Chapter 45 Domineering president and pure white rabbit!


Xiao Yingxia was stunned.

Looking at Li Mubai’s star-like eyes, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a while.

Even Xiao Qingcheng, an iceberg-like beauty, said of Li Mubai as having an extremely beautiful skin.

Not to mention.

Xiao Yingxia, a girl from the Xiao family who has never seen much of the world.

Li Mubai was satisfied with Xiao Yingxia’s reaction.

People are handsome, it’s not easy to pick up a girl…

For Xiao Yingxia, the eldest son-in-law, Li Mubai didn’t plan to treat Xiao Qingcheng like an iceberg beauty.

Because it is not necessary.

Li Mubai has another way to treat such a pure white rabbit.

Pulling Xiao Yingxia by her side, clinging to her own back.

Li Mubai looked at the two security guards, and his tone became cold:

“Why, is there anything wrong with my invitation letter?”

“No no!”

“Sir, please!”

The two security guards nodded again and again, the smiles on their faces were extremely flattering.

Respectfully handed the invitation letter back to Li Mubai.

This invitation letter.

Only one was sent out at today’s reception.

The hotel owner specifically emphasized to them that the other party may not come, but once they do, they must be treated respectfully!

Because I am eligible to receive this invitation letter.

It’s from Jinghai Li’s family!


Withdraw the invitation letter.

Li Mubai led Xiao Yingxia towards the hotel lobby.

After regaining consciousness.

Xiao Yingxia did not resist, she still held Li Mubai’s arm.

Although I don’t know why the other party helped her.

But she really has to come in today to see the customer.

Because tomorrow is the deadline.

If you can’t talk about it anymore, the Xiao family won’t give her this opportunity again.

Their family has been unable to raise their heads in Xiao’s family because of their nameless and useless husband.

She can’t lose her only chance to rectify her name this time!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yingxia unconsciously tightened Li Mubai’s arm.

It wasn’t until he walked all the way into the lobby of the hotel that he blushed and let go of his hand.


Although she hates the waste at home.

But after all, she is also someone who already has a husband.

Holding another man’s arm so grandiosely in the crowd, she couldn’t help feeling a bit shameless.

“It’s really a pure white rabbit…”

Seeing Xiao Yingxia’s red face, Li Mubai smiled slightly.

This is just the beginning, this little white rabbit today.

But he was destined to not escape his clutches…

“Thank you for bringing me in…”

Xiao Yingxia quickly calmed down and expressed gratitude to Li Mubai.

“You’re welcome……”

Li Mubai shook his head, then a pair of eyes fell on Xiao Yingxia’s face.

Indifferent and easy-going said: “But I really lack a female partner today, or you should thank me, feel wronged, and temporarily be my female partner for one night…”

His tone is very easy-going.

But with the aura of an “overbearing president” who can’t refuse.

Xiao Yingxia was taken aback.

Meeting Li Mubai’s beautiful eyes, he didn’t know how to refuse.

After all, Li Mubai helped her by bringing her in.

At this moment, she still doesn’t know the identity of Li Mubai.

Because although the Li family’s identity is very resounding in Jinghai, not everyone is qualified to meet Li Mubai.

Xiao Yingxia is a sideline of the Xiao family who is not taken seriously.

There is no chance to meet Li Mubai.

So at the moment.

She didn’t know yet.

The handsome man in white who brought her in in front of her was actually the famous Li family.

“But, I…”

Xiao Yingxia wanted to say that she had a husband.

But when it came to my lips, I couldn’t say anything.

Not because of Li Mubai’s handsomeness.

Although such a good-looking man would make her look more.

But she is not the kind of woman without principles and bottom line.

“Well, I promise you.”

Xiao Yingxia finally nodded.

After all, it was Li Mubai who helped her, and she had a chance to come in.

Temporarily be his female companion for one night.

It’s nothing…

Xiao Yingxia thought so.

Did not notice the deep playfulness in Li Mubai’s eyes…

“But I’m going to find someone now. I’ll come back to you later, okay?”

Xiao Yingxia said embarrassedly.

“It’s okay, you go, I’ll wait for you here.”

Li Mubai nodded.


Xiao Yingxia glanced at him gratefully, and after searching the hall, he walked in one direction.

See Li Mubai here.

He called a secret guard over and gave a command.

Then after Xiao Yingxia walked for a few minutes, he followed…


New book hits the road, please take care of it! ! !

Seeking flowers! ! ! Evaluation vote! ! ! All kinds of requests are rolling all over the floor! ! ! I hope readers who like this book will support me a lot! ! !


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