Chapter 134

Chapter 134 The Shame of Ouyang Feng, Unforgettable

The most painful thing for Ouyang Feng is not being humiliated, but being humiliated in front of Qi.

Ouyang Feng hates Lei Tianxiang even more!

“Master Lei, you are too much.

Qi Ma saw the bloodshot eyes at the corner of Ouyang Feng’s mouth, and she had a strange feeling in her heart.

Although Qi was sympathetic, Ouyang Feng’s embarrassed appearance made Qi feel a little embarrassed.

Ouyang Feng had been only a promise since he was a child, and even if Qi Lei bullied him, he did not dare to fight back.

Not to mention that even after being beaten by someone else, he dare not fight back.

What a shame.

Ouyang Feng didn’t realize that Qi Ma’s view of him had changed now, and he was still calm, thinking about how to calculate Lei Tianxiang.

Knowing that he reluctantly stood up and wanted to walk to Qi’s side, but found that Qi’s mother suddenly took a step back.

Seeing the slight disgust in Qi Ma’s eyes, Ouyang Feng felt a pain in his heart.


He was obviously reborn.

And today, he begged for the height of his face, and took the place of Qi Lei, saying that he wanted to come and meet the world, so he had a chance to come.

But today not only was there no protection, on the contrary, he was insulted by such a meal.

But Qi thinks he is 27 disgusting!

At this moment, a gentle but not majestic voice rang.

“Patriarch Lei, is it so lively?”

The visitor was Gu Yan who had just arrived in Zhongshi.

Ten minutes ago

Gu Yan is still playing with the wine glass in his hand.

[Ding, it is detected that there is a plot, whether to interrupt the plot on the second floor of the banquet hall. ”

The second floor of the banquet hall?

Gu Yan looked at the second floor and smiled softly.

Watching Ouyang Feng hurried to the second floor in the banquet hall.

Let’s go”, let’s go to the second floor and have a look.

Gu Yan stood up slowly and let Ye Liuli take her hand and walk to the second floor.

What would make Ouyang Feng, the son of Blacken’s luck, be so anxious?

It’s very simple.

There is only one person-Qi.

Lei Hongshen was a little surprised when he saw the people coming.

“Gu Gongzi, why don’t you rest downstairs?”

“what happened?”

Gu Yan made an understatement.

Qi looked at Gu Yan, a little startled.

Just now Gu Yan walked over from a distance, she only felt that Gu Yan was extraordinary, but now that she was in close contact with Gu Yan, Qi only realized it.

There are such men in the world.

It is gentle and dazzling, just like a character coming out of a book.

The men she has been in contact with since childhood are nothing more than her two brothers.

Qi Lei is arrogant and unreasonable, and Ouyang Feng is so cowardly.

Every time Qi Lei would only cause her troubles, and Ouyang Feng would always be like this, even if he was bullied, he would only dare not speak.

Just now Lei Tianxiang was so vicious, but Ouyang Feng still didn’t dare to say a word.

As long as Gu Yan came, Grandpa Lei even had to ask Gu Yan’s opinion before he dared to say it.

It would be great if…this person is her brother.

Soon, Qi Ma put this idea out of her mind again.

Now she is about to fulfill the marriage contract with Lei Tianxiang… heard from them, this Lei Tianxiang is usually very irritable and has already beaten many of his servants to the hospital, almost killing him.

Thinking of his future life, Qi feels a little uncomfortable.

Hearing Gu Yan’s question, Lei Hongshen quickly explained.

“Gu Gongzi, I disturbed you to rest. This is just our family affairs here.”

Ye Liuli looked at Lei Hongshen beautifully.

“What the hell is it?”

Seeing Gu Yan’s face, Lei Hong thought for a while and said cautiously.

We “The Lei family and the Qi family have a baby kiss. Mr. Qi came here today, also wanting to fulfill the marriage of our Lei Qi family. I don’t know what you think?”

Gu Yan looked at a few people on the court, and the son of luck standing in embarrassment.


“I always think that free love is more suitable for us, doesn’t it? Old man Lei, you are getting old.

you’re old?

Lei Hongshen immediately shed cold sweat.

The meaning of these words, is it that you want the Lei family to change the head?

“This…Gu Gongzi, look, how can we solve it?”

Gu Yan stroked the collar lightly and said lightly.

“I don’t want to worry about your Lei family and Qi family’s affairs. They really want to be together, but I hate someone forcing a marriage to be arranged.”

Lei Hongshen is also an individual, how can he not hear what Gu Yan means.

“You mean, don’t cancel their marriage first, but let them cultivate the relationship first?”

Gu Yan didn’t look like he came to cancel the marriage.

Originally, Lei Hongshen saw that Qi Changxiang was too good-looking, and that Ye Liuli beside Gu Yan had their own beauty.

He thought that Gu Yan might have fallen in love with Zim before coming to cancel the marriage.

Now it seems that there may be other reasons.

“You also know the reputation of Master Lei. If I see someone daring to be presumptuous, I won’t deal with him, first deal with the Lei family.”

Gu Yan seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

“Do you understand it?”

“Understood, understood!”

Elder Lei hurriedly laughed.

He finally noticed that Gu Yan left Lei Tianxiang still, but as long as Lei Tianxiang made a little move, he would let the Lei family pay the bill.

By the way, this Lei Tianxiang has this kind of troublesome character!

Lei Hongshen had a deep fear in his heart.

Could it be that Zim is from Gu Yan?

And Lei Tianxiang had completely surrendered at this time.

He is just a little villain. After confronting Gu Yan head-on, he doesn’t even deserve to be a dog for Gu Yan.

At this time, his heart for Gu Yan has changed from hatred to fear.

A thunderous means, a person who said nothing, 063 Lei Tianxiang couldn’t think of confrontation with Ben in his heart.

If he hadn’t learned ancient martial arts in the two battles, it is likely that he would have knelt down now.

“Gu Gongzi, I understand, I will definitely not do anything!”

Lei Tianxiang said with a trembling voice, lowering his head.

Seeing this development, Qi Gao dare not speak.

Obviously, the marriage between the two families will soon be stable. As soon as Gu Yan comes out, the two will be free to fall in love.

But he couldn’t bring up any thoughts of wanting to resist.

If Lei Hongshen is someone he can cling to.

Then Gu Yan is too far away from him.

The difference between the Qi family and the Gu family is like a small grass and a big tree.

Even if Gu Yan hangs up Qi Gao and fights, not only can he not resist, but he has to laugh!

Ouyang Feng was full of shame in his heart.

Just now Lei Tianxiang kicked him aside, even if he was called a dog, he couldn’t resist.

As soon as this Gu Yan came out, even the old man Lei was holding him.

If it wasn’t for him to hide his identity, this Lei Tianxiang would only have to kneel and lick him.

But he didn’t want this.

He wants Qi to truly fall in love with him!

However, what is the identity of this Gu Yan?

Obviously, he hadn’t appeared in the last life at all, so why should Lei Hongshen be afraid of him?

After going back, Gu Yan’s identity must be found out.

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