Because of this moment.

In Bing Ling's perception, Li Qingze was just a"greenhorn" who was new to foreign sports. so.

Rouge and Qiangwei, two masters in the late stage of internal strength, are also extremely cold-blooded international killers.

It is undoubtedly quite dangerous to stay with Li Qingze.

I don’t know which guy would give Li Qingze such two bed-warming beauties?

It can make two beauties with high strength and high status submit willingly.

It seems.

The status of the other party should not be low.

At least the strength is not weak.

As for why Bingling said that the other party was Li Qingze's confidante, not a man. joke.

If it's a man.

Would you give away such two lively beauties to others?

Bing Ling didn't believe it. and.

Li Qingze personally went to bring these two beauties back last night.

It allows him to go out late at night.

Not a woman.

Who else could it be? and.

She must still be an extremely beautiful woman...... have to say.

Bing Ling's analysis was correct. only.

After hearing her words, Rouge and Qiangwei became a little embarrassed.

Because speaking of it.

Although they met Nangong Qingcheng last night, in fact, they did not know Nangong Qingcheng's name.

I only know such a woman who is extremely beautiful and captivates the country.

He seems to be the mysterious owner of the secret door.

The remaining.

Nangong Qingcheng didn't tell them much. correct.

In the car last night, I heard the conversation between Li Qingze and the other party. like.

This secret door owner seems to be related to the Nangong family.

But the Nangong family has always kept a low profile in Jiangcheng. Although they established a little intelligence system in the first few years after arriving in Jiangcheng, they actually don’t know much about the Nangong family.

"Lord Ice Queen, we did have someone send someone to warm Shao Li's bed, but who the person is, actually, we don't know very well......."

Rouge spoke hesitantly.

Because it is not clear what methods Nangong Qingcheng left in their Dantian. at this time.

They didn't dare to tell everything.

It can only be half-truth and half-falsehood

"Really not sure?"

Bing Ling smiled.

Judging from the degree of fear between Yanzhi and Yan Zhi, the identity of the other party does not seem simple.

A woman with a mysterious identity and an appearance worthy of Li Qingze going out at night.

Tsk tsk.

She felt a little stressed. Get up.

Didn’t you say that Xiao Qingze is a villain?

How come so many beautiful women like him?

It’s outrageous


Rouge nodded.

See this.

Bing Ling didn't ask in detail.

With her age and temperament, she is no longer the kind of jealous little girl. certainly.

This is just what Bing Ling thinks.

Because at this time.

Another beautiful woman walked down from the second floor. see each other.

Bing Ling's delicate brows couldn't help but raise.

The person who came was none other than Ling Yanhan. last night.

Naturally, the fact that Ling Yanhan sneaked into Li Qingze's room quietly did not escape her awareness.

Just last night.

She was very sensible and didn't interfere any more.

Because of the last experience.

It doesn't seem to matter whether she goes or not....... so.

Too lazy to care.

But no matter what.

When she saw Ling Yanhan again at this moment, Bing Ling felt a little unhappy.

She said that this woman Ling Yanhan had nothing to do, so she bought a lot of popsicles in the refrigerator. turn out to be......

Bing Ling's face was a little red.

Think of the scene in your mind.

I can't help but feel a little curious.........................

"You all get up so early?"

Seeing Bing Ling, Rouge and Qiangwei in the living room, Ling Yanhan smiled and said hello.

Facing Ling Yanhan who seemed to be more friendly.

Rouge and Qiangwei both responded with smiles.

Bing Ling, on the other hand, He still looked calm and indifferent, with a little bit of laziness. Ling Yanhan was already familiar with Bing Ling's temperament , so he was not surprised. To put it simply, although Bing Ling occasionally made some jokes, she seemed to have a good temperament. She looked kind and amiable, but her indifference that shut others out from thousands of miles away could be clearly felt. This woman seemed to have that kind of protectiveness and closeness only towards Li Qingze. It didn't take long..Li Qingze also got up. Because today is Nangong Mingyue’s birthday. As someone who received the invitation letter personally sent by Nangong Mingyue. For this sister Mingyue, who is also a villain, he naturally cannot slack off. Under Xiao Ling’s dedicated service , Li Qingze finished washing up quickly. When he arrived at the restaurant, Xiaoying had also prepared breakfast. She prepared many breakfasts, not only for Li Qingze, but also for Bing Ling and others in the villa. During this time, as more people appeared in the villa These people, Xiao Ying and Xiao Ling, all regard them as the young master's women, so naturally they will not neglect them.


After breakfast.

A sports car drove up outside Linjiang Villa. soon.

Xiaoying came to report to Li Qingze:"Master, Miss Qingyu is here."

"Well, I get it."

Li Qingze nodded.

As Nangong Mingyue's best friend since childhood, elder sister Li Qingyu must also be attending Nangong Mingyue's birthday.

Even their identities are slightly different.

Li Qingze's attendance, to a large extent, is also Representing the Li family.

As for Li Qingyu, it was simply because of Nangong Mingyue’s status as a good friend.

"Ask her to wait for me in the living room for a while while I go change my clothes."

Li Qingze gave the order and went upstairs. For an occasion like going to Nangong's house, he would naturally have to change into a formal suit.

After all, although he doesn't intend to play a brainless villain again, he can't dress like the protagonist. The goods are gone

"Okay, Master."

Xiaoying nodded.

Just as Li Qingze went upstairs, outside the hall, a beautiful lady dressed in OL's professional attire walked in.

It was Li Qingyu.

Suddenly he saw Bing Ling, Ling Yanhan, Yan Zhi suddenly appearing in the living room. There were four beauties including Qiangwei. Li Qingyu's eyes were fixed.

She hadn't been here for a while.

When did Li Qingze let himself go so freely?

He couldn't help but frowned and asked Xiaoying:"Where's Qingze, and who are they?" ?"

"The young master went upstairs to change clothes. Miss Qingyu, please wait in the living room......."

Xiaoying replied calmly.

As for the identities of Bing Ling, Ling Yanhan and others.

She explained:"They should all be the young master's women......."


Li Qingyu frowned.

Because Ling Xiaoxiao went back to the room to sleep and was not in the living room at the moment.

But as far as Li Qingyu saw, she didn't recognize the three women Ling Yanhan, Yanzhi and Qiangwei in the living room.

But for Bing Ling , she still knew him.

She couldn't help but stare at her, and asked:"Didn't you teach Qingze martial arts? Why did you become his woman?"

Bing Ling raised her eyebrows, folded her hands, and said with a smile:"What's the matter, sister Qingyu, can't it be done? There is no blood relationship between me and brother Qingze. I told my adoptive father before I came here. If you want to marry Qingze, your adoptive father will not object......."


Li Qingyu didn't expect Bing Ling to be so shameless!

In name,

Bing Ling is also Li Qingze's adopted sister, how can she covet Li Qingze's body!

Moreover, blood relationship!

After hearing these four words, Li Qingyu clenched his fist slightly.

Then again Let go.

She is Li Qingze's biological sister. She has no control over which woman Li Qingze wants to find, but he wants to become her younger brother and sister-in-law.

How should I put it? She has to get the consent of her sister.

"Sorry, it's his business if he doesn't object to that person, but I don't agree with it......."

Li Qingyu said coldly.

But Bing Ling smiled and didn't care:"As long as brother Qingze likes it, it doesn't matter whether you agree or not, right?"

Bing Ling held her hands with a smile in her eyes. joke.

Among the women currently in the villa, except for Li Qingyu, who is Li Qingze's biological sister.

Compared with her, others are not competitive at all!

And even if Li Qingze nominally likes Bai Yixue, she is just a jealous, arrogant and life-ruining female CEO.

There was no threat in front of her either.

At present, except for the mysterious woman who sent the two female killers Rouge and Qiangwei to warm Li Qingze's bed, and the woman who made Li Qingze admit that he was the villain under her nose.

Bing Ling has not yet found any other strong competitors."

"I won't tell you this. Li

Qingyu would not be angry because of such a trivial matter. He said calmly:"Finish what you should do as soon as possible and go back to your border. Jiangcheng is not a place where you should stay."......"

"Sister Qingyu, if you say this, it will hurt my heart."

Bing Ling shook her head and said with a smile:"I suddenly don't want to go back. Otherwise, I might as well resign from my job and be the leader of the Li family.Grandma, how about raising a husband and raising children? In this way, isn't Jiangcheng where I should stay?"

"what ever."

Li Qingyu gave her a cold look:"If you are really willing to do this, then I don't mind, but in this way, it will be a hard work for you to open up branches and leaves for my Li family."

Although she doesn't have much interaction with Bingling,

Li Qingyu also knows that.

This woman's character is not really willing to be a woman who takes care of her husband and raises her children.

Therefore, saying such words is completely choking the other party.

Sure enough. Listen.

Listen. Hearing her words,

Bing Ling couldn't help but paused slightly.

This sister Qingyu is not weak at all!

This move of retreating in order to advance made her a little unexpected.

After all, in fact, she really wanted her to do it safely. As a young mistress of the Li family who takes care of her husband and raises her children, Bing Ling asked herself that it was really difficult for her to do that.

So what she wanted to do was to train Li Qingze and then bring her into the Dragon Soul.

Because Li Qingyu was right.

There is her Bing Ling. The place where it should belong.

And in the living room.

Facing Bing Ling and Li Qingyu who suddenly appeared, the two women had a verbal exchange.

Ling Yanhan, Rouge, Qiangwei and others were looking at each other with their eyes, nose and nose, and it had nothing to do with them. , Gao Gaohang.

After all, they also saw it.

This one is Li Qingze's sister.

The relationship between the other one and Li Qingze is not simple, and they are not able to get involved.

"Sure, but in this case, shouldn’t I also call you Sister Qingyu my sister?"

Although the first confrontation was a bit weak, Bing Ling still refused to admit defeat.

Li Qingyu smiled.

He walked to Bing Ling and sat down, raised his leg slightly and put it on the other leg.

Looking at the TV, Bing Ling was Watching"Tom and Jerry".

I couldn't help but said:"I didn't realize it, but you still have a childlike innocence. It's not impossible to call me sister.""

Hearing this,

Bing Ling paused again.

The sister she just mentioned and the sister Li Qingyu said have two completely different meanings.

One is that she wants to take Li Qingze as her own, and the change in identity, As a younger sibling, she just calls Li Qingyu sister.

But the meaning of Li Qingyu's words is to laugh at her childishness and really treat her as a younger sister.......?

At least at her age.

But he is one year older than Li Qingyu.

How could Li Qingyu take advantage of her like this?

"Forget it, sister Qingyu, as the female president of the company, you are sharp-tongued and good at talking. I will not argue with you about these meaningless things."

Bing Ling crossed her hands, not intending to argue with Li Qingyu anymore.

Li Qingyu smiled, obviously not wanting to keep talking with Bing Ling.

After a moment of silence, he said lightly:"But this time, thank you for your hard work." Bing Ling was a little surprised when she heard what she said. Li Qingyu was naturally referring to the fact that she had trained Li Qingze to practice martial arts during this period. But obviously, neither Bing Ling nor Li Qingyu were sensational people. The scene suddenly became slightly tense again. Silence fell. Fortunately, it didn't take long. Li Qingze had already changed his clothes and walked downstairs. When he saw his elder sister Li Qingyu sitting in the living room, he immediately smiled and said:"Let's go, elder sister." Li Qingyu nodded. Her eyes fell on Li Qingze and took a few more glances. Perhaps because of the extra women in the living room, she always felt that little Qingze seemed to have grown up. It was time. It was time to find a partner.


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