Chapter 109

Chapter 109 This is what it feels like to be the big boss behind the villain?

I’m not going to meet Young Master Gu!

Master Gu is the benefactor of the Han family!

These two sentences made Man Tiance’s heart raging, and his hatred for Gu Yan escalated again. At the same time, his self-contained mentality also fluctuated at this moment.

He just saw it all, he saw it all!

Gu Yan touched Han Yafei’s hand in front of her.

But what made him feel so sad that he couldn’t breathe is that Han Yafei didn’t react or resist at all, as if he hadn’t seen it!

I have been with Han Yafei for several years, not to mention my hands, I have never touched my dress before, and at most I just poured foot wash on Han Yafei.

And now, Yan and Gu Han Yafei have only been together for a long time, and they have done things that they have not done in a few years!

Still in front of oneself!

Now Man Tiance is not only angry, but also has a kind of envy and jealousy that he does not want to face, which makes him more entangled and more uncomfortable.

Not only that.

My mother-in-law, still let myself see Gu Yan?!

They are all crazy, everyone is crazy, they are all biased by Gu Yan’s tricks!

Others don’t know, but he knows that Chen Long and Lin Qiu died in the hands of Gu Yan. Based on this, he can infer that his method of merging the two hidden families will definitely not be clean!

His appearance is gentle and gentle, and the noble son’s style is all pretended, it is a coat of hypocrisy!

Gu Yan is a smiling tiger, a demon who eats people without spitting out bones. He is a downright hypocrite, sinister, cunning, and cruel-hearted villain!!

Xiao Tiance is most contemptuous of such people.

Let him meet Gu Yan?

Let him, the Dragon King, the god of war, bow down to meet a wisp of ant, to see his rival, his enemy?

He is full of loneliness and arrogance, except in front of Han Yafei, he has not bowed his head to anyone, and everyone who dares to offend the majesty of the Dragon King must die!

Sun Cheng, who had just been disrespectful to himself, did this.

Gu Yan, too!

But it was also where he struggled.

Man Tiandi understands that the dinner party tonight, because of Gu Yan’s frame, is over.

Although he has promoted Gu Yan to his position as the number one enemy.

But no matter what, the current thing has already happened, and my own principles cannot be changed.

Then 27 is that no matter what happens, you can’t make Yafei unhappy!

His position in Yafei’s heart has dropped again and again.

If I still go my own way now, I am afraid that Yafei’s own impression of it can really fall to the freezing point!

Xiao Tiance thought of a compromise, which was the limit he could accept.

I raised my head with difficulty, looked at Gu Yan, and looked at this handsome man standing in front of me, with extraordinary temperament.

Man Tiandi laughed, but his smile was very cold, and his tone was quite stiff. He spit out two words, “Hello.

We “click to the end, don’t go too far.

It seems to be saying hello to Gu Yan, but in fact, Xiao Tiance is warning Gu Yan for the last time!

At the same time, a feeling of aggrievedness rose in my heart!

This kind of feeling that nothing can be changed, and that the status quo can only be handed over to other people’s hands is really too embarrassing!

Dragon King Palace!

Xiao Tiance has made a decision. After this dinner is over, he will immediately use his biggest hole card to sweep all obstacles!

However, the next moment…

When Xiao Tiance said these words, Gu Yan moved first before Han Yafei and Han’s parents reacted.

He raised his hand and shook it casually, and two black-clad bodyguards rushed out of the side door.

If according to the general situation, let alone two bodyguards kicking, even if it was shot, Xiao Tiance would be able to avoid it.

But the embarrassment lies in

Xiao Tiance encountered his own natural enemy, to be precise, the natural enemy of the Child of Qi Luck, and the prey encountered a predator!

Gu Yan!As long as Gu Yan appears, Xiao Tiance’s protagonist aura and Jiangzhi aura are nothing but nothing, and can no longer do anything contrary to common sense.

Including Sun Cheng just being able to slap Mantian for the second time, partly because of Gu Yan’s layout, Mantiandi was deeply shocked and did not react.

The more reason is that Gu Yan is present, and Xiao Tiance’s protagonist aura is useless!


Bang bang!

These two feet are sturdy ends on Mantiance’s hind legs.

Xiao Tiance still had the strength. He had noticed the danger early, but he had not had time to react.

Too fast! Too sudden!

What he can do is just let go of his strength and make sure that even if he takes the two legs, there is no substantial harm.

But even so, the powerful impact made his legs bend, and then


Just kneel in front of Gu Yan!

The audience is silent!

“Talk to me, you have to kneel down.

A gentle voice rang in my ears, as if it were magical.

Man Tiance looked up subconsciously, but was stunned subconsciously, stunned for a second!

What he saw was the handsome and extraordinary face of the man against the background of the backlight, looking at him condescendingly.

In his deep eyes, there is no wave in the ancient well, no sorrow or joy, and it is as calm as a secluded pool.

It’s this one!

Man Tiandi actually didn’t dare to look at Gu Yan, there was a feeling of scalp numbness, completely subconscious!

But this feeling lasted only a second and quickly dissipated.

Man Tiance stood up straight like a spring.

He looked at Gu Yan’s eyes and calmed down even more.

The resentment and anger in the heart finally reached a critical point at this moment!

First, I didn’t give myself face, and killed the people I wanted, as well as my own messenger!

Seizing her own woman again, let herself kneel in front of so many people!

I can’t bear it, I don’t need to bear it anymore!

Enemy of life and death!

At this time, in Xiao Tiance’s heart, the hatred between him and Gu Yan can only be described in four words, endless!

He has never provoke Gu Yan, on the contrary, it is Gu Yan who provokes him all the time.

If you don’t take revenge, you swear not to be human!

But at this time, Man Tiandi couldn’t think of it anyway. His current performance is what Gu Yan wants.

Gu Yan smiled when he looked at Man Tiance standing in front of him.

Worthy of being a tortoise design, the hardness of this shell is really unusual.

It broke out when I was treated like this, and Man Tian Ce was too tolerant.


It looks a little bit like this.

The drama can finally begin.

The scene where Gu Yan forced Xiao Tiance to kneel down did not avoid anyone’s sight.

There is no need to avoid it at all.

If Gu Yan was still dealing with Ye Tian half a month ago, he would pay attention to his personal design in front of outsiders, and would deal with any details in a small way.

But now that he already has power and authority, he doesn’t have to be so troublesome at all!

He just wants everyone in the imperial capital to know!

Xiao Tiance is his own enemy, whoever dares to help Xiao Tiance is against himself!

as predicted.

The dignitaries who had eased over also echoed one after another at this time.

“Okay! Young Master Gu has done this very brightly. This grandson even dared to pretend just now. How are you? You laughed so hard at me, so you should kneel down!”

“I said Ms. Han Yafei, I can’t stand it anymore. Are you really going to let such a wasteful stay in Han’s house? It won’t happen, right?”

“That’s right, but this grandson is also thick-skinned.”

In the ridicule of the crowd.

Man Tiance stood on the spot, his fists kept wiping tightly, he lowered his head slightly, and he did not let others see his increasingly hideous expression!


As long as after tonight, he will collect these debts one by one!

Han Yafei glanced at Xiao Tiance, her eyebrows trimmed slightly, but she quickly retracted her eyes and looked at Gu Yan.

Suddenly, a little flustered inexplicably.

Gu Yan had no opinion on Xiao Tiance’s shot, because it was indeed Man Tiandi’s words that were disrespectful first!

But this is the point. Somehow, Han Yafei is afraid that Gu Yan will have a preconceived, bad impression and evaluation of himself because of the relationship between him and Man Tiandi.

The same goes for Han father and Han mother.

They panic too!

If it is because of Xiao Tiance this waste thing that makes Gu Yan change his attitude towards the Han family, then they will even regret their intestines!

It’s all to blame for Xiao Tiance, a wasteful son-in-law who has not succeeded in success, and has been more than a failure, a rice bucket!

“Gu Gongzi, all of this is my fault. I didn’t take a good look at Man Tian’s strategy, which caused trouble for the son.”

Han Yafei took the initiative to take this responsibility, and said very apologetically and nervously: “I…

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Gu Yan’s actions.

Gu Yan held two glasses of red wine, handed the glass in his right hand to Han Yafei, and laughed softly: “Miss Yafei, don’t be so nervous, it’s just an episode.”

“Take it and follow me.

When Han Yafei heard Gu Yan say this, she didn’t hesitate at all. She took the red wine glass and followed Gu Yan honestly.

With Gu Yan’s move, the atmosphere of the venue also changed.

You know, the host of today’s dinner is Gu Yan.

When Gu Yan didn’t enter the venue, the rich and powerful were waiting honestly!

When Gu Yan entered the stage and suppressed Xiao Tiance, the powerful and powerful people agreed from the bottom of their hearts and cheered Gu Yan!

Gu Yan now starts to walk, which means that today’s dinner party has officially begun!

The dignitaries stepped forward to toast and talked with Gu Yan. They did not conceal their compliments in their words. At the same time, they implicitly proposed that their current field is related to the industry, hoping to be valued by Gu Yan and start a period of cooperation.

Gu Yan did not ignore all of them, but chose the best.

Today it can be said that the entire upper-class society of the imperial capital is brought together here.

He is also taking advantage of this opportunity to develop some imperial capital markets and once again expand the scale of the group.

And this time.

In the corner of the venue, the first person in the sky stood alone, let alone the dignitaries of the upper class.

He just watched, Gu Yan was in the center of the entire venue, surrounded by countless dignitaries!

The Bai Yueguang that I have been asking for, Han Yafei, the goddess of my eternal dream, is now like a little secretary, following Gu Yan’s side.

She doesn’t touch the wine, but she is willing to stop the wine for Gu Yan.

When she is drunk, there will be a blush on her pretty face, and there will be more charming and charming in her beautiful eyes.


It’s really beautiful, but now it belongs to Gu Yan!

Not only that, Xiao Tiance also saw that when Han Yafei was halfway through, it seemed that because he was drunk and wearing high heels, one of them was about to fall without standing.

Even though he was far apart, his heart still twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to rush over.


Gu Yan stretched out an arm, wrapped it around Han Yafei’s waist, and steadily caught her.

From the angle of Man Tiandi, it can be clearly seen that after Han Yafei stood firm, although she broke free of Gu Yan’s arms, her beautiful face did not have any panic or disgust, but was full of shyness.


This scene, like a steel knife, pierced Man Tiance’s heart every inch!

Gu Yan in the distance is beautiful and admired by thousands of people, and the beauty is by the side!

The self here can only hide in a dark corner, like a mouse that everyone shouts and beats, ignored and cast aside!That is my own woman, that is the woman I love!

Man Tiance’s eyes are red, his breathing is heavy, his fists are tight, his nails seem to have pierced the skin, and red blood is shed.

Even if his mentality is stable again.

Going through big winds and waves again.

But now, Xiao Tiance really couldn’t help it!

[Ding! Man Tiance, the son of luck, has an unbalanced mentality, temporarily collapses, and rewards 50,000 villains!]

The center of the venue.

Gu Yan tasted the red wine and listened to the prompt sound in his head.

look around.

What he saw was the look in the eyes of the rich and powerful towards him, wherever he saw his eyes, it would become quiet.

What he saw was the 017 gaze that Han Yafei dodged. The latter’s pretty face was reddish, and her beautiful eyes were very shy and shy. He didn’t dare to look at him, and seemed to be at a loss for the episode that just happened.


He glanced at Xiao Tiance in the corner.

This time, Gu Yan couldn’t help laughing.

Or, is this what it feels like to be the big boss behind the villain?

Wealth, power, color, and beauty, everything you need.

I watched the son of luck in front of me, humbled like a mouse in the sewer!!

The purpose is achieved.

This dinner is also time to end.

So Gu Yan didn’t mean to stay longer. He screened a group of elite dignitaries and asked them to cooperate with the headquarters of the Magic Gu Group before leaving.

Imperial Capital Hotel, downstairs.

It is early in the morning, and the lights in the city that never sleeps are beginning to come on, the lights are dim, like a dream.

In front of a Les Les car, Han Yafei stood outside the car, looking at Gu Yan sitting in the right rear seat, with red lips lightly touching.

“Miss Han, do you want to tell me something?”

Gu Yan glanced at Han Yafei.

Han Yafei slowed down, only to realize that she had just been stunned.

She blushed and hurriedly said: “Gu Gongzi, it’s nothing, I just want to ask you, do you have time tomorrow? I want you to come home for a meal, thank you very much.”

“If the Han family doesn’t have your help, I… I really don’t know what to do.”

At the end, Han Yafei’s tone became tense. She was afraid that Gu Yan would misunderstand something. She made an extra effort: “Um, it’s just a meal. If the son doesn’t have time, then forget it.”

Upon seeing this, Gu smiled, “Let’s watch it again.”

After speaking, he directly rolled the window and let the driver drive.

Tomorrow, dinner?

Gu Yan must go, of course, he went there not just to eat, nor just to make a lot of plans for the show.

His attitude towards the son of luck, from the beginning to the end, there is only one, which can kill four kills!

But if you want to kill Mantiance, you must first solve the Dragon King Palace!

The Dragon King Palace is also of great use to Gu Yan himself!

The purpose of eating this meal tomorrow, Gu Yan is actually for the Dragon King Palace.

He has now figured out the three steps to receive the Palace of the Dragon King!

Of course, for these three steps, he had to go back to the Gu Family Group, carefully scrutinize it, and call the magic city so that all the heroines would also come to the imperial capital.

This time.

It’s Gu Yan’s harem group, colliding with the Dragon King Palace!

What Gu Yan has to do is also very simple.

At the same time, Tiandong and Zhao Chuning, it is almost time.

Han family mansion, at the entrance of the villa.

Man Tiance stood outside the door, his raised arm stiff in the air, his expression was extremely complicated, but he never knocked on the door.

At this moment, two men in black walked out from the corner next to them, and knelt down on one knee behind Man Tiance.

“Lord Dragon King, what’s your order?!”

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