Chapter 315 A blow through the sea of ​​knowledge!


After Li Mubai performed his mind-shaping operation, there was a crisp sound directly in the sea of ​​knowledge of the purple spider on the opposite side!

It turned out that after breaking through the fifth stage of Guwu, Li Mubai’s spiritual consciousness has also been greatly improved.

In the past, when using mind contemplation, because the object of control is a person, he retains his power.

This time it was the alien beast that was going to be controlled, and he shot it directly with all his strength.

Even when Li Mubai’s powerful spirit sense of the fifth stage of the ancient martial arts crushed over, the consciousness of this purple spider was pierced by his sense of consciousness in an instant!


Seeing this scene, Li Mubai was a little bit dumbfounded.

Good guy, the two monsters in front had spent a lot of effort, and as a result, this purple spider was killed by him when he met each other!

After killing the big purple spider in seconds, Li Mubai did not leave, but began to try to control the spider.

“It is feasible, but unfortunately, it won’t take long.

After controlling this purple spider walking around in the tomb.

Li Mubai found that this kind of monster that was killed could also be controlled using 07’s mind-inducing technique.

But because the big spider is dead, as time goes by, the big spider also becomes very stiff.

In other words, creatures like this kind that die soon can be controlled by mind-contracting, but creatures that have been dead for too long will basically not have much effect when they cast mind-contracting spells.

After killing this big spider, Li Mubai did not delay, now there are the last two tomb beasts left.

Kill the remaining two tomb beasts, and this tomb can be explored at will.

Not long after, a luminous jellyfish suspended in the air also appeared opposite Li Mubai.

This luminous jellyfish is also one of the tomb beasts.

In addition, the attack method of this glowing jellyfish is to use venom and mental power!

When the luminous jellyfish saw Li Mubai and the big spider, nothing else, it was a mental blade.

It’s a pity that Li Mubai’s divine consciousness is much stronger than it’s mental power and has no effect on Li Mubai.

The sea of ​​consciousness of the big spider was pierced by Li Mubai’s divine consciousness not long ago, and the spiritual power of the glowing jellyfish now completely shattered its sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Fortunately, this guy is dead and can’t feel any pain at all. Otherwise, this blow would be indescribably sour.

Li Mubai did not make a direct shot this time, but directly controlled the big spider to fight with the glowing jellyfish.

Compared with the previous three defensive powers, which are more powerful than the perverted Tomb Suppressor, the defensive power of this luminous jellyfish is obviously not very good.

But its highly poisonous is still very terrifying.

The big spider itself also contains very powerful toxins, but now, the big spider’s body is as if it has been melted by concentrated sulfuric acid.


Fortunately, the defensive power of this glowing jellyfish is really very poor.

Not long after, the glowing jellyfish was directly torn in half by the big spider controlled by Li Mubai.


Its sea of ​​consciousness was also blasted to pieces by Li Mubai’s divine consciousness blade.


However, while smashing it to know the sea, Li Mubai was also shocked not lightly.

It was as if two people banged their heads abruptly to see whose head was ironed.

“It seems that although the Divine Sense Blade Mang is powerful, it can’t be used indiscriminately.”

Physical injury is easy to recover after all. Once Zhihai is injured, it will be really troublesome.

“I don’t know what the last tomb beast is.”

After killing the fourth town tomb beast, Li Mubai immediately moved on.

Outside the mausoleum, Sharu had been waiting impatiently.

Fortunately, although Li Mubai did not come over, there were already other ability players approaching his area.

Because this time I was going to kill Li Mubai and Elizabeth, Sharu didn’t plan to leave anything alive.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, under the chase of Xia Guojinghai’s Li family and the Abraham family, he will only have a dead end.

“Saru, what are you doing in this place.

This ability person is obviously a fire-type ability person, beside him, there is still a ball of flame suspended.

He did not realize the danger of Sharu at this moment, and after seeing Sharu, he walked over directly.

“I found a very good thing, you see.”

Sharu sneered, then stretched out his hand.

In his palm, there seemed to be some kind of treasure hidden.

“Can it be such a small treasure?”

The fire-powered person took a look and estimated that what was in Sharu’s palm was at most the size of a pigeon egg.

Can something with this size really have anything good?

After thinking about it, he also poked his head to look.

Sharu’s palm spread out little by little under his gaze.

After Sharu’s palms were spread out, the fire-type super ability person suddenly realized that Sharu was just entertaining him.

Because in Sharu’s palm, there is nothing at all.

“Are you entertaining me?”

The fire-powered person was a little angry, and as a result, Sharu’s palm that was spread out just now clenched tightly.

Immediately, he was fierce and unforgiving, with a very domineering punch, which directly exploded his head like a watermelon.

In an instant, white and red flowed all over the place, and the scene was extremely terrifying and shocking.

The movement here quickly attracted a fire-type supernatural ability player nearby.


“Nick, what happened?”

“Oh, damn it!”

While this fire-type supernatural person said, he put all the treasures of Nick’s body into his own pocket.

“Nie 717 grams, are you okay?”

As he explored more and more things on Nick, this supernatural person became more and more excited.

He didn’t get anything at all in the castle. He never thought that Nick had so many good things.

With these good things, it doesn’t matter even if he gets nothing next.

“He is bad.

Sharu also appeared behind him when this later fire-type supernatural player was very proud to talk to himself.


Hearing this sudden sound, this fire system ability person was shocked instantly.

It’s just that he didn’t even know what happened, and immediately felt that his eyes went dark, and then his head became like Nick’s.

After killing these two people, Sharu also continued to look for prey.

At the same time, Li Mubai also saw the fifth town tomb beast, this town tomb beast turned out to be a huge polar bear.

Of course, it’s just a very similar appearance. In fact, this thing is called the Polar White Bear King.

It is the size of an elephant, and it is very powerful at first glance.

Not only that, but the aura on its body is also very strong and cold.

Unlike the previous stupid sleepers, the polar white bear king’s pupils are full of wisdom.

“You are strong.”

Li Mubai didn’t expect that this polar white bear king could even speak out. .

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