Chapter 158

Chapter 158: Full of Confidence! Ye Tian Refining Pills!

After hearing Gu Yan’s plan, Ye Liuli nodded shyly.

“Then,” Ye Liuli showed a shy look on his face, and looked more beautiful in the dim light, “If I successfully complete this task, will you be able to stay with me all day, just like ordinary Lovers like that.

Gu Yan is so good, there are countless women around him.

Therefore, Ye Liuli’s request was very plain.

I just want Gu Yan to go on a date like a normal couple when I get along with her, go to the movies together, go to the amusement park to play games, and have a dinner together.

“Of course.” Gu Yan curled his lips. He was still a little patient with Ye Liuli.

Ye Liuli blinked her beautiful eyes and left quickly. No matter what the price, she must complete the task that Gu Yan gave her.

Get this opportunity to be an ordinary couple with him for yourself.

As for Tiandong, since the last time the two people were together, the cold girl was breached. Since then, the heart is no longer cold, but has been eagerly looking forward to it.


I look forward to Gu Yan being able to find her.

However, I haven’t received any news for so long. Tiandong was a little unwilling and could only search for it.

Tomorrow, you brought the person back to your house and brought them back to your room happily, thinking that you had picked up a treasure.

As everyone knows, I have brought home a terrible disaster.

Lead the wolf into the room.

“You said you can refine ammunition, then you first refine me an ammunition with enhanced strength. If it is feasible, I will believe you, if it is not feasible, you should know the consequences.” Li will no longer talk to Ye Tian tomorrow.

Anyway, everyone is just getting what they need.

Ye Tian nodded, the most important thing now is not to reveal his identity, and then bear it all the time.

Long-term patience is for better revenge in the future.

Yan is not a simple character. If he is made aware that he has been reborn, he will definitely carry out a series of plans. Before that, Ye Tian must be fully prepared.

Before discovering that he was reborn, he had already put everything to the end.

Just like he played with himself in the previous life, he dealt with him little by little.

Revenge for yourself.

As soon as Gu Yan was mentioned, hatred appeared in Ye Tian’s eyes.

I really hate it!

I hate it until now, if he stands in front of him, he can’t wait to rush up and die with him.

But Ye Tian also understood that he couldn’t imagine the strength of that person, so he could only use the most conservative way.

Disintegrate his power bit by bit.

“I’m talking to you, did you hear it?”

Li looked at it for a long time tomorrow, and no one responded. He couldn’t help turning his head and quizzed Ye Tian’s hand fiercely.

Ye Tian turned around suddenly, and then he could only endure the answer: “I heard it, I am now thinking what kind of pill should be refined?”

With this attitude, Li is still a little satisfied tomorrow. He has been an only child since he was a child, so he is spoiled, and it is inevitable that he will be a little arrogant.

Looking at Ye Tian’s attitude, he was a little proud.

Then he pinched his nose and said, “Then you can wash yourself and go with me, so as not to be discovered by the old man, you go to my private villa outside to refine the pill. After you are done, contact me. After I have checked and accepted, If you are satisfied, you can stay with me.”

I originally wanted to refine the pill directly here.

But if you think about it tomorrow, the old man doesn’t allow medicinal pills that can directly enhance your strength in your home.

So in case it is discovered, it is likely to be unlucky.

Those collateral branches will also take this opportunity to let the old man re-select a heir of the direct line.

Later, he inherited the entire Li family’s property.

Ye Tian nodded, and then followed Li to the outside villa tomorrow. After he closed the door, he looked at the side and said, “Come in, he has already left. There is no camera inside.”

After the voice fell, a man in black appeared in front of him with a black cloth over his head.

Both eyes are sticking out.

“He said he wants to improve his strength, do you have any?” Ye Tian stretched out his hand unceremoniously, and the man in front of him sneered twice, his voice was difficult to distinguish, whether it was a male or a female.

He took out a small bottle from his pocket.

He said softly: “There are a total of six here. You can figure it out by yourself. Under normal circumstances, I will not take the initiative to come to you, and you should not take the initiative to contact me unless there is something important.”


After speaking, the man in black disappeared into the room again.

But Ye Tian found a more comfortable room, washed it and lay down again. When lying on the ceiling, all he thought about was Ye Liuli.

How did Ye Liuli alienate him step by step!

Ye Tian hasn’t figured it out yet.

At the beginning, he just asked her to get a token.

Why did you get people in too!

This Li family is not the former Li family, but staying here will always remember the past.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Tian finally fell asleep.

Gu Yan is like a king who controls the overall situation, still sitting in the attic, he is familiar with everything.

Although I don’t know exactly what Ye Tian wants to do, there have been people following him since he entered Shen City.

Everything will be reported.

When I went to Li’s house, I just wanted to give myself a cover and regain a new identity. 080

Then start a game with him.

“Ha ha.

With a smile on his face, Gu Yan took out a silver knife from the deer, played with it lightly, and then slowly opened it, looking at the shiny blade, feeling happy.

This time, if you could use this dagger to kill Ye Tian himself, it would be very exciting.

When I think of it, my heart is particularly surging.


A cold voice rang, Gu Yan just reacted, Tian Dong has appeared in the room, wearing a black tights, looking very charming.

Sitting gently in Gu Yan’s arms, one hand caught his neck.

“I heard that you have another new goal.” Lying in Gu Yuan’s arms like a kitten, Tiandong’s red lips lightly opened: “I don’t need me to help you see what he wants to do, by the way. You clean up his minions.”

Gu Yan smiled and gently pinched her chin.

He shook his head slightly.

Looking at the dagger again, after a long time, Gu Yan slowly said: “The unknown game is the most interesting, and he is the only one. No matter what kind of power he builds, I am not afraid.”

“I want to play it as a game this time, just watch it.

Gu Yan’s voice came out slowly, and Tiandong became more obsessed with this man.

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