Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Come home with me

Gu Yan returned to the villa.

As soon as I entered the door, I found that Ye Liuli was missing on the sofa.

The blankets were neatly folded and put aside, the dishes and chopsticks on the dining table were taken away, and the sound of water in the kitchen continued.

Gu Yan didn’t say anything, sitting on the sofa and reading quietly.

After a while.

The sound of water in the kitchen stopped.

A faint footstep sounded behind Gu Yan, intermittently, seemingly hesitant.

Until a few minutes passed.

Ye Liuli made a circle and walked in front of Gu Yan, standing still.

She pursed her red lips, dodges her eyes, erratic, and the emotions on Qiao’s face are very complicated, apologetic, and confused, but she is more afraid of it.

She clasped her two jade hands together, and none of the water stains on her hands were wiped clean.

The moisture dries naturally, and her Bai Zhe’s skin also rises with a hint of redness.

“Master Gu, yes… I’m sorry, I fell asleep.”

“I haven’t dared to sleep last night. I rested for less than three hours in total.”

“I know it’s wrong, it won’t happen again, can you deduct my salary?”

Ye Liuli told the truth.

Yesterday, she thought about it all night.

It was true that he was stealing things first, and Gu Yan did nothing wrong.

But she should be scared or scared now!

When she opened her eyes this morning and realized that it was eleven o’clock in the morning, she panicked.

Don’t forget, Gu Yan gave her three choices last night.

Either give money, or labor, or…

Use yourself as a person to repay.

Ye Liuli is now afraid that Gu Yan thinks she is a bad babysitter, and forcibly treats herself…

If that is the case.

Ye Liuli believed that she would commit suicide.

But she doesn’t want to die!

“You know it’s wrong?” Gu Yan raised his eyes and looked at Ye Liuli.

“Yeah! Got it! I am willing to work overtime and do some other housework after finishing my job.”

Ye Liuli said quickly, and finally added a weak one, “Don’t pay for overtime…”

“No need, one yard goes to one yard.”

Gu Yan closed the book and said lightly: “Since there is a problem at work, then we will follow the uniform standard and deduct the day’s wages.”

“There have been repeated, not repeated, if you keep making mistakes, then I will only fire you.”

“When the time comes, how should you pay back the money you owe me? It’s up to you.”

Ye Liuli’s eyes changed a little.

Previously, she had always had a bad impression of the rich.

In the past three years in society, I don’t know how many people want to throw an olive branch on her, but they all need her to pay chaste.

But Ye Liuli never agreed to any of them, and even had to go back one by one!

She would rather sleep on the street than betray her soul.

Over time, Ye Liuli had seen more nasty people, and she had the prejudice in her heart now.


The man in front of him broke her prejudice.

Gu Yan is richer than the rich people she has ever met, and they are all cleaner!

At least for now!

He is handsome and elegant, obeys the rules and regulations, pays attention to rules and regulations, and his attitude towards others and life are the same.

Including Gu Yan’s hands and feet on himself last night, now think about it, isn’t it also because he didn’t follow the rules?

She had to admit.

Gu Yan is really good, and…has a fatal and mysterious personality charm!

People can’t help but want to approach him and get to know him!

Also, it’s hard to feel disgusted with Gu Yan.

“Come home with me and meet my parents.”

However, at this moment.

Gu Yan said softly, floating into Ye Liuli’s ears.

Her beautiful eyes widened subconsciously, and the roots of her ears were red.

What Gu Yan said is hard for her not to be crooked!

“Gu Gongzi, see your parents do…what do you do?”

Ye Liuli was a little scared again.

Gu Yan glanced at Ye Liuli helplessly, and said, “Little kids, don’t ask so much, take you home and sign a labor contract.”

“When the time comes, you just sit down and don’t ask anything, don’t say anything.”

Ye Liuli was even more embarrassed when she heard this.

The villain inside was holding his face and screaming.

What are you thinking about!

Really shameful!

“Okay, Master Gu, do I need to prepare? Change of clothes or something?” Ye Liuli asked again.

“Do you have clothes to change?”

Gu Yan said, taking out the car key from the drawer, “If you want to take a shower, take a shower. I’ll wait for you at the door of the villa.”

“Before you leave, remember to lock the door and close the windows.”


Gu Yan walked straight out of the villa.

Only Ye Liuli stood alone.

She blushed and talked to herself weakly, “It doesn’t matter if I take a shower, I…I’ll wash my face and just wash my hair, right?”


She agreed with this idea and went to the bathroom.

Letting her take a bath at Gu Yan’s house was simply torture, Ye Liuli couldn’t even think of it.


What Ye Liuli didn’t realize was that her resistance to Gu Yan and her family had become much less before she knew it.

From the “execution ground”, it slowly transformed into a “detention center.”

ps: Asking for data, asking for support, ooh, it’s too difficult for a small writer on the street. *

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