Chapter 127

Chapter 127 See the New Dragon Lord!

Xiao Tiance’s words smashed into the sky above the venue like thunder!

“What, what?”

“The waste of the Han family, no, Xiao Tian is actually the Dragon King!”

Numerous voices of questioning sounded and turned into murmurs again.

There is no doubt that Xiao Tiance, who is standing here today, is no longer alone with the rubbish that they used to squash and flatten!

The face of the Sun Family Patriarch trembled slightly, frightened, and his voice was hoarse.

“This is impossible!”

“There must be something wrong in the middle! Where did the real Dragon King go!”

He couldn’t believe how Xiao Tiance, a waste dim sum that used to be only a promise, now has the courage to take the position of the dragon king after killing his son!

“You have admitted the wrong person!”

The Patriarch of the Sun Family looked at the people in the Dragon King Palace frantically.

I tried to see them talk about Man Tiandi and put it on!

Seeing the current state of the Patriarch of the Sun Family, Xiao Tiance lowered his head and laughed lowly.

Hahaha “haha!”

He laughed arrogantly and arrogantly.

But no one dared to bother!

“Sun Laogou, Sun Cheng still can’t die now, you say, I will raise him well, feed him well, wait until he is crushed, and then share this hundred kilograms of meat with the people of the Sun family to eat you. how?”

The meeting place at Nuo Da is as quiet as freezing.

Some were frightened, some trembled, but no one dared to disturb!

The head of the Sun family is about to split.

He already understood his fate.

Behind him, the huge Sun family, rich and prosperous, will soon disappear.

But he!

Even the thought of resistance was lost.

He watched Man Tiance treat his only son as a pig dog, but he didn’t even have the heart to grieve for him!

He stared at the wicked smile on the chair in a daze. The next moment, he was taken out of the Dragon King Palace.

Xiao Tiance now no longer struggles with these little bugs like before.

No one was speaking, because the whole sky at this moment is full of danger!

Seeing the chilling crowd, Xiao Tiance sneered in his heart.

“It seems everyone has calmed down.”

“That’s good, I don’t like being interrupted when I speak.”

“Are you curious about what I am looking for with you today?

Man Tiandi shook the red wine in the glass and drank it in one sip!

“Come today, I will only say one thing.”

“Everyone here knows that there have always been some irreconcilable contradictions between Gu Yan and I.

“Xiao Tiance, you have also seen me now, so what I want to say is very simple, that is, let Gu Yan disappear completely.”

This sentence made a loud noise, and immediately caused an uproar in the entire quiet hall!

“What does it mean?”

“The dragon lord means… Gu Yan was given by him?”

The guests below were shocked.

Who is Gu Yan?

The proud son of heaven that is so talkative.

Who can make him disappear, but if it is the dragon lord…

Seeing these mediocre ants, Xiao Tiance really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

Before, these people deceived him, waited for him, and treated him as a clown show, but now, aren’t they coming to kneel and lick?

He should have figured it out long ago!

Man Tiance waved his hand like an emperor and spoke contemptuously.”Bring Gu Yan out!

Is Gu Yan actually in his hands?

There was an uproar in the hall.

“Gu Yan was caught by him!”

The people who had previously questioned had a broken heart, and those who had previously offended Xiao Tiance wanted to disappear immediately.

Everyone looked at the entrance in unison, feeling extremely nervous.

If Gu Yan disappears from this circle, it will be an earth-shaking earthquake for the entire wealthy circle!

Unlike before, there are countless people who want to cooperate with Gu Yan, let alone those who have already cooperated with him.

Gu Yan is a famous person.

If you really get along with him, you will find that no matter how high you sit, he never seems to be ugly to you, but no one can get the right to speak from him.

In every conversation and cooperation, Gu Yan took the rhythm firmly in his hands while downplaying.

When talking and laughing, the eaves will be wiped out in ashes!

And so horrible, a person who is close to the demon is pinched by Man Tiandi, so Xiao Tiance’s level can be evaluated!

Everyone is waiting, waiting for today’s big show.

At this time, Xiao Tiance was still immersed in such authority, and had not thought of other possibilities at all.

Thinking of getting Han Yafei, he couldn’t wait

Can’t wait, want to start torturing Gu Yan.

However, ten seconds later, no matter how proud Man Tiance was, he realized that something was wrong at this time.

Seeing the expressions of the people in the hall gradually changed from fright to dazed, then to doubt, Xiao Tiance couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and clenched the wine glass in his hand.


“Xiao Tiance, stop looking, you won’t see a lonely shadow in your life.”

In the frozen hall, there was a gentle male voice.

At this moment, the audience is silent!

Everyone took a closer look, followed the prestige, and was immediately stunned!

I saw a handsome and unparalleled man walking out from the exit of the hall slowly.

He was wearing a silver-gray suit. When he walked in, the sound of his leather shoes was clear and regular, as if walking in a leisurely courtyard, stepping on the hearts of everyone step by step.

Every time Gu Yan appears, it seems to be like this.

Gu Yan!

Gu Yan appeared!

Everyone was shocked at first, and then quickly looked around Gu Yan.

But unlike everyone’s expectations, there was no one else beside him.

Man Tiandi said that Gu Yan was arrested, but now Gu Yan is here alone, which is enough to explain the problem!

Before everyone came up with a result, Man Tiance had already yelled out.

“Guying? Guying?! Come out for me!!!

Xiao Tiance didn’t know why. When he saw Gu Yan appear, a chill rose in his heart for no reason.

He is shaking!

He can clearly feel this feeling, this is a trembling of fear!!

It’s like the prey has encountered a natural enemy, and the ice and snow have encountered a raging fire!

Just now, he was indifferent and even confident, and the moment he saw Gu Yan, everything disappeared!

Those deep eyes…

It’s like a cannibal blood bowl, swallowing the sky first bit by bit.

So much.

Man Tiance seemed to be crazy, screaming at Gu Ying’s name!

“Gu Yan was not caught?”

Some people were surprised and some were disappointed, and when Gu Yan stood in front of Mantiance, everyone found out.

Why in front of Gu Yan, the evil Man Tiandi turned out to be like a mad dog!

Looking at Gu Yan who was unscathed, Man Tiance had to think about the most impossible possibility.

Is Gu Ying betrayed?!

In his opinion, it is impossible for Gu Yan to escape his trump card!

So what happened?!

Gu Yan looked at Mantiance, smiled gently, and walked towards Mantiance unhurriedly, with an easygoing and cozy attitude, just like in his back garden.

Of course Xiao Tiance knew that Gu Yan would come, but he was definitely not so arrogant and defiant to come!

He wants Gu Yan to be like a dog, being escorted by his men without dignity!

What happened… By the way, cell phone!

Man Tiandi couldn’t wait to look at the phone, but when he saw the news of his men, his liver and guts were split.

“Satisfied to see you?”

Gu chuckled, as if he was congratulating.

In the mobile phone that only the first person in the sky can see, I received a color from an unfamiliar number!

The content is simple, only five photos!

But it is my own direct line, my proud direct line, the five ace in embarrassment, and the kidnapped photos!

The old trump card was dying and lying on the dirty ground, life and death uncertain!


In Xiao Tiance’s brain, there was a thunderbolt in the sky.

The whole person stayed in place directly!!

Instantly gaffe!

“How can it be!”

Man Tiandi stood in the spotlight, his face looked very ugly.

Are the few big trump cards under his hands all paper?

Obviously, each of them is an existence that can call the wind and call the rain, but when they arrive in the imperial capital, they are all the same as the crane quails, and they are embarrassed by the women of Gu Yan!

He looked at Gu Yan with hatred, and didn’t realize that he was already abominable at this time, looking like a ghost rising up from hell!

At the same time, he was trembling, trembling uncontrollably!

The whole person was completely slumped on the chair, like a bereaved dog whose spine had been knocked off.

[Ding, Xiao Tiance gradually loses his mind, the protagonist’s halo is weakened by 99%, and he rewards 50,000 villains!]

The spotlight hit Man Tiance’s body, but his aura has changed astonishingly.

The prompt of the system is what Gu Yan had expected.

Gu Yan looked at Tiandi with calm eyes.

He had anticipated all this.

“Where is Han Yafei, you… where did you take Han Yafei?!”

Xiao Tiance forcibly restrained his fear, and said tremblingly.

Hearing Man Tiance’s words, Gu Yan almost laughed.

“The five ace of yours worked hard for you and worked hard for you, and now it’s unclear whether you are a woman or a woman?”

Man Tiandi froze in place, staring at Gu Yan, his expression pale.

Now he has nothing, Han Yafei is just one of his obsessions.

After a while, he suddenly changed his attitude and spoke like a dream.

…………Please ask for flowers.…

“The useless waste of the Dragon King Palace, don’t worry about it!”

[Ding, Man Tiandi completely loses his mind and rewards 200,000 villains!]

“Without the Dragon King Palace, it’s not the Dragon King, I’m the same as Mantian Strategy!!!”

Seeing Gu Yan looking at ease, the thread in Xiao Tiance’s mind was completely broken!

He took out the seven poems pinned behind him, and stabbed with the fastest speed in his life.

This sword is like a broken bamboo, like lightning!

The silver light flickered, less than 0.1 seconds.

Within this one-tenth of a second, Man Tiandi felt that he had completely figured it out.

What Gu Yan? What Han Yafei?

Think about it if you want, kill if you don’t want to see it!

This is a thorn in his ability.

He doesn’t need to torture Gu Yan, he only wants him to die!

He wants to watch Gu Yan die fearfully and twisted!But his pride and joy did not last for a second.

A gentle and nice magnetic voice sounded softly in his ear.

“I said, Man Tiandi

“Talk to me, you have to kneel down.”


At this moment!

Xiao Tiance’s pupils instantly lost their color, and the whole person was like a mechanical puppet, stiffening in place, and then he knelt down in front of Gu Yan!

At this moment, his head is blank, all thoughts are grayed out, and his previous pride and confidence seem to be turned into ridicule around him now.

When he first let go, he knelt on the ground abruptly, his kneecaps seemed to have been cracked.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on. They only knew that at the moment of the confrontation, Gu Yan and Man Tiance changed positions. Gu Yan was sitting in the highly anticipated position at this time.


However, everyone was not surprised, and even felt that Gu Yan was more suitable to sit in this position than Man Tiance.

Gu Yan’s expression remained the same, neither smiling nor irritated, looking plainly at the half-kneeling Man Tiance.

Then, he chuckled in a low voice and tried to yell, “Xiao Tiance?

At the moment when the sky was full of swords.

The latter’s mentality has actually collapsed.To be precise, since then, Xiao Tiance’s soul has been tortured to collapse by Gu Yan!

The current Xiao Tiance!

It’s a puppet!

A Gu Yan is a puppet that will come and go!

Under the shocking gaze of the audience.

Man Tian Ce raised his head dumbly, and cried out dullly and mechanically: “Gu, Master Gu.”

Gu Yan smiled, did not speak, but waved faintly.

“Catch him up.”

Several subordinates rushed in and set the whole sky up.

And Mantiance, whose soul had collapsed, confessed inexplicably after leaving the confrontation with Gu Yan.

It turns out that Man Tiance was just a joke all his life!

The goddess he thought was destined to tear up their marriage contract with his own hands.

At first he thought that he would endure the humiliation and pretend to be grandson to get what he wanted, but he didn’t expect it to be grossly wrong, but now he woke up and stopped pretending, but was slapped fiercely by reality!

“Wrong, all wrong!”

Man Tiance lowered his head and laughed out loud.

“It’s all wrong! What have I done in my entire life!”

Man Tiance was detained, and he didn’t even have the strength to struggle. ,

He himself had never looked down on Gu Yan, even to the point where he couldn’t listen to other people’s words.

Some people praise Gu Yan, he thinks it is a coincidence, a fluke, and only now, he realizes that he is the one who is arrogant!

If he abandons Han Yafei early, if he treats Gu Yan as an opponent

It’s a pity that there is no such thing long ago.

Looking at Xiao Tiance, who didn’t even have the strength to struggle, Gu Yan knew that his mentality had been completely broken, and he would never be able to make any waves anymore.

“Man Tiance, from now on, who will be the new master of the Dragon King Palace?”

At this time, Gu Yan sipped the red wine and spoke lightly.

Xiao Tiance heard Gu Yan’s voice, and the whole person returned to the state just now, dreaming mechanically, “It’s Master Gu.

Gu Yan waved his hand, letting people take Xiao Tiance away.

At this time, the people in the Dragon King Hall in the hall met each other, and under Gu Yan’s strong and cold aura, no one dared to trouble him at all.

What’s more, the life and death of their five great trump cards is uncertain, and the Dragon King is also taken away on the spot. What are they fighting against?

Even Xiao Tiance personally admitted that Gu Yan will be the new owner of the Dragon King Palace, so why should they resist?!

After a while, Gu Yan stood up and said, “Let’s end this farce!”

The time has come!

Collect the Palace of the Dragon King, and then take Tiance to a very special place, in front of a very special person, and end it all!!

Several masters of the Dragon King Palace walked up to Gu Yan and unexpectedly knelt before Gu Yan.

“See the new dragon master!” and

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