Chapter 291 Compensate you for a panacea!

At this time, Li Mubai was naturally also the predecessor who planted trees and later took the shade, so he left directly through this passage.

The walls of this place are still extremely hard, and can open up such a channel, and the strength of the opponent is absolutely above him.

However, that was a long, long time ago.

After all, the once prosperous cultivation age like a sea of ​​stars, the many great religions, are now turned into stars on the stargazing chart.

After walking along this extraordinary road for a while, Li Mubai came outside the underground palace.

It’s just that because the warrior in front of him didn’t take an unusual way.

Therefore, although this place is outside the underground palace, it is obviously very far away from where the real chance is.

So at this time, Li Mubai looked around and found that there was no direction, so he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Do not take the usual path, although it is easy to leave the underground palace.

But after he left the underground palace, he deviated directly from where the chance was.

Going back now, although you may have to go around in the underground palace again, if you can find the right exit, then nothing will happen.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mubai immediately decided to explore this area now.

If they really can’t find the direction, then they will come back at that time.

After thinking clearly in his mind, Li Mubai immediately left this place and went to explore other areas.

But, not long after, he turned back again.

The Xuanmingzong ruins and the Nongshenshan ruins have a very big thing in common, that is, the space of this place is too vast.

After Li Mubai left here just now, he went around all around.

As a result, he explored the surroundings and found nothing.

Although he has come out of the underground palace now, because this place is not the exit of the underground palace, there is nothing at all.

As for some medicinal materials that contain a little spiritual power, he simply doesn’t like it.

After turning back again, Li Mubai also faced two choices.

Either go directly back to the underground palace, or go to the other direction and continue to take a look.

The option of returning to the underground palace was not unexpectedly put to the end by Li Mubai again.

At this moment, he directly chose the direction that he had not explored just now.

After walking in this direction for a while, Li Mubai smiled.

Sure enough, there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another village in the dark.

After traveling about ten miles from this direction, Li Mubai saw a lot of broken walls.

After he continued to move forward, there were more and more broken walls in this place.

And these many broken walls quickly turned into dilapidated palaces.

Because he didn’t follow the correct channel to come out, I don’t know how much time ahead of other warriors.

Even if other warriors have a complete road map, they can only guarantee that they will not take detours, and he will take shortcuts directly!

Therefore, when Li Mubai came here, the distance between the other warriors was still very far away.

“Is this place where Xuantianzong’s residence was in the past…?”

At this moment Li Mubai also began to perceive Lingyue’s location.

If nothing happens, Ling Yue should have fled to these places.

There are many secret rooms in a spacious hall.

At this time, the door of one of the secret rooms slowly opened.

Ling Yue’s face was full of self-satisfaction at the moment, and now she has completely got rid of Li Mubai’s control.

Next, it’s time to find Li Mubai to settle the account.

When Ling Yue wanted to settle accounts with Li Mubai, she suddenly found out.

Li Mubai, who was supposed to be trapped in the underground palace, would have disappeared.

At the beginning, Li Mubai felt that he should be the only one who didn’t take the ordinary road and came from a place where there was no road.

But soon, Li Mubai was in this place and met a white warrior with blond hair and blue eyes and a high nose.

When this person saw Li Mubai, he was immediately very excited.

“Li Mubai, give me what I got from the last ruin, I can let you go.”

When Smith was speaking, there were waves of thunder entwined all over his body.

This person is obviously an ability person, and also a thunder system ability person.

“I’m very curious about how you came here.

Li Mubai didn’t shoot Smith at this moment, he was just a mid-innate superpower, and he could win it at will.

“I found a dilapidated place in the underground palace, where it seemed that someone had opened up a passage.

“I followed that place, and then I appeared here.”

Smith didn’t hide it. He had already decided Li Mubai at the moment, and naturally there was nothing that could not be said.

After hearing what Smith said, Li Mubai knew immediately.

It seems that there is more than one broken passage in this place.

Because Smith came in a different direction from him.

“So now, you can also give me the blue lotus seeds obtained from the remains of Nongshen Mountain?”

As Smith spoke, he approached like Li Mubai.

Since I met him, then Li Mubai is bad luck.

No matter what today, Li Mubai’s chance in the remains of Nongshen Mountain last time belongs to him.

On the stargazing map, a great opportunity in a ruin can create a strong man.

No one knows what the Xuanmingzong’s great opportunity is, and who will end up in it is also unknown.

However, the final chance of Nongshen Mountain is not a secret for Li Mubai.

When Smith was close enough to Li Mubai, he also shot instantly.

However, after Smith made a sudden attack, he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He unexpectedly concealed his unprepared shot, thinking that he would be able to take Li Mubai down instantly.

After all, Li Mubai’s strength is not weak. If he cannot succeed in a sneak attack, but fights against Li Mubai, he will easily be picked up by other warriors.

Don’t look at him and Li Mubai in the face here, but who knows if there are other strong people hidden in the secret.

“”Your Excellency Li Mubai, (Zhao’s) I underestimated your strength before.”

“I will compensate you for a three-hundred-year-old elixir, how about I just leave?”

After seeing Li Mubai’s smirk and ironic look on his face, of course Smith knew that he underestimated Li Mubai this time.

However, now he took the initiative to make compensation, not because he was afraid of Li Mubai, but because he didn’t want to make money for other guys.

Otherwise, he will fight Li Mubai with all his cards, and Li Mubai may not be able to take advantage of it.

On Li Mubai’s side, just accept it as soon as you see it.

Since he and Smith can come to this place, the other guys must be able to come too.

Aside from other warriors, Ling Yue, who ran away from his hand not long ago, doesn’t know where the trick is hidden.

Thinking of this, Li Mubai naturally did not refuse Smith’s request.

Smith didn’t play tricks either. It’s no problem to give Li Mubai a little bit of sweetness before he fights Li Mubai’s life and death. .

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