Chapter 293 Xuandu ancestor!

Since the entrance to the third floor is also blocked by formations, there may be something good about the third floor.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible to seal off an empty room with the trapped killing array. I think no monk has been so boring.

This formation is almost the same as the formation at the entrance of the small building, obviously left by the same formation mage.

With the experience of cracking the first formation, Li Mu Mubai broke the formation of the whole place with almost a dozen breaths.


After Li Mubai broke the formation, both Li Yinfeng and him changed their faces.

In this layer, there are people!

This floor seems to be a training room. In the training room, there is a high platform.

There is a futon on the high platform, and above the futon is sitting cross-legged ~ an old man in a black robe.


After Li Mubai and Li Yinfeng suddenly came to this room, the formation in the room also completely flickered.

Under the interweaving of countless formations, a phantom also slowly appeared. The face of this phantom was exactly the appearance of the old man in black robe sitting on the futon.

“Broken the formation, is it my disciple from Xuan Mingzong coming?”

After the phantom in the formation appeared, he immediately looked at Li Mubai and asked.

“The younger generation is not a disciple of Xuanming Sect, the relics of Xuanming Sect are opened, and the younger generation is fortunate to have the inheritance of Xuanming Sect’s formation.”

In the face of such an unfathomable boss, Li Mubai still feels that it is better to be polite to reach out and not hit the smiley person.

“How many times have the Xuanmingzong ruins opened?”

Hearing Li Mubai’s words, the phantom in the formation nodded, and then continued to ask.

“Junior don’t know.”

“However, it should be turned on a lot.”

“The bricks and tiles in the front four floors of Xuan Mingzong are almost evacuated.”

Li Mubai gave a wry smile and said.

“Ha ha ha ha

Hearing Li Mubai’s words, the phantom in the formation also burst into laughter.

“Great, great, these things are placed in Xuanming Sect. They are just useless things. If someone takes them and they happen to be useful, why not do it?”

The black-robed old man’s words were not false. Although he only had a phantom left, Li Mubai still felt the old man’s sincerity.

“By the way, is the stargazing chart present?”

“Now, how many stars have been lit up?”

What Li Mubai didn’t expect was that this black-robed old man even knew the existence of the stargazing chart.

Before, Li Mubai thought that the stargazing map was something for later generations. He never thought that these old monsters also knew it.

“Xuan Mingzong is now the sixth star.

After the old man asked, Li Mubai answered truthfully.

“The sixth star?

“Yeah ”

“The Age of the End of Dharma is finally coming to an end

“In the near future, many powerful younger generations in the spiritual world will spring up like bamboo shoots.”

“The world of practice that has been quiet for too long is finally about to rejuvenate.”

Although Li Mubai didn’t know who this black-robed old man was, he could always feel a kind of love in this black-robed old man, a kind of care for all the younger generations in the spiritual world.

“Can you make this thing?

After thinking for a while, the phantom of the black robe old man suddenly took out a token forged with black gold.

On the token, there is a scrawny plum tree, and a simple and vigorous plum character!

“This is the clan pattern of my Jinghai Li family!

At this moment, Li Mubai was really surprised.

No wonder it feels that this old man is so kind. It turns out that this old man also has a connection with the Li family.

“Jinghai Li’s House”

“Who came from your line?”

After hearing Li Mubai’s words, the black-robed old man couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

“It’s Dao Wu Pao.

After thinking about paying for a moment, Li Mubai told the truth.

“Hahaha Li Guhong, Li Daowu, great, great.

In Li Mubai’s words, Dao Wu Ancestor, named Gu Hong, and the word Dao Wu.

“Dao Wu is the second son of the old man.

After a burst of laughter, Li Xuandu spoke to Li Mubai again.

“Twenty-third grandson of the Jinghai Li family, pay homage to the ancestors of the Xuandu!”

At this time, Li Mubai didn’t know where, the black-robed old man in front of him turned out to be the ancestor of the Li family!

“Okay, okay, my Li family has been passed down to the twenty-third generation of grandchildren.”

“Unfortunately, you came sixty years late, and now the chance of Xuanmingzong has been taken away sixty years ago.’

Li Xuandu soon began to sigh again.

Although seeing his descendants in this place made him feel very good.

However, Li Mubai, or the descendants of the Li family, was still sixty years late.

“I don’t know the relationship between the ancestor and Xuan Mingzong?”

At this moment Li Mubai continued to ask.

He doesn’t care much about things coming sixty years late.

0……Look for flowers……

It is useless to care now.

Furthermore, without a stargazing chart, this place cannot be found at all.

“The old man is the penultimate head teacher of Xuan Mingzong.”

“Although Xuan Mingzong’s opportunity has been taken away, you still have a choice.”

“There is a Xuanming Pagoda in the depths of Xuanmingzong, and the Xuanming Pagoda has 18 floors.

“Your current cultivation base at the top of the foundation has at least a chance of reaching the top.”

“If you reach the top, you can get all the inheritance of Xuan Mingzong!”

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Li Mubai.

“Please ancestors for advice.”

Li Mubai felt a little speechless in his heart.

Since they are all in the family, what else are they going to experience, isn’t the ancestor directly passing on the Xuanmingzong’s inheritance to him is the end?


Although he thought so in his mind, Li Mubai did not say it.


After seeing that Li Mubai had heard that there was only a 10% chance of success, he still had no fear and decisively agreed.

Li Xuan also showed a satisfied look on his face.

“The old man can’t control everything in the Xuanming Tower.”

“You can hold this master commander. Except for the Xuanming Pagoda, anywhere in the Xuanming Sect, the commander command will provide you with convenience.”

Li Xuan finished speaking and handed a jade medal to Li Mubai.

“Whether the younger generation wants to return to the legacy of the ancestors.”

At this time, Li Mubai looked at Li Xuandu and continued to inquire.

He didn’t know whether Li Xuan had any chance of resurrection.

However, since the ancestor’s loss is encountered in this place, if the ancestor agrees, he will naturally ask to go back to Li’s house.

“No need.”

Li Xuandu just told Li Mubai a lot of secrets, but this time, he did not let Li Mubai take his legacy back.

The gradual recovery as it is today, coupled with the decoration of his former years in the small building.

In some time, he will be able to recover.


After Li Xuandu spoke, Li Mubai did not ask much.

“Is he also from my Li family?”

At this time, Li Xuandu looked at Li Yinfeng again and said.

“Yes, Yinfeng is also a direct line of the Li family.”

“Well, in this case, you go to the tower, he stays here, the old man tells him some tricks.”

After Li Xuan said this, Li Mubai also nodded.

Immediately, he also followed Li Xuandu’s instructions to go to the Xuanming Pagoda. deficit.

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