Ye Qingshan's face suddenly turned ashen, and his words were not rough.

But he didn't take off his pants in public, but put on new ones on a whim.

In this way, it can be considered covered.

While he was changing his pants, several players from the first echelon had successfully landed.

And ran to the second starting point first, and rushed forward on a bicycle.

"Depend on."

Seeing these guys behind him overtake him.

Ye Qingshan was instantly impatient.

If it weren't for the problem with the fucking pants, he would be rushing out for more than 100 meters on his bike now! ! !

He immediately rushed to the starting point at the speed of light, and when he rushed to a bicycle, he was about to ride up to chase the target.

The moment he got on the car, Tang Yu, disguised as a staff member, was already waiting for him here.

Seeing that this guy was about to get into the car, Tang Yu held a razor blade in his hand.

He flicked the Vice Grip blades behind his hands.

The blade containing true energy quickly disappeared into the air.

Only the masters who started at the second level of Heaven and Human Realm stand here.

In order to see the Flying trajectory of the blade clearly.

The blade flew out and hit the bottom of the car seat with infuriating energy.

The part where the seat cushion and the support rod were connected was almost cut and flew back to Tang Yu's hands like a boomerang Normal.

After the blade flew back, Tang Yu squeezed it lightly, and the blade in his hand turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

Ye Qingshan's strength could not detect Tang Yu's small movements at all.

After he got on the bike, his legs kicked as hard as he stepped on a sewing machine.

Trying to get the bike as fast as possible, accelerating past several Rivals ahead of him.

The last mission failed, there was no way.

But this time he must win!

After he rode for about five minutes, he finally caught up with the first few.

At this moment, the road ahead becomes a downhill road, and after the downhill is over, it is a sharp turn.

Seeing the opportunity to overtake is imminent.

Ye Qingshan did not learn to slow down a little bit like the other runners, so as to prepare for a stable turn after going downhill.

Instead, he stomped on his legs and continued to accelerate.

In a few seconds, he succeeded in overtaking the first echelon by nearly three meters.

I saw Ye Qingshan who succeeded in overtaking after a failure.

Host couldn't help but get a little excited, holding Matt wind and shouting excitedly.

"Fast corners are really fast, who can't accelerate in a straight line? In order to regain the top spot, Ye Qingshan chose to fight without slowing down to go through the corner quickly."

"Even a professional player would not dare to say that he can turn smoothly at such a fast speed."

"The only way for Ye Qingshan is to try to bend and drift, but as an amateur, can he do it?"

Under the passionate cry of Host.

The drone's footage Lock On Ye Qingshan again.

Everyone in the Qingshan department also sweated when they saw it.

It's hard to see Ye Qingshan come back, hope is close at hand.

But a new difficulty is waiting for them!

Pass this level, the sea is wide Soaring in the sky!

"This kid can definitely do it. I have trained him before, and his success rate in bending is 100%."

Standing next to Dean Gu, the cycling coach folded his arms with confidence.

Among the apprentices he has taught, Ye Qingshan is the most outstanding! The most difficult downhill corners can't beat him!

"That's good."

Hearing what he said, Dean Gu relaxed his dangling heart.

In the spotlight, Ye Qingshan was about three meters away from the downhill bend.

He suddenly made an amazing move, grabbing the bicycle and lifting it hard, and the bicycle splashed high in the air.

While leaping in the air, Ye Qingshan controlled the bicycle to prepare for a difficult landing bend.

And the moment the bike hits the ground.

The car seat suddenly fell down and turned into a bare commander.

Inertia took Ye Qingshan to the next drop.

The bare commander and his daisy Tackle violently.

At that moment, Ye Qingshan seemed to see a revolving lantern appear in front of him, and several steps leading to heaven appeared in front of him in turn.

After the man and the car fell to the ground.

Ye Qingshan was awakened by the intense pain again.

After seeing the first echelon who had just been left behind by him riding past him.

He was pale and endured severe pain. He staggered up from the ground and rode on the bicycle again.

Because of the loss of the seat cushion.

He could only stand and ride in an odd position.

And the blood had stained his pants red.

After seeing this scene, the audience watching the game fell silent.

The Host also fell silent.

After a moment of silence, he shouted hoarsely with tears in his eyes.

"What is the Olympic spirit, what is the sports spirit? I think Ye Qingshan told us the answer at this moment."

"As long as you can stand up, even if you still have a breath, you must not give up!"

"No matter what kind of difficulty Kanto faces, he has to keep going."

"Athlete Ye Qingshan, come on!!!"

When Host roared out this voice to cheer up.

The audience in the audience were also infected one after another, shouting and cheering for Ye Qingshan.

Tang Yu, who was eating melon seeds and watching the fun, was confused.

What the heck, you are teary-eyed.

People's ass is bleeding, can't you force him to stop the game and let him go to treatment?

Seeing that Ye Qingshan was so injured, he didn't give up.

Everyone in the Aoyama department was also moved by this.

However, several leaders were still very Smelling Salts, and one of them was furious.

"What kind of beast is it!!! How dare you be so presumptuous, even if Ye Qingshan's swimming trunks are passive, why does the car have problems?"

"It doesn't make sense. There are so many cars at the starting point. If someone really does something, why is there a problem with Ye Qingshan's car?"

Another person in charge felt that this was a bit unreasonable.

Dean Gu's face was ashen.

"Don't worry about this for now. Everyone knows that someone is making trouble. The question is whether to continue the game?"

"Forced suspension? This is unreasonable, I can't explain it to so many spectators. I can't restart the game for him alone, and if it restarts, even if I get the first place, does this count as a mission accomplished?"

Someone questioned.

This is the same as the last mission. The mission requires Ye Qingshan to fall in love with Jiang Caixia.

It turns out that after Jiang Caixia can't work, you can't find someone with the same name and surname, right? It's definitely useless.

After everyone was silent for a while, Dean Gu sighed.

"Trust Ye Qingshan, he hasn't given up yet, there's nothing we can do."

Faced with this heavy reality, everyone could only silently pray that Ye Qingshan could successfully win the first place.

But the reality is often cruel.

After the heavy fall, Ye Qingshan endured the pain and tried to catch up.

But pain itself can affect performance.

Even if it has a slightly better strength than these people.

He could only helplessly watch the two sides separated by a distance of about ten meters.

After finally enduring the severe pain to ride the five kilometers, he stayed in fifth place.

And what awaits him next is the desperate ten-kilometer run.

Hear the audience cheering for themselves.

There was even Stephanie in the audience who lost a pack of sanitary napkins.

Ye Qingshan gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, resisting the pain in the Jube Region and continued to charge forward.

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