Chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen Great ups and downs, mentality collapsed!

301 in front of the door.

Gu Yan opened the door directly and walked in.

The spacious and bright office, with large transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooks the most prosperous area of ​​the magic city from here, which is a kind of unparalleled enjoyment.

Behind the desk, a middle-aged man in a white sweater is sitting with his waist bowed.

The expensive suit he took off was just spread out on the table casually, holding the phone in both hands, and his firm face was full of tender smiles.

“Tongtong, Dad has finished the meeting, will you go home early today to accompany you?”

“Call your mother, and grandparents, let’s go have a big meal, dad treat!”

“Also, your mother…”


He stopped and looked up at the door!

At this moment!

A gleam of extremely angry and dangerous flashed in Yang Xuming’s eyes, but it instantly retracted.

He pressed the hang up button calmly, instead of putting away the phone, he held it firmly with his right hand and looked at Gu Yan.


He raised his brows and smiled iconically.

That anger was perfectly concealed.

“Yo, son Gu, rare guests, please sit down.”

Yang Xuming greeted Gu Yan enthusiastically, and got up to make a cup of tea for him, his expression and conversation were unspeakably comfortable.

Compared to his tenderness just now.

This old-fashioned and sleek, before and after comparison is simply not like the same person.

Gu Yan sat opposite Yang Xuming, did not speak, just looked at him calmly.

Yang Xuming was a little unclear by Gu Yan, so he smiled and said, “Why did Mr. Gu have time to sit down with me today? Is it because my father has any needs for cooperation?”

“So that Young Master Gu was so anxious that he came in without knocking at the door.”

It seems to be laughing.

In fact, he was trying to test what Gu Yan was here for, and second, he was expressing his dissatisfaction.

He knows Gu Yan, who follows the rules, is easy-going, and is a typical future heir to an elite family.

Yang Xuming doesn’t catch a cold to a noble man like Gu Yan, because Gu Yan can’t bring him any benefit.

The good voice is just because of Gu Wanshan, the chairman of the Gu Group.


He was on the phone with his daughter just now, and Gu Yan broke in without knocking at the door. He really couldn’t help it!

In order to get to this point, he gave up too much.

But family is always his only concern and taboo!

Gu Yan smiled, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and looked at Yang Xuming’s right hand holding the phone.

“Mr. Yang, I came today to ask you a question.”

“what is the problem?”

“Do you think your life is happy now?”

Yang Xuming paused, and then said: “Of course I am happy, I have never had such a wonderful life, a harmonious family, and a smooth job.”

“There is nothing happier in this world.”

“Then what if I tell you that your family is fake?” Gu Yan asked back.

Yang Xuming took a deep breath and leaned back on the chair.

“Gu Gongzi, what do you mean?”

The tone is a bit impatient.

“It’s very simple.”

Gu Yan firmly controls the initiative and the rhythm of dialogue.

He put down the teacup.

Looking directly at Yang Xuming, a faint smile flashed across his deep eyes, and he suddenly said, “My problem is.”

“If you find out that your parents are fake, your wife is fake, and even your daughter is fake, they are just a game, a game that squeezes out billionaires!”

“What do you think?”


Yang Xuming patted the table and stood up.

He stared at Gu Yan, “Gu Gongzi, if you come to me and insult my family, then you can go.”

“I, Yang Xuming, is not as good as your Gu Group, but don’t be too much in your conduct!”

Yang Xuming will never regain the sleek old ways of his talent.

Gu Yan said his family, he is really anxious!

Gu Yan’s expression remained unchanged, ignoring the angry Yang Xuming, and slowly spoke.

The deep, magnetic voice echoed in the spacious office, which also made Yang Xuming’s expression angry, a little bit…

Become dull and sluggish!

“Yang Xuming, born in 1985, without father and mother, grew up in an orphanage.”

“You have been helpless since you were a child, and your temperament is far more mature than other people. You know the importance of money. Since then, you have been observing the society, the economy and the market.”

“At that time, just in time to catch up with the tide of the times, you plunged into the financial industry, starting from scratch, and relying on your own skills, you have become the fund manager of the largest private investment bank in the city, worth more than one million.”

“But your inner world is extremely empty. You envy others who have a harmonious family, and you envy others who have wives and children!”

“Your ambition is also driving you to become more rich and powerful. Only in this way can you find your own parents!”

“at this time!”

“A couple of old people, I came to you, it was February 29, a day in a leap year.”

“They said, you are their son and took you to do a paternity test. To celebrate all this, you cried like a madman on the Bund that night, right?”

Yang Xuming was stunned.

He looked at the man in front of him, frowned, an ominous feeling made him get goose bumps all over!

“Are you investigating me? What on earth do you want to do? Where did you know?!”

Gu Yan did not answer Yang Xuming’s question.

Have a sip of tea.

Continued: “After that, the old couple introduced you to a woman. The woman is not beautiful, but she is very virtuous and has a great appetite for you.”

“You get married and have children, and you have a daughter named Tongtong.”

“The whole family is happy, you have realized your dreams, and you work harder and want to give them a bright future!”

“So, you have today.”

“But I’m sorry, Mr. Yang, all this is fake.”

Gu Yan leaned forward slightly, resting his hands on the table, looking directly at Yang Xuming.

“The two old people are the husband and wife in the bathing city opposite the orphanage. You haven’t been to such a place, so naturally you haven’t seen them.”

“The thing about your wealth later spread all over that little place, and they came up with a plan to take away everything from you!”

“That is to pretend to be your parents, find a woman to marry you and have children, to inspire you! Encourage you! Give you warmth!”

“Then, suck your blood, use your money to squander, and finally scheming to kill you! Naturally inherit your inheritance!”

“The paternity test is fake!”

“Yang Xuming! Do you have fertility, don’t you…don’t you know?”

“Does your daughter look like you, don’t you know?”

Yang Xuming exploded!

Now, he really exploded!

Gu Yan even knew he couldn’t have children!

That’s right!

Yang Xuming went to the hospital to check it out, because he often drank alcohol, became ill from overwork, and his reproductive function was seriously impaired. It is reasonable to say that he would never have children in his life!

But when he learned that his wife was pregnant, how could he think so much? !

He thought it was God’s favor, and spent tens of millions to renovate a temple in the capital!

“Impossible, impossible!”

Yang Xuming’s eyes are a little red, but his expression is getting more and more flat. This is the stiffness after extreme mood swings.

“How can my parents be fake, how can my wife and children be fake!”

He was whispering.

Not shouting, but talking to himself while clutching his hair.

“You can go and flip under your fake father’s bed to see if the dose of adrenaline in the ground crack is tailored for you.”

“And the doctor who gave you a paternity test back then, to see if he has bought a large flat in England, and lives a chic life.”

“You can also give your wife a phone call. If I remember correctly, she went to see the child’s biological father to share the money yesterday afternoon. There are consumption records in the card. You can cheat her.”

“and also……”

“do not talk!”

Yang Xuming almost roared out.

He sat again in the chair tremblingly, and took a few deep breaths before he took out his phone and dialed a number.

“Hello? Wife.”

Although his face is pale now.

But his voice seemed extraordinarily normal.

“What’s the matter, husband?” A sweet and greasy voice sounded.

Yang Xuming’s heart beats wildly, and said: “Wife, where did you go yesterday afternoon?”

“I have been at home.”

“But my driver told me yesterday that you went out in the afternoon without anyone notifying.” Yang Xuming started.

Lie her!

Even if he is very unstable now.

But as a person with high IQ, he understands that the more such a time, the more calm he must be!

You don’t need Gu Yan to teach you how to talk.

“Ah? This…I’m really at home, and I have been taking Tongtong. My child has enrolled in an art interest class. Have you forgotten?”

The voice on the other side of the phone was already a little panicked.

Moreover, there are too many explanations, but there are problems.

“Yes, yes! I remember!”

“I did go out yesterday afternoon because the head teacher of the elementary school suddenly asked me to go to school, saying that there was a problem with the child’s homework.”

“Husband, when will you come to me, my child and I…”

Toot toot.

Did not wait for the woman to finish.

Yang Xuming hung up the phone directly.

This is the end of the matter, there is no need for Gu Yan to say anything.

Yang Xuming went to school by himself yesterday afternoon and gave a gift to Tongtong’s head teacher!

If Gu Yan says all about this, are there other things false?

He seemed to be drained of all his strength and collapsed on the office chair.

The last bit of hope in the eyes disappears, that is the color of despair!


Just ten minutes ago, he had to take the family to dinner together happily.

but now!

Everything fell apart with this phone call!

Ten years of emotion!

Ten years of advancing and retreating together!

It’s just one game! A killing game against yourself!

Hope that the darkness afterwards is the most desperate.

Big ups and downs!

Yang Xuming’s mentality, at this time, completely collapsed!

I don’t know how long it took.

Yang Xuming stood up again, walked in front of Gu Yan, and then raised his right hand high! *

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