Chapter 36 Brother ↑ Brother ~ Are you free this Sunday?


The careful thoughts of the two women in Xia He Dongxue.

Naturally, he did not escape Li Mubai’s perception.

Seeing Xiao Qingcheng’s blood-red face at the moment.



These beautiful twins.

It’s really black!

It seems that they have to find time, and it is necessary to punish them.

You can’t always be so small or small…


Two hours later.

Li Mubai is sitting in the living room.

Lazily embracing the beauty in his arms, he looked at a middle-aged man in front of him.

Xiao Hailong, who had been waiting for a long time, was trembling now.

Even if Li Mubai asked him to sit down and say, he only dared to stand.

He even lowered his head, not daring to take another look.

After all, Li Mubai’s attitude is still unclear.

He never dared to offend Li Mubai any more.

“Let’s talk, what can I do for you?”

Li Mubai was also more difficult to say, and asked lightly.

“This is Shao Li, Xiao Qingcheng is no big or young girl. It is our Xiao family’s fault that offended you, so I am here to make amends on your behalf on behalf of the Xiao family…”

Xiao Hailong said, holding a stack of documents in his hand.

This is half of his Xiao family’s assets.

Hotels, buildings, land…

Even Allure Group.

It was given to Li Mubai for nothing at this moment.

Of course, such assets are naturally nothing in the eyes of Li Mubai.

Not to mention the huge business empire of the Li family.

Under his mother’s name alone, he controls a trillion-level conglomerate.

Such a little thing is nothing more than pocket money to him.

But for the Xiao family, it was extremely distressed.

But no matter how distressed, it can only be sent out.

After all, if Li Mubai didn’t let the Xiao family go.

The Xiao family couldn’t even keep half of the remaining assets!

“Okay, I see, I have promised Xiao Qingcheng about the Xiao family, and I’ve revealed it. If there is nothing wrong, you can go back…”

Heard this.

Xiao Hailong breathed a sigh of relief.

With these words from Li Mubai, the Xiao family can at least get through this crisis smoothly.

“Shao Li, Qingcheng this girl is not sensible. I am afraid that one person will not serve you well. There are many beautiful women in the Xiao family. If you are interested, you can pick two as maids at any time to represent my Xiao family. Sincerity…”

Xiao Hailong continued.


Li Mubai laughed jokingly.

For Xiao Hailong’s purpose, I couldn’t help but get into amusement.

Xiao Hailong asked him to pick it by himself, instead of taking the initiative to send it to the door.

It’s nothing more than.

I want him to visit Xiao’s house in person.

Then, let Jinghai’s other big and small families know that his Xiao family had put on Li Shao’s thigh again.

And, the relationship is very good!

Even Shao Li came to the door in person.

If this is the case, the effect is much better than he delivered it to the door in person.

“Well, if I have time, I will go…”

Li Mubai smiled faintly, without exposing it.

Since he agreed to Xiao Qingcheng.

Naturally will not go back.

However, Xiao Hailong took the initiative to give gifts, and even came up with such a way.

The Xiao family is under his hands.

Maybe it can really come back to life.

Take it to the next level.

Could not help.

Let him take another look.

This kind of xinxing is considered a personal thing.

But it’s good.

If Xiao Hailong sent it by himself, who knows if it is the most beautiful woman in his Xiao family?

It’s not impossible to pick it yourself.

This kind of general feeling of picking goods.


It makes Li Mubai look forward to it.

“Thank you, Shao Li, then!”

Xiao Hailong was extremely pleasantly surprised, and after retiring, he left respectfully.


Shao Li stopped taking action against the Xiao family.

With his two sentences.

Jinghai’s other families who had fallen into trouble with the Xiao family did not dare to be too public.

This time, the Xiao family finally managed to get through the crisis smoothly.



See the property rights document that Xiao Hailong handed over.

There was also the Qingcheng Group under the name of Xiao Qingcheng. Li Mubai couldn’t help but smiled, glanced at it casually, and threw it on the coffee table.

Xiao Qingcheng, who was leaning in his arms, saw this.

His eyes were extremely lonely.

In her eyes, the Allure Group, as hard-working, is as far as Li Mubai.

It’s so unbearable…

Even Julian himself…

Xiao Qingcheng could feel that in Li Mubai’s eyes, she did not treat her as her own woman.

But…like a…doll…


Bell Bell Bell——


Li Mubai, who was watching the night scene again, suddenly rang.


It was his sister, Li Qingyao.

He and his sister are said to be twins.

Both have just turned 20 this year.

I was studying at Jinghai University and my sophomore year had just ended.

It’s summer vacation now.

It is different from Li Mubai, who only knows about eating and waiting to die, eating, drinking and having fun.

His sister Li Qingyao is very hardworking.

Whenever there is time.

Or follow the old man to practice martial arts.

Either he was practicing in the group with his mother.

And the talents are not bad, the martial arts and business achievements are not low!

Had it not been for the successor of the Li family to pass on from the male to the female, Li Mubai would almost think that the father and the others had trained Li Qingyao as the heir!

Of course, what Li Mubai didn’t know was.

The father and the others, indeed “trained” Li Qingyao to the heirs of the Li family…


Picking up the phone, Li Mubai took the call.

“Brother ↑Brother~”

“what are you doing?”

There was a clear and pleasant voice on the other end of the phone.


Li Mubai picked up the water glass and almost choked out.

Isn’t something wrong with this sister?

I couldn’t help but say: “Um… Am I watching the night scene?”

“Oh oh.”

Although the sound in the phone is a bit strange.

But Li Qingyao didn’t think much about it. After a word, she choked the water that Li Mubai had just drunk out. It happened that Xiao Qingcheng turned her head and sprayed it on her face.

Just listen to Li Qingyao’s clear and sweet voice, coming from the other end of the phone:

“Brother, are you free this Sunday?”


New book hits the road, please take care of it! ! !

Seeking flowers! ! ! Evaluation vote! ! ! All kinds of requests are rolling all over the floor! ! ! I hope readers who like this book will support me a lot! ! !


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