Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Brother, I have something to be busy now

Ye Liuli looked directly at Gu Yan.

The handsome and extraordinary facial features of the man are coated with a faint light against the background of backlighting.

The deep eyes seemed to be able to absorb the minds of all women in the world.

Although it is not the first time to look at Gu Yan.

But this time.

Ye Liuli couldn’t help but was stunned.

Didn’t he blame himself for not being humbled with those powerful and powerful?

It turns out that in his eyes, isn’t he a simple prisoner?

Recalling Gu Yan’s a little overbearing words just now.

It’s like claiming that I belong to him.

Ye Liuli couldn’t feel any disgust.

on the contrary.

It is because of this overbearing that she has an inexplicable warmth in her heart.

This is a sense of security.

It has been a long time… it hasn’t been a long time to realize this feeling.

“Yes, I understand Master Gu.” Ye Liuli’s voice was still soft.

But it’s not the humble and timid before.

It’s a kind of well-being that is hard to find.

Jingle Bell!

However, at this moment.

Ye Liuli’s cell phone rang.

Gu Yan glanced at her and knew who was calling.

“You pick it up first, I’ll go to the front bathroom to wash my hands.”

Said lightly.

Gu Yan walked straight forward.

Of course, he didn’t really want to wash his hands.

Instead, play a fun little game!


Ye Liuli took out the phone.

The caller is “Brother!”


Why did your brother call yourself at this time?

He raised his head and glanced at Gu Yan.

At this time the latter has gone farther and farther.

Ye Liuli thought for a while, but took a step back and gently followed, and then connected the phone.

“Hey, brother.”

She yelled with a smile.

Soon there was a cynical voice on the phone.

“Haha, old girl, do you miss your brother?”

“Last night, I really had something to do, so I can’t talk to you too much. Now that I have time, how about recounting the past with your brother?”

Ye Liuli just wanted to agree.

But at this moment.

Gu Yan, who was walking in front, suddenly passed a fork and turned directly in.

It just so happened that at that moment, a group of dignitaries under the leadership of a foreigner professor came out from another mouth, talking and laughing.

Just right, blocking the line of sight!

There are three forks in total.

On the signs at each fork, there are directions to the bathroom.

Ye Liuli doesn’t know where Gu Yan walked in!

The impression art exhibition has a lot of people.

There are newcomers who came to this exhibition area, and the dignitaries who had never seen Ye Liuli and Ye Tianlai looked at Ye Liuli one after another.

After all, Ye Liuli’s dress and appearance are really outstanding!

For an instant.

At this moment!

Ye Liuli felt very strange to the surrounding environment!

The eyes of everyone.

The sense of rush after Gu Yan disappeared.

She couldn’t help but start to become anxious, and this kind of emotion could not be contained at all!

“Sister, what’s the matter with you, don’t you want to talk to your brother?”

Over the phone.

When Ye Tian saw that Ye Liuli hadn’t promised him the first time, there was a little more doubt in his voice, “Liuli, where are you? There are so many people around.”

Ye Liuli’s palms were already oozing cold sweat.

If you change to normal.

Even if it was last night, when she was caught by Gu Yan, Ye Tian called, should she pick it up or should she pick it up!

This affection is the most important in her heart!

But in this short half-day, she has experienced too many things, and her mentality has also undergone subtle changes in subtle changes.

She didn’t even notice it herself!

Ye Liuli now has nothing but entanglement and anxiety, and she doesn’t know what she’s anxious about.

Until this emotion can’t be controlled.

Ye Liuli almost blurted out and said to the phone: “Brother…I’m outside, and I’m a little busy now. I’ll call you back, okay?”


Ye Tian couldn’t believe his ears at all.

But Ye Liuli had never lied to him, he knew this well.

Finally, Ye Tian thought of something and suddenly realized: “Sister, are you dealing with antiques?”

Ye Liuli was taken aback when she heard the words.

The word antique.

Make her frowned unconsciously.

Seeing Ye Liuli did not speak.

Ye Tian smiled, “Let me just say it, how could my sister not love talking to me.”

“Since you are busy, brother won’t bother you. When I return to China, we will have a good chat!”

Finish saying this sentence.

The phone was hung up.

Ye Tian hung up.

Ye Liuli lied to Ye Tian for the first time.

There is a sense of guilt in my heart.

But she speeded up and walked to the fork, and looked left and then again, and finally saw Gu Yan at the bathroom door on the left fork!

【Ding! Ye Liuli’s attitude toward Ye Tian has changed slightly, and the villain point is +1000! 】

The bathroom door.

Gu Yan used a white cloth to wipe the water stains on his hands.

After hearing the voice in my mind.

He smiled inexplicably.

36 seconds!

After I left, I went to the system to remind me, and it took 36 seconds.

It can also be understood as.

The phone call between Ye Liuli and Ye Tian lasted only 36 seconds!

I have to say that Gu Yan miscalculated this time.

The time he imagined should be one minute to two minutes.

But never expected, the effect is surprisingly good!

You know, the original book once described that Ye Tian called Ye Liuli abroad, and the call time was never less than five minutes.

No matter what happens, the two brothers and sisters will not perfuse each other, at least they have to ask about each other’s current situation before hanging up.

But this time!

36 seconds!

The two of them, I’m afraid it was over after just saying hello.

And it is impossible for Ye Tian to actively end the dialogue.

Ye Liuli could only end the dialogue on his own initiative!

This is the horror of controlling people’s hearts!

Gu Yan can subtly pass any details to change anyone without knowing it!

As long as he wants!

But for Gu Yan, it’s just an appetizer.

Wanting Ye Liuli to forget Ye Tian completely, and even hate Ye Tian, ​​this level is far from enough!

It needs real hard materials!

Gu Yan has already planned everything. He believes that when his plan is taken care of, Ye Liuli and Ye Tian will become a stranger from the same siblings, which is just a moment!

Turn your head too far.

Gu Yan saw Ye Liuli walking towards him unexpectedly.

Without saying a word, he wiped his hands and ran away.

Ye Liuli didn’t speak either, but this time she walked side by side with Gu Yan.

The panic when I was alone just now…


Impression painting exhibition, central exhibition area.

The quality of the paintings here is not only greatly improved, but also offers trading services.

If the rich and powerful are interested in a pair, they can buy it directly.

If a painting is appreciated by many people, then you have to see who bought it first, and then see whose price is higher.

Gu Yan walked here with Ye Liuli.

Suddenly, he stopped.

“Today I am going to divorce my fiancée. During this special period, a private nanny suddenly appeared in my private house. This is not a good thing.”

“So, this is also the reason to take you home. It is to sign a labor contract to avoid any misunderstandings. It is also a restriction on you.”

“If you violate the terms, the contract compensation will be ten times your monthly salary.”

“I’m going to work upstairs later, so you can stay with my fiancee for a while.”

Gu Yan’s tone was calm, explaining to Ye Liuli.

Ye Liuli listened to Gu Yan quietly.

She is very smart and catches the key words in one fell swoop.


break off an engagement?

And Gu Yan and so on leaving temporarily?

“I know Young Master Gu.”

Ye Liuli nodded obediently.

She is very smart.

Especially after Gu Yan said that to her just now!

Ye Liuli now knows what she is going to do next.

However, she still couldn’t hold back her curiosity and looked around.

She wants to know, which one is Gu Gongzi’s fiancée?

Ye Liuli didn’t dare to talk more, didn’t dare to ask more, so she had to find it herself.

“Don’t look around.”

Gu Yan slightly forehead facing one direction, his expression is indifferent and there is no fluctuation.

“She is there.”

ps: There are three thousand words in this chapter. I have fewer chapters because of the large number of words in each chapter.

For other authors, the previous chapter is more than a thousand words, so there are more chapters and more exposure.

But I gave up the exposure for everyone to read it smoothly and I was comfortable in writing myself.

As you can see, the book is now 30,000 words, but the number of chapters is only twelve.

The minimum 4D update every day will not change!

Ask for a wave of data to make the dog author more motivated, thank you! *

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