Chapter 171

Chapter One Hundred Seventy One

“There must be someone who used the earth escape technique. It should be that person who brought things to us!”

Someone still recognized the Earth Escape Technique, and after speaking out loud, Old Man Li was ready to chase.

Because he always felt like Ye Tian.

But he hadn’t caught up yet. When I saw that Li was entangled by a spirit beast tomorrow, he hadn’t taken the pill now, so there was no way to compete with that huge spirit beast.

Old man Li took a look, then he took another look at Li Ming.

Finally, I chose to save my grandson first.

“Isn’t Li tomorrow very powerful? Why can’t even deal with such a spirit beast? The front of the damp” is just a few elementary spirit beasts, and many young children are handy when dealing with them.

Therefore, many people began to mock Li tomorrow.

He wanted to do something when he heard those words, but he couldn’t beat the spirit beast at all. The huge pressure made him feel a little flustered.

“Maybe they used other methods in the ring match. Anyway, they are the young masters of the Li family. There must be a lot of things on them, and they are incomparable to ordinary people like us!”

“That seems to be the same.”

Listening to the discussions among the people in the small family, Li Mingming felt that what they said was particularly harsh.

The eyes began to turn bright red, and a bloody breath suddenly rushed to my heart. Before I took the pill, the whole person had undergone tremendous changes, and the blue veins on his hands burst.

With a punch, the spirit beast flew far away.

After a roar, he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

When the old man rushed to Li tomorrow, he looked at him like this, couldn’t help but patted his shoulder, and then whispered angrily, “Did you take that kind of pill again just now? That Ye Tian is nothing.

“Grandpa, shut up!”

Tomorrow Li turned his head mechanically, the look made Old Man Li feel a little scary.

It’s like a puppet.

His eyes were dull, his eyes were scarlet, and he turned into a killing machine, and his tone was very cold when he spoke to him.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that Li would deal with the retail stores that rushed up tomorrow. Basically, he could blow the most powerful one with one punch, and he would directly kill in three rounds.

There are a lot of spiritual nuclei in his hand, and all of his body is blood.

However, he didn’t have any consciousness himself.

At first talking about his rich children, now they dare not say anything, they are really scared.

The tide of beasts continued to flow up.

Lei Hongshen felt that something was wrong, and then found some fine powder on their bodies, and asked everyone to quickly pat the powder off.

But the more and more they shot, they could only go around the forest all the time, just to avoid the damp.

Day and night, they were exhausted.

“damn it!”

Old man Li slammed the ground severely, and Lei Hongshen said: “We have to think of a way. If this continues, we may be directly exhausted. The person who used the earth escape technique before should be harmed. Our one.”

Old man Li didn’t speak, he always felt that it was Ye Tian.

The kid’s eyes were wrong.

And they have been chased by spirit beasts for a day and night, and all the small teams have gathered here.

Ye Tian didn’t even appear.


“What’s the effect of these now? We can’t wash the powder on our bodies even when we go to the water. With these powders, we will always be chased by the spirit beasts.

People with a small family were still dissatisfied, thinking that this time they would be able to win the forest.

Unexpectedly, he returned in a fiasco.


Several loud laughter rang out at the same time. Before I recovered from the damp, I saw many people around them.

A man in red appeared in everyone’s sight, played with his hair lightly, looked at the people below, and said, “The courage is really getting bigger and bigger. It seems that you are trying to tear the gap between us. Agreement.

Seeing that they were surrounded by people, and there were attacks from spirit beasts around them, these people suddenly panicked.

how so?

“Liu Qing, we have entered your forest by mistake…

Trying to explain a few words, the red-haired Liu Qing fell to the ground all at once, and then waved at the people around him. Seven or eight people in black surrounded them.

“You don’t need to listen to their explanations, anyone who breaks into our place deserves to die.

After the man in black nodded, he fought with them again.

Originally, the attacks of the spirit beasts had exhausted them. They hadn’t closed their eyes all day and night, hadn’t eaten anything, and suffered a lot of injuries on their bodies. The whole person was particularly embarrassed.

………Please ask for flowers………

Now that the blacks deal with them again, they are unable to do what they want.


Some noises began to sound in the sky, and immediately after the raindrops, they fought violently, and they fought in this open area, killing many people.

It can be said that blood flows into a river.

On the other side, Gu Yan sat in a tent with a glass of red wine in his hand. Listening to the sound of rain outside, he said softly, “That group of people must be particularly embarrassed now.”

Ye Liuli nodded.

Gently pressed her thigh, and then whispered: “Brother Gu Yan, Ye Tian was still rescued.”

Since getting the news, Ye Liuli has been unable to calm down.

I am afraid that Gu Yan will be disappointed with her.


“It’s okay, just let him run. The more proud he is now, the more disappointed he will be. We will go back when the rain stops.

When the rain stops, everything is over, but I don’t know how many of the over a hundred people brought this time will be able to go back this time!

This story is really getting more and more interesting.

[Concave, Ye Tian’s mentality has changed, and he will reward the villain with 250,000 points)

[Concave, Ye Tian’s mentality has changed, and he will reward the villain with 250,000 points]

There was a voice in his mind, and Gu Yan felt that the sound of rain was a little better, and he was very happy.

Gently stroked the red wine and shook the glass. The color of the red wine was the same as blood.


In that empty area, more and more people were fighting, and only one person attracted everyone’s attention.

It is Li Ming.

He held a long aura in his hand, like a halberd in the sky, his eyes were flushed like a red-eyed person, and he would kill anyone when he saw it.

He was already injured and bleeding from his shoulders, but he didn’t feel it at all, so he killed people when he saw them.

Until the end, Lei Hongshen and Old Man Li thought of a way.

With the help of the spirit beast’s attack, they drew another spirit formation, and then quickly escaped.

The two people cooperated very tacitly. In the end, everyone escaped. Li fainted tomorrow. Only now he looked normal.

But because everyone saw the scene of his killing, few people dared to approach him.

After escaping, they immediately drove back to Shen City. and,

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