Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen The Boss’ Reward?

Magic City CBD Center Office Building, 23 floors.

Su Qingyue took Ye Liuli and strolled leisurely in the exhibition.

If Ye Liuli has a favorite painting, she will hold Su Qingyue’s arm and ask sweet questions.

Su Qingyue also did not hide her selfishly, and used what she had learned to explain to Ye Liuli from all aspects.

The family environment and family education in which she grew up are actually similar to Gu Yan.

They were all born of prominent families and were educated by elites.

However, the Su family’s discipline of Su Qingyue was much stricter than that of the Gu family.

Not only must Su Qingyue excel in her studies, she must also reach a certain level in terms of interest, health, appearance, and business acumen.

This is also thanks to her being Su Qingyue.

If it were given to ordinary girls, it would have collapsed long ago.

There will be long winds and waves, and there will be times when the sails are hung straight to the sea.

Su Qingyue has been studying with great concentration for 18 years, and now she has truly become a beautiful lady who is beautiful in poetry and poetry.

People are also becoming more and more beautiful, and their fame is far and away from the upper class society.

She also has a nickname.

“The devil’s talented girl.”


With Su Qingyue’s knowledge, explaining these paintings to Ye Liuli shouldn’t be too easy.

“Master Gu!”

at this time.

Ye Liuli cried out in surprise, her beautiful eyes gleaming and she smiled.

She didn’t even notice it herself.

In just half a day, her impression of Gu Yan changed again and again.

From the villa, to the car, to the first impression painting exhibition, what Gu Yan said to her.

And now, she stayed with Su Qingyue and experienced the happiness that she hadn’t experienced for a long time.

Before you know it.

The rejection of “private nanny” in her heart is almost non-existent.

Although she still thinks about helping Ye Tian get the “antique” in her heart, she is no longer so anxious and will not make extreme behaviors.

Even if you want to take it.

That is also using my own hard work and labor to exchange the antiques.

Su Qingyue also looked over.

far away.

A slender, handsome, elegant and mysterious man came here casually.

See Gu Yan again.

The doubt in Su Qingyue’s heart can no longer conceal!

She is super curious!

Through a brief stay with Ye Liuli, she has been able to determine that Ye Liuli is really Gu Yan’s personal nanny, and there is no other improper relationship.

It means that Gu Yan is just about to break the marriage!

Gu Yan…

It really changed!

Everything has changed!

From last night to today, overnight!

Su Qingyue just wants to chat with him now and ask Gu Yan why.

Not only was she not angry when she was divorced, she also thanked Gu Yan.

Because this marriage contract was originally a bondage for her, and she didn’t have the courage to say to quit the marriage!

Gu Yan walked to the second woman.

He doesn’t have so many inner dramas.

He only needs to look through one eye and one detail to see what he wants.

It can only be said that everything is expected.

The meeting of these two heroines brought their own benefits.

Looked at the watch.

It’s six o’clock in the evening, and there are still a few hours before the reviewer attends the dinner.

“Let’s go, take you to buy two pieces of clothes.” Gu Yan looked at Ye Liuli, and said lightly.

“Thank you Master Gu, I can still wear this suit, so I don’t need it.”

Ye Liuli blushed and shook his head again and again, some of them couldn’t stand it.

If you know that you still owe Young Master Gu 8 million yuan, how can you dare to ask for anything else?


Gu Yan tilted his head, almost leaning against the girl’s ear, and said in a low voice, “You did a good job of my task. You performed well today. This is a reward for you.”

A warm breath fell on Ye Liuli’s face.

Itchy ears.

It made her heart beat faster.


Ye Liuli remembered what Gu Yan said to her last night.

As long as she works hard, she gets a guaranteed salary, and she has bonuses and other benefits if she performs well.

Although I don’t know where I am doing well.

But being recognized by Gu Yan, Ye Liuli was still a little bit happy.

“Thank you Master Gu.”

Ye Liuli wanted to look at Gu Yan, but she found that the distance between the two was too close now, and her earlobe almost didn’t touch Gu Yan’s lips.

She quickly lowered her head, blushed, and said softly.

Su Qingyue smiled as she watched this scene.


If Gu Yan can develop with Ye Liuli, it would be great?

“Gu Gongzi, let’s go together, sister Liuli has such a good figure, I will help her pick some clothes.”

Su Qingyue lifted her hair, her beautiful eyes were like a deep spring with a quiet, smiling face, but you couldn’t understand anything.

Gu Yan didn’t speak, and nodded.

Bring Ye Liuli to buy clothes, one is to continue psychological control.

Second, just to wait for Yang Xuming.

As for Su Qingyue?

Gu Yan will not care what she thinks, he will only do the right thing at the right time, and Su Qingyue will naturally fall into the trap.

Everything is under control.

17 floors.

Gu Yan put his arms on the railing and looked down from the 17th floor calmly, giving a panoramic view of the people coming and going.

In my mind…

That crazy idea just on the elevator keeps surging!

He likes to turn the impossible into a pleasure.

A challenge of fun!

Gu Yan’s previous fun was crushing, torturing, and killing Ye Tian step by step.

but now……

I’m afraid he will have one more fun.

“Sir, here is the bill, please take a look.”

At this time.

A service person pulled a long list and came to Gu Yan.

This is of course Su Qingyue’s list of consumption with Ye Liuli.

Of course Gu Yan would not go shopping with them.

To be honest, I don’t have that energy either.

Women are a very magical thing. No matter whether they are beautiful, ugly, fat or thin, or young or old, they always have an innate talent for shopping.

Gu Yan may not be able to stand it…

He directly took out his bank card and swiped it to make the payment without seeing how much money was spent.

Since he said that Ye Liuli should be rewarded, these things are not worth paying attention to.

In Gu Yan’s eyes.

Money is just a tool.

Ten minutes passed.

Gu Yan was still thinking about things, when he heard a sweet, and somewhat shy voice coming from behind him.

Ye Liuli’s voice!

“Gu Gongzi, I…I’ll change it.”

ps: The daily update starts at night and ends in the early morning, with 10,000 words a day. The author’s work and rest are like this. Please forgive me.

Thank you for your support, my codeword is gone. *

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