Chapter 129

Chapter 129 The bizarre plot of the original book. Wheel of Fortune!

“System, is there any way to learn ancient martial arts?”

Is there anything in the world that is more interesting than defeating a person in his best field?

[Ding, the host’s wishes are detected, do you spend 1 million villain points to force open some malls?

One million villain points?

It seems… the mall of this system will be the key!

If such an expensive capital is opened, wouldn’t the expenses in it be more expensive?

Noting the word compulsory, Gu Yan Gu Yan said thoughtfully.

“One million villains can only open the system store… But what does compulsory mean?”

[The system turns on the mall at level three automatically. Now the system has insufficient energy and can only force some products in the mall to be opened through the villain point. Is it open, please?”

The system is confirmed again.

Gu Yan crossed his hands on his chest, and opened the mall at the third level of the system…

I don’t know why, the system feels more and more strange to him.

Open the mall at level three, if ordinary people are thinking about whether to open it, or whether to wait for the system to automatically upgrade, after all, one million villains is not a small number.

But at this time, Gu Yan had a guess in his mind, so he asked.

“If only the third level will automatically open the mall, how did your previous host accomplish this kind of task?”

If you don’t have Guwu, and you don’t even have the basic stepping stone, how can you kill the Son of Destiny?

Foolishly talk about dreams.

[Ding, the completion of the host’s task is 100%, so start the c-level task, the previous host should do the task at this time is -1


【System failure, automatic restarting


Gu Yan chuckled, “System, before you, sure enough, there were other hosts, right?

Now he is very curious what the purpose of the system is.

There is no free pie in the world. If the system is just to give him luck, I’m afraid it’s a bit strange.

This time, one million villain points made Gu Yan realize.

The system is not for nothing else, just like the luck of the son of the predatory luck 27.

What is the system used to upgrade? And how is it upgraded?

These are all secrets.

For Gu Yan, plundering luck can make you stronger, but what does the system want?

After the second level of the system, he began to cut off the host non-cai, which made Yan feel a lot like a thing.

In reality, if you want to launch a game or an app, merchants will want to offer discounts, or even give them to customers for free.

After a period of time has passed, and everyone gets used to this game or app, the merchants will start to return to normal prices, and then start to cut non-vegetables.

Isn’t these exactly the same as what the system is doing now?

After the system is upgraded, although there is still no feelings, it is much smarter. If the system will be more intelligent every time it is upgraded in the future, then it will reach a level in the future?

Who is the former host of the system and where he has been? These are all things Gu Yan wants to think about.

If the system wants to kill the donkey, then the previous host is likely to have disappeared.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan looked unpredictable.

Of course, Gu Yan doesn’t need to think about these for now.

Now he has only achieved C-level tasks. When the tasks become more advanced, the system’s authority becomes higher and higher, and more and more intelligent. No matter what purpose it has, it will definitely reveal clues.

Believe in others completely foolishly, and wait until others see poorly before knowing to dodge, these are not Gu Yan’s style.

Didn’t the system also say it?

He is a “natural villain”, how can he trust a system with such high authority?

[Ding, the system restart is complete.

[Ding, may I ask whether the host spends one million to forcefully unlock part of the system mall. ”


Gu Yan gave a chuckle, but his eyes were cold and terrifying.

What on earth is there in the system mall, I hope that he will not waste his one million.

[Ding, the system store opened successfully. ”

[Ding, the completion of the host is detected to be 100%, and the task rating function is turned on.

[This task is evaluated as 5, and the reward system is a lucky turntable draw once. Do you use it immediately?)

Gu Yan didn’t expect that this non-cooking system could still give a chance to draw a lottery, and asked.

“Is the prize pool fixed?

“Yes, there are eight prize pools in the lottery, namely: prize pool 1: 100000d-level props, prize pool 2: 10000c-level props, prize pool 3: 5000b-level props, prize pool 4: 1000a-level props, prize pool 5: 500s-level props, prize pool 6: 100ss class props, prize pool 7:50 rare props, prize pool 8: 12 special props.”

Hearing the special props, Gu Yan’s thoughts moved.

“What are special items?

[Ding, the authority is too high-unable to inquire, may I use the turntable to draw the lottery right away?”

“The last question, can props be drawn repeatedly?

[Ding, the props are in the special prize pool and are not repeated. If the host wants, it can be purchased through the system store. ”

“Okay, let’s start drawing props.”

[Ding, the lucky wheel opens, and the host is invited to start the draw. ”

Suddenly a virtual turntable appeared in front of Gu Yan. There were eight grids on it, and each grid was of a different size.


Gu Yan is more and more certain in his heart that this system should be something artificially made, or a product of some mysterious force.

No one, just because this turntable is completely probabilistic, draw a lottery on this kind of turntable, you don’t have to think about those high-level props.

He turned the turntable directly. Soon, the turntable stopped and stopped in a large area, but soon, the turntable turned restlessly, and finally stopped on a red question mark.

“what is this?”

The area of ​​the red question mark is extremely small, and with red light, Gu Yan is a little strange.

Does the turntable still move by itself?

[Ding, the system is drawn and the prize pool eight is open.

Prize pool eight?

Special props!

Gu Yan’s heart jumped.

(Ding, the host gets the props-the devil’s lucky silver coin)

[Di-Zzizi system is disturbed, start to draw again]

The sound of the system made a bad signal like an old-fashioned TV, but soon, the turntable in front of it flashed red and then disappeared.

[Ding, the host gets the item-the devil’s silver coin. ”

A dark silver coin emerged, beating in front of Gu Yan.

What’s the matter, why does the system say that it is disturbed?

Just now, it was obvious that the turntable had stopped, but it suddenly moved again. Gu Yan could see clearly as if something had been sucked in.

What exactly is that red light?

Although the sound of the system was very lagging, Gu Yan still heard it.

The first time the system reminded him that he had obtained the devil’s silver coin, and the second time, it was indeed the devil’s silver coin.

Without the word lucky, will it still bring him luck?

The more he comes into contact with the system, the more Gu Yan feels that a huge conspiracy seems to be covering him.

And what he saw at this time was just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s unnecessary to waste time on things you don’t think clearly.

Without continuing to think about the system, Gu Yan directly picked up the silver coin with his hands.

Although the name is the devil’s silver coin, this coin-shaped object is extremely dark, as if the coin was painted with black paint.

And this black material absorbs light, and the surrounding light seems to be distorted.

At the moment when he saw this silver coin, Gu Yan seemed to see a flash of red light on it, but now it was very calm.

After studying for a few minutes, Gu Yan chose to ask directly.

“System, how is this silver coin used.

[Ding, the permission is too high and the system cannot inquire. Please the host to explore the use of special items by himself.

It seems that you have to rely on yourself.

But even now, Gu Yan is still puzzled.

With a probability of less than 0.001%, can it be met by him?

Was it his luck, or was someone operating in the dark?

If someone wants him to get this silver coin, he must also accept the move.

Even if the system wants to kill him, it is not now. The system still needs to squeeze more value from Gu Yan, so how can it move him?

So Gu Yan decided, no matter what is going on..

He took this trick.

This dark silver coin should not be in its true state, a special item, how can it look like an iron bump?


Gu Yan rubbed the texture on the silver coin and gradually discovered that it actually has a pattern, but it is blocked by a layer of dark material. It is invisible with the naked eye, but it can be felt by the touch.

“I don’t know why, this black substance is flowing slowly as if it is alive.

When Gu Yan touched the silver coin, a gloomy and cold feeling filled his heart.

“what is the problem?”

Is it just like those novels that require a drop of blood to recognize the master before it can be used?

Not much to say, Gu Yan cut his finger directly and dripped a drop of blood on the silver coin. He was about to observe the change of the coin, and found that the silver coin seemed to move.

“Is it useful?

Gu Yan stared at the silver coin.

The black substance on the silver coin began to flow, and then Gu Yan’s blood flowed straight down, and the silver coin shook, as if he was not satisfied.

If you don’t want to buy the silver coins, Gu Yan can only put the silver coins first.

It seems that we need to find the purpose of this silver coin in the future.Rolling down the car window, Gu Yan beckoned to the men outside.

“Go back to the imperial capital.

Sitting in the car, Gu Yan opened the system mall and found that the parts that were lit were some D-class items, that is, life items and skills.

Golden Sore Medicine, 1000 Villain Points, Elementary Hypnotism (Consumable), 5000 Villain Points, Elementary Divination (Consumable), 10,000 Villain Points…

After these items, there is a special part.

Limited time mall:

Status (in task)

Human-level mental method: 10,000 villain points for the violent wind knife fragment, 10,000 villain points for the Fuhuquan fragment.

There are only fragments?

“Will the practice fragments have an impact?”

[Ding, no, but among all mental methods, after practicing one mental method, you can only practice the same type of mental method in the future, otherwise you will burst and die. The host chooses carefully!]

Hearing this, Gu Yan understood.

Is this the level of C-level tasks?

In “Rebirth: Ancient Wu Zhizun”, he knows the setting is that all mental methods are divided into heaven, earth and human, and the types of mental methods are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the protagonist practices the sky-level martial arts Lieyang finger.

In this book, the protagonist Ouyang Feng, also known as Qin Feng’s previous life, was victimized by an adulterer, with broken meridians and disabled legs.

Later, his father personally went to a secret ancient tomb and stole a copy of the Heaven-level Heart Act Lieyang Finger for him!

But in this way, Ouyang Feng’s father, Ouyang Ce, was unsure of his life or death, and only asked his cronies to hand over Lieyang’s instructions to Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang died the first time, Ouyang Feng had no shelter in Ouyang’s house, and the other members of the 047 family knew that he had Heavenly Grade exercises there, so they went straight to the door and persuaded him that there is no need to practice martial arts for a useless person. Saved Ouyang Feng’s life.

In his last life, Ouyang Feng’s fate was tragic.

Ouyang Feng was originally abandoned because of a misunderstanding. Ouyang Ce concealed his identity and stayed with Qin Yue’e. Because Ouyang Ce’s enemies came to the door, Ouyang Ce led them away alone. As a result, he was seriously injured and was in a coma for five years.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yue’e returned to the place to search for Ouyang after escaping, but found that no one was found. After waiting for another month, there was no news at all, thinking that Ouyang had abandoned her.

His mother, Qin Yue’e, is the second daughter of the Qin family of the ancient martial arts family. After meeting with Ouyang Ce, she was unmarried and conceived first, and broke with the Qin family.

In the end, the Qin Family Patriarch took her back to the Qin Family, but asked her to guarantee the abortion, Qin Yuee did not do anything. After Ouyang Feng was finally born, the Qin Patriarch asked a nanny to throw Ouyang Feng to the orphanage.

In this way, Ouyang Feng spent 16 long years in the orphanage, and was adopted by the Qi family and renamed Qi Feng.

However, his tragic fate has just begun. He met two people in Qi’s house, one is his younger brother Qi Lei, and the other is his younger sister, Qi.

Of these two people, one is the beginning of his tragic fate in his last life, and the other is the salvation of his life.

In the original book, the author described it all in this way.

Jiaojiao is like a moonlight today, cold like a spring in the mountains, with a kind-hearted nature, and always carries the scent of jasmine.

Such a woman always stands up when Qi Lei beats him, and will deliver medicine after Ouyang Feng is injured.

For Ouyang Feng, she is a fairy in the sky.

In this way, Ouyang Feng fell in love with Qi hopelessly.

This also indirectly led to his tragic fate. Qi Ma and Lei’s young master were married. In the previous life, Ouyang Feng was always regarded as his brother, and Ouyang Feng was also afraid to contact Qi because of his broken body. Qi Ma was killed by Lei Tianxiang and tragically died at home.

All of them died, and Ouyang Feng’s nerve was completely broken, so under the extreme madness, he made a crazy decision, that is to cultivate the Lieyang Finger!

But he didn’t even have meridians, and couldn’t digest the true qi in his body at all, so he exploded and died. When he died, it happened to be his 22nd birthday.

Therefore, in this life, what Gu Yan has to face is not an idiot like Mantiance before, but a child of luck who has experienced countless pain in the previous life and has already Blacken!

But even so, Gu Yan never felt scared.

“Finally interesting.

For him, it’s interesting to have a well-matched opponent. If you kill it easily, then what’s the point?

For Ouyang Feng, he has one of his biggest weaknesses, and that is Qi. .

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