Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Gu Yan has been tied up, everything is under control!

Tiandong’s sight stayed in two places from beginning to end.

Gu Yan’s car.

And Gu Ying’s car.

While following Gu Yan, she stared at Gu Ying’s vehicle, paying attention to his every move.

However, if there is anything unusual about Gu Ying, even if Tian Dong directly drives her head and slams into it, she will not hesitate!

It’s just that she is still a little anxious and anxious now!

Where is Gu Yan going?

She knew that Gu Yan couldn’t hurt Gu Yan at all.

Tiandong is only worried if Gu Ying really finds Gu Yan and interferes with Gu Yan.

Doesn’t this prove that you are very useless?

After all, Gu Ying is responsible for himself!

Let Gu Ying see Gu Yan, that is his own negligence!

Just then.

Gu Yan’s car suddenly made a sharp turn, turned around from the main road, and drove onto the side road.

Gu Ying followed closely behind.

Tiandong didn’t think much, but followed behind, but before entering the side road, she raised her head and glanced at the sign next to her.

This side road, where it leads, is…

Outskirts of the Imperial Capital?

What will Gu Yan do to go to the outskirts of the Imperial Capital?

On the side road, the three cars were driving fast in front and back.

Due to the traffic volume on the auxiliary road, it is not as much as the main road just now.

Coupled with the fact that it is now approaching the outskirts of the imperial capital, the traffic volume is even scarcer.

In order to counter reconnaissance, Gu Yan is not allowed to find out.

The body of Gu Ying and Gu Yan will always maintain a distance of close to 500 meters.

The same is true for Tiandong, following the rear, between the vehicle and the vehicle, ensure that there are at least five vehicles separated from each other, and the speed of the vehicle is slowed down at all times.

But this can also lead to a reason.

That is, whether it is Tiandong or Gu Ying, there is no guarantee that you will always follow Gu Yan’s “Zero Forty Seven”!

It was only twenty minutes after entering the side road.

Gu Yan’s body suddenly turned sharply when driving through an intersection!

He did not drive towards the main road, but drove to the side road, and did not slow down at all!

The maple forest in front was lush, and the fallen leaves fell along with the breeze.

Gu Yan’s Lamborghini, like an arrow from the string, rolled up the dust and galloped all the way on the road!

That direction…

The outskirts of the imperial capital, an artificial lake!

This artificial lake is a landscape that has long been abandoned. In addition, the location is too remote, and there has been no manual maintenance for a long time, and it is messy and messy everywhere.

Therefore, very few people have come here to visit.

Tiandong’s look slightly changed.

There was a slight rumbling in his heart.


She didn’t know what Gu Yan wanted to do in the artificial lake, and she didn’t care.

But in the current situation, if Gu Yan reaches the artificial lake, the probability of Gu Ying meeting him is 100%!

The artificial lake has and only this way out.

Rather than driving on the side road like it is now, it extends in all directions, at least there is room for Tiandong to think!

there’s no more!

She must make a choice!

Either watch Gu Ying find Gu Yan.


Just then.

Gu Ying’s vehicle stopped for a while, until Gu Yan’s vehicle disappeared completely, and he couldn’t even hear the sound of the engine.

Once here, Gu Ying is not afraid to be lost at all!

Tiandong took a deep breath and manipulated the vehicle to catch up, also speeding up!Fortunately, she and Gu Yan learned to drive a little while in Magic City. Otherwise, at this speed, she would absolutely lose control and cause a car accident.

Pick up the phone and dial the number under him.

Tian Dong said in a hurry, “Now, how many subordinates are closest to me?”

The subordinates over there responded quickly, “Tian Zong, there are a total of five people, and they can follow you as soon as possible.”

“But if you need more manpower, I’m afraid you will have to wait a little longer. The rest of the manpower will come within 20 minutes at the slowest!”

What the subordinates are telling is the truth.

In order to ensure that Tiandong would not disturb Gu Yan and Gu Yan, when she left Jintai Shopping Center, she ordered her men not to follow too much.

In addition, this journey has no purpose.

Where to go depends entirely on where Gu Yan drives.

So now that there are five subordinates who can come right away and keep up with Tiandong, it is already very good.

“Okay, let them come right away.

After Tian Dong finished saying this, a firm expression flashed across Qiao’s face, and he added, “Tell them, wait a minute, just leave me alone and go directly to Gu Ying!”

“Tian, ​​you…

Toot toot.

Before he could finish speaking, Tiandong hung up the phone.

She threw the phone aside.

Step on the accelerator with your left and right feet alternately to ensure the speed of the vehicle. At the same time, you kicked the high heels on your feet to the side at will, and stepped on the accelerator with your bare feet.

She took a deep breath.

Looking at Guying’s vehicle, the beautiful eyes are full of coldness and determination, but there is a beautiful and moving smile on the corner of the mouth, which flashes away.

Lonely shadow.

A man who wants to impress his elder mother, you have to ask yourself if you are worthy!!

Boom boom boom!

Tiandong directly stepped on the accelerator and stepped on it to the end!!

Although she is not driving a sports car, it is not a cheap and broken car. This sudden acceleration directly caused the body to squat and rush out, just like this, the lonely car slammed into the past!

The body is out of control.

The indescribable excitement made Tiandong almost suffocating.

If you put it in normal, Tiandong will be immersed in this feeling, because the strange disease on her body has not been cured.

But now, she doesn’t care about anything, she doesn’t think about anything, even her own safety is forgotten!

She has only one idea!

At all costs, stop the lonely shadow here!

As a top killer, Gu Ying has an extremely sensitive sense of smell. When Tiandong was accelerating, he found out and made evasion in time.

But he didn’t expect it, and it was even a little shocked.

The speed of Tiandong is really too fast.

The kind that gives no room for reaction at all!

He can dodge, but he can only get away from the front of the car in a very short time.



Two cars collided!

Due to Gu Ying’s rapid response, the contact area at the time of the collision was not large, and the maple forest was empty, the density of trees was not high, and there were no obstacles.

Guying quickly adjusted the body, only scratching a little skin on his forehead, and did not suffer fatal injuries.

Tian Dong was also in the moment of the collision. She was sitting in a seated position, with the help of seat belts and airbags, her head hit the airbag directly, and the body slid out more than ten meters on the side.

No injuries!

But undoubtedly, the car was crashed!

Tiandong used a nearly one-for-one method, crazy tactics, forcibly stopped the lonely shadow, and stopped outside the artificial lake!!

At this time, a black Alpha van drove in the distance.

Tian Dong’s hand came down.

A few burly men in black came down from above, stood directly by the side of Gu Ying’s car, and surrounded it!


The Gu Ying inside the car gave a dry smile and pushed the door to get out of the car.

After taking a look at the surrounding bodyguards, he didn’t change his expression, there was no fear at all, on the contrary…

Reached out and wiped the blood oozing from his forehead!

When she saw the bright red on the fingertips, Gu Ying couldn’t help being stunned.

how long?

How long has it been without bleeding?

look up.

Gu Ying looked at the stunning beauty who staggered down from the red BMW, a murderous look flashed in her eyes.

He spoke with a sneer, his voice so quiet that he was horribly calm.

“Gu Yan’s woman, right?”

“I admire your courage. It’s really amazing that you can do this.”

“But it’s a pity…

“You will die, just die here, and then I will be thrown in front of Gu Yan!


Tian Dong stepped on high heels and walked towards Gu Ying. His voice was weak, but there was no panic or fear. “What are you? A running dog.

After finishing speaking, Tiandong also stretched out his jade finger, hooked at Gu Ying, and said lightly, “Come on, kill your aunt’s grandmother.”

The words fall!

The bodyguards surrounded by Gu Ying almost shot at the same time!

Gu Ying smiled and said nothing, but the anger in her heart could not be suppressed!

He took out a switchblade and greeted it.

The scene was extremely chaotic, and it could even be said…


Although Tiandong’s bodyguards are not bad, they are all elites.

But they still looked a little weak in front of Gu Ying, one of the five ace of the Dragon King Palace.

Every time Gu Ying plays a dead hand!

Between the dancing of the cold light, one bodyguard can be taken away every time!

Less than five minutes!

The three bodyguards of Tiandong have already been eliminated!

Tiandong looked calm, stood still, watching this scene quietly.

But her right hand reached into the pocket of her coat and touched the handle of the gun.

She did not have any accidents.

One second is one second!

I only need to delay for another fifteen minutes, and the rest of the staff will come, and even if I can’t solve the lonely shadow, I will definitely be able to drive him away!

fifteen minutes.

I must hold on!



And it was at this time.

Tiandong’s last bodyguard was killed by Guying with a switchblade, and fell into a pool of blood after a scream.

Gu Ying retracted the blood-stained dagger, a pair of gazes gleaming with cold light, looking towards Tiandong…

He didn’t speak, just stepped away and walked towards Tiandong.

at the same time.

By the artificial lake.

Gu Yan parked the car by the lake and watched the watch and counted the time.

When it was almost time, he said to Han Yafei on the co-pilot: “Miss Han, get off the car, the meeting tonight is temporarily cancelled.

“I have something wrong, but you can’t go home and go directly to the group headquarters. The meeting will be held until tomorrow morning.”

When Han Yafei heard Gu Yan say this, her beautiful eyes dimmed inadvertently.

But she nodded obediently, and then after saying goodbye to Gu Yan, she got out of the car and took out her mobile phone to call for a taxi.

Gu Yan ignored Han Yafei.

Instead, they directly launched the Lamborghini and galloped in the direction of the exit!


Gu Yan saw the red BMW that had been abandoned and smoking.

And the corpse lying in a pool of blood underneath a black Alpha van.

And far away…

A woman wearing a coat, a cold and strong aura, with a beautiful face stood in place.

Twenty meters away from her, a young man dressed in black and holding a blood-stained dagger was slowly approaching.

Gu Yan glanced at Tiandong lightly.

I noticed the latter’s pale and pretty face, and the body that was trembling obviously because of overwork.

Feeling a little surprised at the same time.

A trace of icy murderous aura also condensed from the depths of yesterday.

He parked the car not far away, got out of the car and walked.

It was at this time.

Gu Ying walked to a position 15 meters away from Tiandong.

Tiandong instantly took out a silencer pistol, pointed it at Gu Ying’s forehead, and opened fire without saying anything!


The dull gunfire burst out like a cork of red wine.

Gu Ying had already reacted and smiled contemptuously, then using the trees in the maple forest as a shelter, he quickly approached Tiandong!

Tiandong is still shooting!

But it didn’t hurt Gu Ying a bit!

She clicked in her heart.

A bad premonition arises in my heart!

The strength of Gu Ying seems to be far beyond her expectations!


However, at the next moment.

A shrill scream sounded.

Tiandong was stunned, and went along with the reputation, but saw an unforgettable scene in her life.

After a maple tree.

Gu Ying’s two hands were stacked together, and they were directly strung by a sharp dagger, and they were firmly nailed to the trunk!

And in front of him.

A handsome and unparalleled man with rich temperament, holding a pistol in his right hand, facing Gu Ying’s forehead, his expression calm as a secluded pool.

It’s like looking at an ant.

Gu Yan!!

This is Gu Yan!!

Tiandong froze.

For some reason, seeing Gu Yan at this time, the emotion in her heart can no longer be suppressed, her beautiful eyes are slightly red, and she just wants to rush in front of Gu Yan.

It’s fine to rush into his arms.

Hit him, he is fine too.

She just wants to prove that this Gu Yan is really 3.5, this man has not forgotten himself!


Gu Yan looked at the horrified and terrified Gu Ying in front of him, and smiled faintly, “Don’t worry, you will meet the other four ace and Zhu Tiance soon.

“You… Gu Yan! Impossible, it’s impossible!”

Gu Ying was shocked, with his skill, just in front of Gu Yan, there was no room to fight back, and he was directly subdued!

What else is he hiding?

How can this be?!

But in response to his doubts.

Only one knife pierced into the abdomen!

The blood is flowing like a shot!

Gu Ying was dizzy and fainted.

Gu Yan looked calm, first took out the phone of Gu Ying, and after writing the hacking bundle that had been prepared for a long time, he deciphered Gu Ying’s private program and sent a text message to Xiao Tiance.

The content is simple: “Lord Dragon King, the plan is successful, Gu Yan has been tied up, everything is under control!”


Gu Yan also sent a text message to his men, asking them to deal with the scene and take away the lonely shadow.

At this point, today Gu Yan’s main purpose has been achieved.

Unconsciously dealt with the lonely shadow, let Man Tiandi have a wrong perception of himself, so that at the dinner tomorrow night, Xiao Tiance will be full of confidence, experience the despair behind the hope, die in pain, and bring the whole dragon king. Deliver the temple to yourself!


Thought of this.

Gu Yan raised his head and glanced at Tiandong in the distance.

He smiled gently and walked to Tian Dong’s side.

Before he could say anything, Tian Dong took the initiative to hug him and kissed Gu Yan’s lips in an almost domineering manner.

It is the secondary goal.

It’s time to enjoy…

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