Chapter 59 Han Qiansan, let’s get a divorce!

“…Is it… already… raw rice to make mature rice?”

The smile on Jiang Lan’s face was brilliant.

He didn’t shy away from Han Qiansan who came in with Xiao Yingxia at this moment.

Xiao Yingxia blushed.

Nodded slightly.

“That’s good!”

“That’s good!”

Jiang Lan clapped her hands excitedly.

I couldn’t help muttering: “It’s better to welcome the summer, you have a good time, unlike Xiao Qingcheng, you can’t grasp such a good opportunity…”

“But Yingxia, you have to be clear about your identity, and Mom doesn’t expect you to be the woman in Li Shaoming’s face…”

“But even if you are just a lover of Shao Li, that is enough…”

“Ying Xia, you must seize the opportunity and don’t play a small temper with Li Shao…Moreover, you must pay attention to… How can you please Li Shao…”

Jiang Lan taught patiently.

Xiao Yingxia blushed.

But it did not refuse.


Han Qiansan couldn’t bear it for a long time.

For what Xiao Yingxia had lost.

Although he suffered very much last night, he was already mentally prepared.

Able to gritted his teeth and accept.

He doesn’t blame Xiao Yingxia.

I just blame myself for not protecting each other.

But now.

His mother-in-law Jiang Lan’s words made him extremely angry!

How can you be a mother like this!

Tell his married daughter to be someone else’s lover!

He also taught her how to please each other!

Han Qiansan immediately said angrily: “Enough, Jiang Lan, I used to respect you as Ying Xia’s mother, no matter how much you are, I will bear it…”

“But now, Yingxia is my wife, how can you tell her to do such a thing!”

“In your eyes, is there still a son-in-law like me!”

“Yo yo yo!”

Jiang Lan didn’t bother him at all.

Yin and Yang said strangely: “Who should I be? So you are such a waste!”

“Hehe, you are ashamed to say that Yingxia is your wife, but you can see for yourself, since you joined our family, how much wrongdoing Yingxia has suffered and how many eyes have been cast down because of you!”

“Look again, the body Yingxia is wearing now, the shoes on her feet, and necklaces, earrings, rings… which ones you can afford…”

“If you really want to welcome Xia, leave her early, and don’t drag Yingxia anymore. After all, if you let Li Shao know that Yingxia has a wasteful husband like you, you might be unhappy and delay Yingxia’s future… …”


Han Qiansan was really angry with Jiang Lan’s shameless face.

Gritting his teeth coldly: “I can also buy these things for Yingxia. As for Yingxia, she is also my woman, so don’t care if others are unhappy!”

“Ha ha ha!”

Jiang Lan ridiculed coldly, and said with no air: “It’s still bragging! I heard about Ying Xia last night, it’s worth hundreds of millions, and it’s something you can afford!”

“Han Qiansan, you are not only trash, but you also like to brag, swell your face and fill your fat man!”

“I said that if I can afford it, I can afford it!”

Han Qiansan was extremely depressed.

He doesn’t want to be a waste of money now.

I don’t want to continue to hide.

He just wanted to tell Xiao Yingxia.

I am not a waste of money.

He can also protect her and no longer make her wronged!

“Han Qiansan, let’s get a divorce!”


Before he could continue to speak, Xiao Yingxia said coldly.


The word divorce caught Han Qiansan by surprise.

Even if Xiao Yingxia had been wronged because of him in the past, she never mentioned divorce with him.

“Why, Yingxia, do you think I’m bragging? I can really buy it for you too!”

Han Qiansan was not reconciled.

Xiao Yingxia’s face was expressionless, and her tone was cold: “I hope you are bragging…”

“Otherwise, if you can really buy me…”

Xiao Yingxia couldn’t help but jokingly smiled: “Why do you have to wait until I’m already wearing it before saying you can buy this for me!”

“This will only make me look down on you even more!”

Han Qiansan was shocked.

Do not continue to explain on this matter.

At this moment, the more he explained, the more chilling and welcoming Xia’s heart would be.

At the moment, I can only move out the words of the old man of the Xiao family.

“Ying Xia, my grandfather personally appointed me to join the Xiao family, but his old man said, no matter what, you can never divorce me!”

Xiao Yingxia has always been filial.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yingxia was able to endure grievances and not divorce Han Qiansan for almost three years.


But at the moment.

Xiao Yingxia slowly closed her eyes.

Two lines of clear tears slipped from the corners of the eyes, and they popped out word by word: “He doesn’t deserve to be my grandfather!”


New book hits the road, please take care of it! ! !

Seeking flowers! ! ! Evaluation vote! ! ! All kinds of requests are rolling all over the floor! ! ! I hope readers who like this book will support me a lot! ! !


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