling around.

Moreover, his plan can completely keep Liuli, although it may be frightened, but it doesn’t matter if it is so.

With a bloodthirsty smile on Ye Tian’s face, he said to himself: “Liu Li, even if you become a vegetable, I will stay by your side for a lifetime, not to mention this is a little shock.”

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