Chapter 4 The pride of the female president of the iceberg: Li Mubai, he is unworthy for eternal life!

After washing your hands.

Li Mubai walked down the stairs.

Come to the living room.

Because the smell on the hands is a bit fishy.

So Li Mubai took a long time to wash.

At this moment, the two daughters of Xia He and Dongxue had tied Leng Qianxue and hung them in the living room.

Far away, I saw Leng Qianxue being hung up.

Li Mubai’s steps downstairs almost fell.

I saw Leng Qianxue in the living room still in a coma, still wearing the night suit of the leather jacket and leather pants.

Her hands and right foot were tied together, and then hung up high.

His left foot barely touched the ground, and his head slightly hung in the posture of a horse with a straight horse, with long hair scattered, and the blood on the corners of his mouth was still ticking, looking miserable and charming. (See cover)

really do not know.

At that time Leng Qianxue woke up and saw that she was hung up like this, I was afraid that she would have to faint again.


Li Mubai looked at the beautiful twins Xia He and Dong Xue.

But only two people looked at their noses and their hearts.

There is no slight difference in color on his face.


Li Mubai smiled slightly.

did not expect.

This pair of twins, who usually seem harmless to humans and animals, still have such a black belly…

However, he likes it.

It’s also possible to train the two of them into little villains…Um…Wonderful!

But this is what happened later.

Now that you have the bait, you have to start fishing for the mermaid Xiao Qingcheng.

Thinking of this, Li Mubai took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Leng Qianxue at the moment, then found out Xiao Qingcheng’s contact information and sent it to him.

“Miss Xiao, I think you need to give me an explanation.”

Jinghai, Allure Building.

In the president’s office, Xiao Qingcheng is still dealing with company affairs.

It was almost ten o’clock at this moment, but Xiao Qingcheng had no intention of leaving get off work at all.

Seeing this, Su Qingyue, the company director on the side, couldn’t help but persuade: “Qingcheng, it’s almost ten o’clock, you can’t hold it like this every day, the gods can’t hold it!”

Su Qingyue frowned.

She originally came back to pick up something she forgot to take, but she didn’t expect to see Xiao Qingcheng still working overtime.

Almost every day, Xiao Qingcheng would work overtime until after eleven o’clock before returning.

And Xiao Qingcheng has maintained this state for almost half a year.

It’s eleven o’clock almost every day.

Even sometimes.

Will work overtime until the early hours of the morning!

She really didn’t understand. Not only was she a beautiful girl, her family was also from the famous Xiao family in Jinghai.

Why bother to fight like this?

It can be seen to the naked eye that Xiao Qingcheng has become a lot haggard in the past six months.

A woman’s youth only lasts for a few years. If it is not well maintained, let alone how fast she grows old.

Su Qingyue is really anxious for her girlfriend,

“It’s okay, Qingyue, you go back first.”

Xiao Qingcheng rubbed his brows and didn’t care, the firmness in his eyes was unwavering.

Seeing this, Su Qingyue shook her head helplessly.

You can only leave first.

After Su Qingyue left, Xiao Qingcheng sighed slightly.

Why doesn’t she want to be nice to herself, go back and get a good beauty sleep?

However, Xiao Qingcheng was unwilling to think of the marriage contract firmly on her head!


In the eyes of Su Qingyue, the Xiao family is a well-deserved giant in Jinghai.

But in the eyes of the Li family, the Xiao family couldn’t be more ordinary.

It’s almost like an ant!

A few years ago, Li Mubai, the eldest son of the Li family, saw her at a cocktail party. He was shocked for a while and had to marry her.


Faced with the Li family’s proposal, the Xiao family was overjoyed, and would never refuse.


She Xiao Qingcheng didn’t want it!

Then Li Mubai is not only a few years younger than her, but also a dude who can eat, drink and have fun, a worldly mediocre.

And Xiao Qingcheng, when she was young, moved to Xia Guo Academy under the name of talent.

At the age of ten, he graduated from high school and was admitted to the highest school in Xia State.

At the age of twelve, he not only completed the university’s professional knowledge, but also took a second major and was admitted to the Harvard double master.

He graduated with a master’s degree at the age of fifteen, and furthered his Ph.D. in dual subjects.

At the age of 19, he graduated with a Ph.D. and returned to Jinghai to start from scratch and founded the Allure Group, with a market value of more than 10 billion so far!

Which one of them is taken out, is not worthy of Li Mubai, who only has the identity of the young master of the Li family!

She is unwilling!

She doesn’t want it!

Li Mubai, not good enough for her!

No bit is worthy of it!

Eternal life is not worthy!

It was not that Xiao Qingcheng had never thought of fleeing Jinghai, but thought that if she left, the Xiao family who gave birth to her was afraid that the Li family would greet endless revenge.

So, she gave up.

Just when she accepted her fate and planned to marry Li Mubai obediently, the Xiao family father finally couldn’t bear it.

Gave her a promise.

If she can lead the Allure Group into a large group with a market value of over 100 billion within a year.

Then the old man gave up this old face and helped her reject this marriage!

Therefore, Xiao Qingcheng did so hard!

Fortunately, Huang Tian pays off.

Thanks to Xiao Qingcheng’s hard work, the business of the Allure Group is also prospering.

The miracle that the market value exceeds 100 billion a year is not impossible in front of her Xiao Qingcheng!

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingcheng’s mouth couldn’t help but a smile that belonged to the iceberg beauty: “Li Mubai, you, after all, are not worthy of me!”

But at this moment, her mobile phone suddenly received a message.

When I picked it up, it turned out that Li Mubai had sent it to her.

“Miss Xiao, I think you need to give me an explanation.”

Seeing these words, Xiao Qingcheng frowned.

After clicking on the page, she saw a photo that shocked her mind.

In the photo, Leng Qianxue was hung up, miserable and charming…

“Ding! Your villain’s behavior deeply shocked Xiao Qingcheng, and the villain’s value is +500!”


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