Chapter 57 Xiao Yingxia’s heart was upset, messed up, and disheveled!

Han Qiansan was speaking coldly.

On the other end of the phone came the very anxious voice of the general manager:

“Master Han, the internal system of Qianfeng Group was attacked by an unknown hacker just now. The system was completely paralyzed and all the information was stolen. The other party did not give us any chance to redeem it, and it was directly exposed on the Internet…”

“Now, the official has come to the door and directly sealed the Qianfeng Group…”


Han Qiansan cursed secretly.

He came to Jinghai for only three years, which allowed Qianfeng Group to grow into a group with a market value of over 10 billion.

Naturally, some obscure means were used.

But I didn’t expect it to be exposed now!

This can never be accidental!

Who on earth is targeting him!

When Han Qiansan was extremely upset, Yang Qi received another call.

After tens of seconds.

The same anxiously said: “Master Han, it’s not good, our entrance has just been attacked by unknown forces, and we have suffered heavy losses…”

Han Qiansan gritted his teeth tightly.

In the end just spit out one sentence: “Drive your car well!”

do not care!

No matter what!

Now in his mind, only Xiao Yingxia is the most important.

Everything else will be discussed later!

“Yes, Lord Han!”

Although Yang Qi was equally anxious, he heard Han Qiansan say this.

He could only gritted his teeth and caught up with the long string of black commercial cars in front of him.

But at this moment.

The dozen or so black commercial vehicles in front suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

“Master Han?”

Seeing this scene, Yang Qi asked Han Qiansan for instructions.

“Go ahead!”

Han Qiansan said coldly.

“Master Han!”

Yang Qi was trembling all over.

Just following behind, it was already taking a great risk.

Now that he blatantly drove past these Li’s secret guards, that was telling them clearly that he was following them.

Master Han doesn’t care!

But he cares!

“What are you doing in a daze!”

Han Qiansan’s tone was extremely cold: “Hurry up!”

Yang Qi gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator.

However, the two went forward and backward.

In addition to these more than a dozen black business vehicles.

The Bugatti Dark Night Emperor headed by him has disappeared!

“Master Han?”

Yang Qi’s voice trembled, and he dared not stop now.

But I don’t know where to go.

Han Qiansan also squeezed his fists tightly.

How could it be gone?

How could Li Mubai disappear!

What about Yingxia…………

“Damn it!”

Han Qiansan felt bored and couldn’t help shouting angrily!

“Find it for me, mobilize all your forces in Jinghai, find it for me!”

Han Qiansan was extremely anxious.

Thinking of the situation Xiao Yingxia might face now.

He felt like his heart was crushed into pieces, thrown on the ground and stepped into the dirt…

Being trampled on…

“Master Han, the bodyguards of Shao Li behind seem to have followed us!”

Yang Qi was driving the car and didn’t dare to stop.

Suddenly seeing the scene of a dozen black business cars closely following them in the rearview mirror, Yang Qi only felt that the souls of the dead…

“I ask you to quickly call someone to find me and find Li Mubai’s car!”

Han Qiansan didn’t care about these.

He just wants to find Xiao Yingxia!

He must find Xiao Yingxia!

Li Mubai didn’t send her back to Xiao’s house, then Xiao Yingxia at the moment…

Han Qiansan shook his head, his eyes were blood red.

He didn’t dare to think too much.

I don’t want to think more!

“Yingxia, I will definitely find you!”


And at the moment.

Jinghai faces the sea, a beach.

There was no one at this moment, only a Bugatti Night Emperor stopped here quietly.

“Shao Li, aren’t you…you didn’t mean to take me home…”

Xiao Yingxia said nervously.

“Do you want to go home now?”

Li Mubai looked at her with a smile.

Xiao Yingxia was silent.

Do you want or don’t want to…

When I got home, did you see the uselessness that made her wronged for three years?

Xiao Yingxia smiled sadly, she felt that she was very tired of life…

Li Mubai watched her.

Smile like a spring breeze.

The slender fingers stirred up a few messy hairs on Xiao Yingxia’s forehead.

Keep her behind her ears.

“Your hair is messed up again…”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yingxia actually took the initiative to reach out and hold his hand.

Covered his face.

Is it just messy hair?

In fact, Xiao Yingxia’s heart is also upset…

It’s a mess.

More chaotic and disheveled.

Two crystal high-heeled shoes, which were so beautiful and improperly, were on their toes.

One sway…………


New book hits the road, please take care of it! ! !

Seeking flowers! ! ! Evaluation vote! ! ! All kinds of requests are rolling all over the floor! ! ! I hope readers who like this book will support me a lot! ! !


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