Chapter 152

The 152nd chapter is completely crazy! Playing in the palm of your hand

It really is Gu Yan!

If the eyes can kill people, Ouyang Feng’s eyes would have turned into countless flying knives.

He wished to rush out now.

Ask, why Qi Ma can be so kind to a man who has met a few times.

He likes her so much!

“Mr. Gu, I heard that you are sick. In order to show my gratitude, I made a porridge for you. It did not do well. I hope you don’t dislike it.” After speaking, he lowered his head slightly and hands it over.

It’s like a maid treats the king.

Watching Ouyang Feng next to him burst into flames, but he did not dare to come out.

I am afraid that Qi Xie hates him even more.

Gu Yan had known that Ouyang Feng was following, and he had spread the news, so he immediately laughed, and accidentally touched Qi Ma’s hand when he broke the lunch box.

Her heart was trembling slightly, and all of a sudden, she became red all night.

Hiding in the dark, Ouyang Feng saw this picture and tightly pinched the phone in his pocket, wishing to smash the phone together.

This picture really made his heart almost stop beating.

A woman who has been in love for so many years thinks that after a lifetime, she can change the ending and let him be with herself.

Unexpectedly, another Gu Yan was killed halfway through.

“Thank you Miss Qi.” Gu Yan’s gentle voice rang, melting Qi’s heart again.

He lowered his head and finished speaking, watching Ouyang Feng next to him. Gu Yan took a step forward slightly, narrowed the distance between the two people, and turned his body slightly.

It seemed as if two people were kissing.

“Would you like to go in and sit down?”

Gu Yan finished speaking softly, all confused, then nodded, two people walked into the room, and the door was closed.

There was a “pop”, as if everything was isolated from the outside.

Ouyang Feng was completely mad.

[Ding, Ouyang Feng thoroughly Blacken, Blacken value is 100%]

(Ding, Ouyang Feng thoroughly, Blacken son of luck is still weakening, the weakening degree is 90%)

Two voices sounded in Gu Yan’s mind at the same time. He smiled slightly, and gently said to the walkie-talkie in his ear: “You can start the good show.”

After the voice fell, various sounds sounded in the corridor.

Disrupting Ouyang Feng’s judgment, he took advantage of the chaos and walked to the door. Zim and Gu Yan walked into the innermost room to see the antiques in it. The sound insulation effect is particularly good.

Someone deliberately opened the door to a gap and put some untimely recorded sounds in it.

They were all recorded in a fake Qi Ma’s tone.

Hearing all this, Ouyang Feng, who wanted to inquire about the news at the door, couldn’t wait to kick the door open and rush in.

However, he cannot do this.

Going downstairs quickly, after someone saw him go down, this floor quickly stopped acting.

And Qi’s visit to antiques is almost the same. Looking at Gu Yan, I feel a little lost. I feel that I can’t control my emotions. If I look at it again, I will definitely be unable to help it.

He simply said goodbye.

The show was over, Gu Yan nodded slightly and told her to be careful all the way.

A plain word set off a stormy sea in Qi Ma’s heart. As soon as she left, she sent a message to You You, and said in an excited voice: “You You, I really feel that I was fascinated by him. willing.”

“If he wants

Before Yoyo’s words were finished, there was no voice on the other side.

Qi felt a little weird, so he immediately gave up sending messages, and instead made a call. It was still connected at first, but then the phone was turned off.

what’s going on?

She made several more calls, but the display on the other side was all turned off.

Qi Ma couldn’t bear it anymore. She stopped a car on the side of the road and drove straight to Yoyo’s home. After arriving at his home, she found that there was a mess inside. Only Yoyo’s phone fell on the ground and the room was empty.

It should have been taken away by someone.

How to do?

The mind was spinning quickly, and finally she decided to ask Gu Yan for help.

And now Yo You is in Ouyang Feng’s hand, holding a dagger in his hand against his neck, laughing crazy and asking: “What did Qi Ma tell you?”

Yoyo doesn’t speak, she knows Qi Feng.

Looking at him like this, I was a little scared, but didn’t say anything.

“Don’t say yes, then I will let you taste the disfigurement.” After speaking, Ouyang Feng was like a demon, with a dagger stuck to You You’s face.

He also sneered and threatened: “If you don’t say it, then I will scratch your face every minute, and in the end you will become an ugly monster…

Yoyo had no choice but to confess all in the end.

It is impossible to really disfigure.

“I think it is really important to choose Gu Yan together. After all, Gu Yan is the king that everyone looks up to, and you are just an underground sister. There is no way for someone like you to compare with him!”

There was also hatred in Yoyo’s eyes, as well as a trace of guilt for betraying her good friend.

After the curse came out, I finally felt more comfortable.

“Ha ha.

Hearing what Youyou said, Ouyang Feng muttered to herself: “She actually said that he likes Gu Yan, likes Gu Yan!”


After touching everything in front of him, Ouyang Feng still felt that his heart was not happy enough.

Two people ran in, and when they were about to report the news, Ouyang Feng hit one of them in the chest with a punch, slightly deflated.

The thought that Qi likes Gu Yan makes him crazy and unable to extricate himself.

Thoroughly Blacken.

His eyes began to turn red, and the whole person looked like a demon from hell, Yoyo was especially frightened, and finally fainted directly.

[Ding, change the plot of the original book, Blacken value reaches the top, reward 1 million villain points]

After the voice in his mind rang, Gu Yan was standing on the top floor of the hotel with a red wine glass in his hand. Looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, he suddenly felt happy.

With a slight smile, he picked up the red wine and took a sip.

3.5, not bad.

When the call came, the person opposite was Tiandong. Because Zhao Feifei completed the task ahead of schedule last time, and also completed the special help, she has been paying attention to Gu Yan.

Knowing that Ouyang Feng is going to be resolved now, she has already contacted in advance.

“I have taken away his lair and forged a false message. He should return to Ouyang’s house in three days, confess his identity, and take the position of the first Guwu family in the whole city in one fell swoop.”

“How strong is it?

“I can’t stand a blow, I will solve it casually, what are the arrangements now?”


After speaking, Gu Yan hung up the phone. The opposite Tiandong was sitting on the sports car, playing with the keys in his hand, with a smile on his face, and said to himself: “It’s interesting, this time the first one must be mine. .”

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