Chapter 48 He was the eldest of the Li family, and Xiao Yingxia looked sad!

Xiao Yingxia picked up a good mood.

Walking out of the changing room with a smile.

“Miss Xiao!”

When I just walked out of the changing room, I was about to show it to that person.

Suddenly a figure with a big belly rushed up.

Xiao Yingxia was taken aback.

The visitor is actually Boss Du.

Xiao Yingxia frowned, thinking that the other party was going to treat her wrongly.

But I didn’t expect it.

Boss Du actually plopped.

Kneeling directly in front of her.

“Mr. Du, what are you doing?”

Xiao Yingxia frowned even more.

“Miss Xiao, it was someone I was obsessed with, and lard was blinded, so I shouldn’t have thoughts about you…”

“I…I already knew that I was wrong. Please see me for the sake of the old and the underdogs. Please help me with a few words in front of Shao Li, otherwise… Little life is not guaranteed…”

Boss Du bowed his hands to the ground.

Xiao Yingxia squatted his head severely, crying.

Although Shao Li told him to leave.

But he was still brooding about this matter, and the stone in his heart couldn’t fall.

In his capacity, if anyone dared to offend his woman.

He will not let him go easily.

Not to mention the big names like Li Shao!

Therefore, in desperation.

He could only come again to beg Xiao Yingxia.

Only Xiao Yingxia can save him!

“I…I know, I will help you…”

After all, Xiao Yingxia was kind-hearted.

After adding the Xiao family, they will still cooperate with each other.

Blushing, he agreed.

“Thank you Miss Xiao, thank you Miss Xiao, someone Du will definitely come to your home to make amends for you another day!”

Boss Du was immediately grateful.

“That…what’s his identity…”

Xiao Yingxia hesitated and asked.

“Huh? Who?”

Boss Du was taken aback, but he didn’t understand who Xiao Yingxia was asking.

“That’s, Shao Li in your mouth…”

Xiao Yingxia whispered.

This time.

It was Boss Du’s turn to be dumbfounded.

Are you not Li Shao’s woman?

Why don’t you even know the identity of Shao Li?

“I only met him tonight…”

Perceiving Boss Du’s doubts, Xiao Yingxia spoke embarrassedly again.


Boss Du understands.

But the tone was still extremely awe-inspiring: “Miss Xiao is really a blessing. That person is Li Mubai… Li Mubai…”


Xiao Yingxia’s heart was shocked.

Young Master Li!

He…he is actually the Li family eldest…

Xiao Yingxia had an extremely unrealistic feeling.

It’s like, Cinderella actually met His Royal Highness at this moment…

Boss Du continued to talk on the sidelines.

Knowing that Xiao Yingxia might soon become Li Shao’s woman, his mind instantly became active.

The two met again.

I’m afraid no one in Jinghai knows the news yet.

He naturally had to seize the opportunity ahead of time to make a good relationship with Xiao Yingxia, at least, he couldn’t have any evil…

“Miss Xiao, I believe you know how much identity Li Shao is. If you can get Li Shao’s favor, Miss Xiao is really the blessing of the third generation…”

“You must seize the opportunity, even if you just follow Li Shao, it’s a matter of flying on a branch to become a phoenix…”

“Person Du is here to congratulate Miss Xiao first…”

“Miss Xiao must seize the opportunity…”

At this moment, Boss Du was even more caring than Xiao Yingxia.

If he weren’t for a man, I’m afraid he would have come to Li Shao to flatter him.

But I heard what Boss Du said.

Xiao Yingxia is a mix of five flavors.

It’s not that she didn’t seize the opportunity.

Li Mubai’s distinguished status.

How could she be worthy of her.

Moreover, she is already married…

Thought of this.

In Xiao Yingxia’s expression, I don’t know why, but she felt a little sad for a while…


“Awen, to investigate a person, I want him to have all his identities, both overt and secret, as well as the various hidden forces and relationships…”

In the hall.

Li Mubai picked up a glass of red wine, and then ordered the black guard just now.

The opponent’s name was Awen, and he was one of the five great masters of Huajin among the three hundred secret guards tuned to him by the old man.

“Yes, Master, who do you want to investigate…”

Awen’s tone was cold and loyal.

Asked Li Mubai respectfully.

“The husband of Miss Xiao just now, a son-in-law by the Xiao family, if I remember correctly, his name should be Han Qiansan…”

Li Mubai smiled playfully, and said faintly: “After checking it out, you will… do this…”

Get Li Mubai’s order.

Awen nodded.

Then he walked out of the hall.

In addition to him, Li Mubai was traveling at the moment with two Huajin masters and dozens of secret guards from the peak of Dark Jin.

For Li Mubai’s safety issues.

Don’t worry about him.

Just do what Li Mubai has ordered.

And at the moment.

Xiao Yingxia had changed clothes and came out.

When she appeared in the hall again, many people’s eyes suddenly shifted.

This is a beautiful woman with an amazing body.

Wearing a black shoulder-length evening dress, revealing a dazzling collarbone and elegant white neck.

He had long black hair scattered behind him, and his watery eyes carried an indescribable color.

From the inside out, it exudes a mysterious and noble charm.

“What a beautiful woman!”

“Which girl is this, she is really gorgeous!”

Many people secretly exclaimed.

Xiao Yingxia had never been watched by so many eyes.

Could not help but blush.

There was a blush on her delicate and pretty face, and she walked towards Li Mubai…


New book hits the road, please take care of it! ! !

Seeking flowers! ! ! Evaluation vote! ! ! All kinds of requests are rolling all over the floor! ! ! I hope readers who like this book will support me a lot! ! !


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