Chapter 276 The mystery of the ancient warrior!

In fact, he also checked the woman in the ice coffin who was in a special sleep state, inside and out.

It’s a new car!

Moreover, there is no treasure in the other party, or maybe this woman herself is the chance on the stargazing chart?

After killing Chu Yi, Li Mubai knew that this woman was related to Taiyi Xuanmen.

Is it possible for him to take a trip to Taiyi Profound Gate now?

Soon, Li Mubai gave up this idea.

Even Chu Yi, who is the protagonist of the script, only knows that there is this woman under the Mausoleum of Jingchu, but they don’t know how to awaken this woman.

Even if he went to the Taiyi Xuanmen, I am afraid it would be difficult to gain.

However, he got the silver dragon bracelet in the remains of Nongshen Mountain.

This thing is very wonderful, and the space is huge, it can perfectly migrate the ice chamber under the Jingchu Mausoleum to the silver dragon bracelet.

Anyway, the chance of the Jingchu Mausoleum was this woman.

He took the ice room with him, so naturally no one would hit Jingchu Di Ling’s idea anymore.

Do what you think.

With this idea, Li Mubai soon appeared under the Mausoleum of Jingchu.

Although the ice chamber is huge, it is nothing at all in the space inside the silver dragon bracelet.

And after Li Mubai put the entire ice chamber into the silver dragon bracelet, he took the lotus seeds as he made a trace on the Nongshen Mountain that day.

At this time, on the stargazing chart, the third star is also bright!

When the third star was lit, it was in a huge palace with nine sky pillars in Africa.

A star above the dome also began to flicker at this moment.

Many powerful warriors in the palace were thoughtful after seeing this scene.

In the Vatican Church, there is also a star in the huge star cluster behind the icon, which twinkles at the same moment.

In a forest in Oceania, there is a holy castle. Around the castle, there are many elk inhabiting.

There is a huge square in the old castle. At this moment, a star-like floor tile also shines on this huge square.

“Sure enough, it seems that the woman in the ice room is the opportunity of the Jingchu Mausoleum…

Li Mubai also saw that the stars representing Jingchu Mausoleum were shining.

This shows that the great chance in the Jingchu Mausoleum is the woman.

At this moment Li Mubai also discovered that the protagonist starting from Chu Yi seems to be getting more and more sophisticated.

As the son of destiny, he was born with his own copy.

Look, three hundred and sixty copies, that’s three hundred and sixty protagonists!

However, the three stars that have been lit up now can no longer be studied.

At this moment, his attention should be on the fourth and fifth stars.

The two stars are in a flickering state, which means that the ruins where the two stars are located are opening.

“One in the desert, one in the tropical rainforest

Li Mubai looked at the star map, and then began to think about the next action plan.

The two relics now appearing, one in the desert and the other in the tropical rain forest, are both abroad.

He can go to one by himself, and let the world go to the other.

But is now in its early stages, so it has a little family background.

If you lose all this time, you will lose a lot!

The meal needs to be eaten one by one, and the protagonist needs to be killed one by one. For the sake of safety, it is better to go one by one.

After deciding to go one by one, Tianluodiwang was all dispatched to the Sahara Desert by Li Mubai.

He himself continued to integrate information in the training room.

What he found in the remains of Nongshen Mountain is huge, and all kinds of information are also very messy and huge.

In general, after the end of the dream age of the spiritual world, the spiritual world fell into a long dark night, which is the so-called age of the end of the law.

In the Age of Domination, the cultivation resources between the heaven and the earth are very scarce.

Moreover, being suppressed by the heavens and the earth, it is difficult for a warrior to go further after reaching the congenital peak.

The same is true for monks. After practicing to the peak of foundation building, they are restricted by the limits of heaven and earth, and it is difficult to continue upward.

However, the revival of the stargazing chart heralds the gradual end of the long dark night.

The dark night is gradually over, the dawn is about to come, and there will be a greater and magnificent cultivation experience.

His ultimate mission is before the arrival of the golden age of cultivation.

All these protagonists of the destiny who pretend to be habitual offenders will surely shine in the future will be killed.

If you want to kill until the protagonist is connected, you can circle the earth, and his villain’s great cause will be completed.

With the gradual recovery of heaven and earth, the suppression of martial artists and practitioners by heaven and earth will weaken a little bit.

To a certain extent, the previous cultivation system has also been subverted, or modified.

The previous cultivation system, various genres, diverse, and various realm divisions were also dizzying.

This is because many inheritances are incomplete and incomplete in the era of the end of the Dharma.

According to the classification standard of Tianjimen obtained by Li Mubai in the remains of Nongshen Mountain.

All cultivators, no matter if they are witch Gu masters, or some descendant masters, as well as various god sticks, or ancient warriors, etc., are all divided into three categories.

They are ancient warriors, cultivators and supernatural powers.

The land of Xia State is the birthplace of ancient martial arts. Southeast Asia and the Asia-Europe plates are the soil for the growth of ancient martial arts.

Most of the ancient warriors are located in this area.

The current martial artist is not completely an ancient martial artist, but a derivative of the ancient martial artist, called the blood martial artist, or the inner strength martial artist.

The real ancient warriors are much more powerful than these guys, and their methods are purer.

To put it simply, you will practice martial arts when you practice martial arts, and you will cultivate immortals when you practice martial arts.

The pure ancient warriors have devoted all their time and energy to the ancient warriors, so their strength is far stronger than these inner strength warriors.

The rank of the ancient martial artist is divided into nine stages of ascending to the sky, and the innate martial artist who is sweeping the square now, according to the classification standard of the ancient martial artist, is only in the second stage!

Similarly, all kinds of head-down masters, wizards, all kinds of messy wizards, priests (wangqianzhao), druids, etc., are collectively referred to as supernatural beings.

A person with supernatural powers does not cultivate qi and blood, does not cultivate internal energy, does not cultivate spiritual power, and does not comprehend the world.

Their methods are varied, but the division of orthodox abilities is also ninth level.

Different from the ancient martial artist’s ninth-level climb to the sky, the division of ability players is from E level to SSS level.

The cultivation line has not changed much, it is still refining qi, building foundations, golden core, primordial infant, and transforming gods.

That is to say, none of the protagonists that Li Mubai has encountered has grown up.

Even the strongest people did not exceed the category of second-order ancient warriors.

The cultivation system is divided in this way, and all kinds of utensils are very simply divided into one to nine grades.

The classification list is too complicated and huge, and even Tianjimen’s classification list has not yet fully described these things. .

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