Chapter 280 Yunyi begs for mercy!

If the gap between Li Mubai’s strength and Yunyi’s strength is too big, his heart will burst instantly under this palm.

However, Li Mubai’s heart did not burst.

As he stretched out his hand and held it lightly, he pinched the veins on Yun Yi’s wrist.

All it takes is a rush of inner energy to pour in, and the blood rushes upwards, and Yun Yi will immediately suffer a heavy blow!

“you ”

At this moment, Yun Yi suddenly looked at Li Mubai somewhat inconceivably. To be honest, she didn’t even know how she was controlled by Li Mubai.

There is only one explanation, that is, the strength gap between her and Li Mubai is actually huge!

She is a new congenital warrior. Is it possible that Li Mubai is the peak of the early congenital? Or even the middle congenital?

Yun Yi couldn’t understand these things, and she had no chance to think about it now.

Li Mubai also did not expect that such a hot and coquettish proprietress turned out to be a new car.

Of course, in any case, the new car is good.

Yun Yi never thought that he would fail, nor did he expect that he would confess to Li Mubai’s hands.

As a member of Wushu 07, a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes, she doesn’t take these things very seriously.

But at this time, tears were still shed from the corner of her eyes.

Seeing the tears in the corner of Yun Yi’s eyes, Li Mubai was not ready to forgive this woman.

Since this woman had killed the Great Master in this secret room, he would kill the martial arts world today.

In the hotel lobby, there were originally many warriors still thinking about paying, Li Mubai and the proprietress, how long will it take to come out.

In order to wait for the two to come out, some warriors who have something to do, even willing to wait a little longer.

But, after half an hour passed, after an hour passed.

Some warriors can only leave cursively.

The ruins will be opened soon. According to the latest information, the ruins in another location, the great opportunity among them, have been taken away.

I don’t know when the next relic will appear.

Therefore, this relic may be the only opportunity for absolute warriors.

A small number of warriors who have nothing to do are waiting with great interest.

As long as Li Mubai is a human being, then he and the proprietress will always come out.

However, after two hours passed, Li Mubai and the proprietress still did not come out.

At this time, a gloomy warrior had sneaked to the back of the hotel.

After turning the window and entering, after passing through a corridor, this gloomy warrior came outside the room where Li Mubai and Yun Yi were.

The martial artist is keen on five senses and six senses. Although a little unbelievable, he still knows.

At this moment, Li Mubai and Yun Yi were actually in this room.


After pushing open the small window above the room, he entered the room in a flash.

Suddenly discovered that Li Mubai and Yun Yi were both neatly dressed at this moment, and the sound just now turned out to be the two fighting again.

That’s right, it’s the normal discussion among the warriors.

“call out–”

When this warrior was full of doubts, a flying knife instantly pierced the center of his eyebrows.

Because this warrior only needs to look sideways, he can see a few plum blossoms on the bed.

These bright plum blossoms also prove what happened in this place not long ago.

“Sure enough, the most poisonous is not a woman’s heart.”

“He just broke into your room without authorization and lost his life!”

Li Mubai shook his head casually now.

Like other warriors think, the manpower is extremely poor, two hours is definitely not short.

Moreover, this time he came to the Gobi Desert, he had important things to do, and he couldn’t delay too long on this woman.


“If I am not capable of killing him, what do you say he is coming in now for?”

Yun Yi said coldly, at this moment she still wanted to strangle Li Mubai very much.

It’s just a pity that she is just a warrior in the early innate period. Li Mubai conservatively estimates that she is also the peak of the innate early period.

It may even be the middle congenital period.

In this situation, she is not Li Mubai’s opponent at all.

Obviously he was bullied by this bastard, but this bastard still looks indifferent now.

To him, the woman seemed to be just an object!

“These people will kill if they kill.”

“But there is something I want to remind you.”

“Since it’s my woman, don’t wear clothes too cool, except in front of me.”

Li Mubai put on clothes while talking casually.

Yun Yi’s dressing style is not cool anymore. To a certain extent, this woman seems to have a problem.

Of course, Yun Yi is also a congenital warrior, no matter his body or heart, as long as he doesn’t get hurt, there will be no health problems.


“Who said I am your woman? I tell you, I want to be the woman of all men in the world!”

Yun Yi said with a sneer on her face at the moment, as long as her cultivation level exceeds Li Mubai, she will definitely kill Li Mubai as soon as possible.


When Yun Yi’s voice fell, her white neck was pinched by Li Mubai.

Then Li Mubai approached Yunyi and said.

“One more thing to remind you, next time you have the idea of ​​being disloyal to me, it is your death date.

When speaking, Li Mubai not only suppressed Yun Yi’s inner breath, but also sealed her breath.

At this moment, Yunyi is like a drowning person, about to die.

If she hadn’t met Li Mubai, Yun Yi could not believe it in her whole life. After she cultivated to the innate, 687 would still have such an embarrassed time.

At this time, the fear of death came one after another.

The inner breath was sealed, and the breath was sealed again.

As long as it exceeds a certain period of time, even the congenital warrior may have brain death.

The innate martial artist is indeed very powerful, but even the inborn martial artist is not out of the physical body. Orange.

Once the brain dies, it is really over.

Yun Yi could not speak at this moment, but looked at Li Mubai with an expression of begging for mercy.

Whether it is to survive or to get revenge for killing Li Mubai in the future, she absolutely cannot die now.

Yun Yi originally thought that she was already a villain, but now after seeing Li Mubai, she knew what a bastard is!

However, no matter how Yunyi begged for mercy or tied, Li Mubai didn’t mean to let go.

This time, Li Mubai seemed to be really irritated and wanted to kill her.

At this time, Yun Yi was completely scared, and she knew it.

If Li Mubai really wanted to kill her, she would be dead.No one would come to save her in this place, and no one would be able to save her!

Yun Yi’s vision became increasingly blurred, and even the aura on her body was a little faint.

At the end, she felt her head heavier and heavier, and then she passed out completely. .

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