Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Xiao Tiance: It is not me who is wrong, it is the deformed world!

Gu Yan looked at Zhao Chuning, who was drunk and was drinking the pure water he had used.

He looked at the beautiful eyes with affection, and the pretty face was full of amorous Tiandong.

These two women.

One is to endure for several years, the methods are sharp and decisive, the clever to the extreme, the cruel to the extreme, to turn around the hidden family.

One is a figure in the upper-class society of the magic capital, and is also known as the “flower of the magic capital”, and is recognized as a strong woman.

And what about them now?

But it is like a little girl who is exhausted and wants to attract Gu Yan’s attention, falling into unrequited love and love!

I can’t even think about it!

Including Gu Yan didn’t expect it!

With Zhao Chuning’s character, he was able to face so many people. First, he prepared ingredients for Gu Yan and did what the servants should do. Then he even took away the pure water that Gu Yan had used, and he was so happy to drink.

You know, who are these women present?

It’s Gu Yan’s woman!

And Zhao Chuning’s approach is undoubtedly surrendering his status, and willingly put his status under Su Qingyue and the others, just to make Gu Yan happy!

Tiandong is even more so.

Because of family reasons, she has used creatures like men as tools since she was a child. She has an extremely strong personality. Now she can take the initiative to say such things and let Gu Yan choose one to take home?

Why don’t you recommend yourself and take the initiative to deliver it to your door?

Gu Yan couldn’t help but smile.

Who did Zhao Chuning and Tiandong learn about these methods that attracted their attention??

I have to say is.

Looking at these two women, a sense of accomplishment and inexplicable refreshment still appeared in Gu Yan’s heart.


Gu Yan will not let them succeed so easily”!

What people yearn for in their hearts is always the white moonlight and the cinnabar mole dotted on the bone.

The more you ask for it, the more it will be unforgettable.

Step back ten thousand steps and say how noble Tiandong and Zhao Chuning were before, and how they battled wits and courage with Gu Yan, how embarrassed they are now!

Tiandong’s sentence fell.

Zhao Chuning and Fenchuan Jiexue looked over. They were a little shy about this topic, but they couldn’t help but want to pay attention to it. 27

Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli also looked at Gu Yan together, a little anxious emotion appeared in their beautiful eyes.

Of course they are not shy, and they are all determined to have a relationship with Gu Yan.

So, what they think now is, let Gu Yan take herself home tonight!

“Tian, ​​you think too much.”

However, Gu Yan smiled faintly and said calmly: “Today’s business has not been said yet.”

When this sentence fell, the faces of the heroines changed a little.

Among them, Zhao Chuning and Tiandong were a little embarrassed and ashamed, and suddenly realized something.


Gu Yan asked them to come and talk about things today.

But what about yourself?

Not only did he patronize and drink, he was still in front of so many people…

Gu Yan saw that the time was about to come, so he went straight to the point and packaged Man Tiandi as his life and death enemy in his business field, casually fabricated a perfect reason, and said it out.

After all, if you explain it to the heroines from the perspective of the “child of luck”, it is too troublesome and too complicated, and there is no need to do so.

Following Gu Yan’s narration.

The atmosphere at the dinner table also became serious.

Dragon King and God of War!

This time, Gu Yan’s enemy is so powerful!

No matter which heroine it is, they don’t know how much Gu Yan’s real power is, so in their eyes, Man Tiance is an enemy that can really threaten Gu Yan!

Anger, anxiety, all kinds of emotions came to my heart.

Gu Yan is in danger.

The hostess present, can’t wait to come to the door to kill Xiao Tiance now.”That’s it for the time being.

Gu Yan took a sip of red wine, then took out the four U disks he had prepared, and distributed them to the four heroines he had decided long ago.

Su Qingyue is responsible for confronting the commercial department of the Dragon King Palace and conducting business wars.

Ye Liuli is responsible for confronting the scientific research department of the Dragon King Palace, stealing the results, and launching actions against scientists in the scientific research field.

Fanchuan Zhanxue is responsible for confronting the killer organization of the Dragon King Palace.

Tiandong is responsible for the intelligence department.

The division of labor is clear, the purpose is clear, and the intelligence is clear.

Tomorrow night, the people in the Dragon King Palace will feel the imperial capital, and the four departments will launch an order to kill the Dragon King Gu Yan.

What the heroines have to do is to block all this, ensure Gu Yan’s safety, and use their own means to first separate and harass the members of the Dragon King Palace.

If you don’t believe it, take the next step and just do it!

Including the four great ace in the temple on the bright side, the same is true!

The matter is over.

The four heroines took the U disk and left one after another, and did not continue the dinner.

Now in their hearts.

How to target Mantiance and Dragon King Palace is their top priority!


In their hearts, they are not allowed to lose to other women, especially the women next to Gu Yan!

This is the most powerful enemy they have faced so far.

It is also a competition!

For a time.

In the huge box, only Yan and Gu Zhao Chuning were left.

Zhao Chuning’s face is a little inexplicable now.

She was drunk and looked at Gu Yan calmly, as if waiting for something, and she seemed to be unable to sit still.

You know, Gu Yan only took out four U disks just now, and there is no share of her at all!

Gu Yan didn’t say anything when seeing this, stood up and walked out.

As expected.

Before taking a few steps, Zhao Chuning stood in front of him as a fragrant wind blew by.

“Mr. Gu.”

Zhao Chuning wiped the hair of her ears, moved a few steps closer, and looked up at Gu Yan, “Is it really good for you to treat it differently like this?”

She actually snorted a little bit anger, her tone sounded like Gu Yan was sulking, but she didn’t dare to show it, mixed together even more a kind of anger.

“Let’s talk about it, what is going on so that you can give me the rest of the information?”

Gu Yan said without hesitation: “What information? There is no information.”

“The Dragon King Palace is divided into four major departments, and the four departments now have people to deal with it. As for Xiao Tiance, you can’t deal with it.”

Zhao Chuning smiled lightly, “I remember what you just said.”

“The Palace of the Dragon King is divided into five aces, four of which are in charge of the four major departments.”

“Isn’t there one left?”

Speaking of last.

Zhao Chuning directly stretched out her white jade hand, pushed it away, and faced Gu Yan, “Give me that person’s information, and you can open it.”

She didn’t bother with Gu Yan’s mistakes in his sentence.

Instead, he brought up the matter directly, and put the right of choice completely in the hands of Gu Yan.

Gu Yan looked at Qiao Shengsheng standing in front of him, Zhao Chuning who was as beautiful as an elf.

At this time, in order to help Gu Yan deal with the Dragon King Palace, just to get a little information, she is willing to follow Gu Yan.

The kind that is strong and strong, but also has a shallow and shy look, it is really moving.

“Your makeup is as beautiful as that night.

Gu Yan said casually, there is no more to follow.


Zhao Chuning’s pretty face was once flushed, and her jade hand was stiff in the air.

Glazed beautiful eyes looked at Gu Yan for a few seconds, her red lips lightly opened, and the sound was like a mosquito, and she said two words that only she could hear.


next moment.

Zhao Chuning closed his eyes, took a deep breath, wrapped his hands around Gu Yan’s waist unconsciously, and put on red lips.

No need to say more about Gu Yan.

She knows what Gu Yan means.

She also knows that Gu Yan has prepared information for herself a long time ago, and these things that are happening now are just to tease herself.

But Zhao Chuning didn’t hate it at all.

On the contrary, there was a little Tsundere in her heart at this time.

There is even an urge to go to the window with Gu Yan and let other heroines see it.

This is an undisguised declaration of sovereignty that wants to show off.

Just like that night in the magic city, Tiandong saw Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning upstairs. It was a concept.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Gu Yan left, and Zhao Chuning sat on the sofa and was shocked for a while. Then he sat up straight, took a laptop, and read the data in the U disk.


An electronic document was displayed on the screen, which was several thousand words long.

All information points to one person, not many individuals.

“Dragon King Palace-Number Zero!”

Yushou slid the roller.

At this time, Zhao Chuning, the shyness and Tsundere expression in the pretty face, have all disappeared, become extremely calm, calm and outrageous!

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that in those beautiful eyes like glass, an emotion is slowly brewing at this time…

An icy coldness and murderous aura!

She was just like a little girl who was at a loss.

But now she seems to have gone back to a few years ago, that hand with endless trump cards, cruel mind, and extremely clever…

Only cold blood!!

The next day.

Imperial Capital, a branch of the Gu Group.

Gu Yan sat at the desk and, through his personal team, called up the current positions of several heroines and what they were doing.

The plan is already in full swing.

The heroines launched an action against the personnel who entered the Imperial Capital from various fields and methods.

The methods are endless, and even Gu Yan can’t see it!

Surveillance, tracking, stealing key information, and even kidnapping for extortion, soliciting discord.

With the help of Gu Yan’s power, coupled with detailed intelligence, and the wisdom of the heroines, Helongwangdian did not notice these premises in advance.

Just one afternoon.

There was a female protagonist who successfully obtained the key information, and mastered the way for the personnel of a department to enter the imperial capital, as well as their forged identities!

Su Qingyue did it!

Something strange happened.

After Su Qingyue was the first to show results, the other heroines suddenly became a little anxious, and they launched more rapid and effective plans for the Dragon King Palace!


The four great aces of the Dragon King Palace will all arrive in the imperial capital tonight!

They have also made a perfect plan to carry out actions against the four ace!

In this one.

Only Zhao Chuning has not acted, and has not used Gu Yan’s power, Gu Yan’s team.

She seems to be okay, just like people, just sketching in the villa.

But Gu Yan didn’t worry about Zhao Chuning at all, nor did he pay any attention at all.

This woman, in a sense, does not actually need her own help.

The pain she has endured, step by step to today, the hardship she has endured, plus her ultimate intelligence.

To some extent.

In some respects, Zhao Chuning is far more versatile than Dragon King Palace Zero!

She has her own way!

Gu Yan used the laptop to browse the plans of the four female protagonists tonight except for Zhao Chuning.In the end, he put his eyes on Tiandong’s plan board.

I have to say that the plan is perfect.

What Tiandong is targeting is the Dragon King Palace intelligence department, one of the four trump cards, Gu Ying.

The plan she used to deal with Gu Ying was somewhat similar to the “perfect car accident” Gu Yan prepared for Ye Tian at the time.

But Tiandong improved the plan more perfect, and even more confusing.

She has mastered the whereabouts of the lonely shadow, from the moment when the lonely shadow gets off the plane, she will start the calculation!

If not unexpected.

Even if Tiandong can’t hold Guying, he can still get something from Guying the last time!


I am afraid that Gu Yan will not be able to fulfill Tiandong’s wish.

If last night, the system did not prompt Man Tiance to embark on the path of Blacken, Gu Yan might not intervene.

But now, if Gu Yan can push Xiao Tiance to the road of nowhere and make him completely Blacken, by unscrupulous means, he can easily obtain the entire Dragon King Palace and make him die more painful.

Why not do it?

In addition, Gu Yan only intervened in Tiandong’s plan for a reason.

I have been mentally paving for so long, and it’s time to close the net…


Tian Dong, Gu Ying, Xiao Tiance, and even Han Yafei!

The interests of multiple parties are intertwined.

Gu Yan must sit back and enjoy the results and earn it!

Thinking of this, Gu Yan directly picked up the office phone and dialed a number!

Han Family Mansion.


In the dark and damp basement, on a wooden bed, Xiao Tiance leaned against the head of the bed, holding a dagger in his left hand and a can of beer in his right hand. On the ground.

There were countless cigarette butts and empty cans all over.

Xiao Tiance never drinks or smokes.

But from the moment the marriage contract was torn up, until now, he hasn’t closed his eyes all night long!

He drank, smoked, and even killed a rat in the basement with his head!

He is already a little crazy!

Gu Yan won’t die for a moment, Xie Tiance can’t close his eyes for a moment!

It was a nightmare day, and Man Tiandi understood a truth.

Blindly forbearance cannot solve the problem fundamentally.

I am about to make a move, and I can’t continue this way!

He is kind-hearted, and he blindly pleases, what is it in exchange for?

It’s a few slaps, it’s cynicism, it’s the coldness and targeting brought by this world, it’s an endless shame!

He is right!

What is wrong is this deformed world, this impersonal, icy world!

He still loves Han Yafei!

But… this kind of love has gradually become morbid. If today’s Xiao Tiance is changed to yesterday, he will definitely not stand idly by and watch Gu Yan and Han Yafei!!

You have to fight for your own things, even if…

play hard!!


At this moment, Xiao Tiance’s cell phone vibrated, and he picked it up.

“Lord Dragon King.

On the other side of the phone, a respectful voice rang, “Ms. Han’s call has been made, do you want to listen?”

“The other party, yes…

“Who is it?!” Man Tiandi’s voice was hoarse, and his eyes caught people.

However, the next few words uttered by his subordinates made Man Tiance sit up straight in an instant!

The seven poems in the left hand pierce the wooden bed forcefully!

What he said was very simple, only three words.

“It’s Gu Yan…

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