Chapter 274 Mysterious stargazing chart!

Jiang Taixu, this name sounds like the tune of Long Bahuang.

However, Long Bahuang was just a dwarf in front of the giant in front of Jiang Taixu.

“Yes, Master!”

Hearing Qi Lao Dao’s words, Jiang Chen immediately stepped forward and checked the star map.

Star chart, also known as Zhoutian astrological chart.

On the star map, there are three hundred and sixty star positions.

Now these three hundred and sixty star positions, most of them are dim, but one of them is already shining.

Jiang Chen looked around and found that this star position corresponds to the remains of Nongshen Mountain!

“The star position is already bright, it seems that Tuer has missed it.

Jiang Chen didn’t feel any regrets. The three hundred and sixty star positions represented three hundred and sixty relics in the world.

I missed one ruin, and there are three hundred and fifty-nine ruins, which can be used for him to experience.

“The Relics of Nongshen Mountain was opened 60 years ago, but there was no response from the Zhoutian “Six-Eight-Seven” astrological chart.”

“According to the records of the sect, since the day when the star chart flashes, more and more star positions will be continuously lit.

“In the three hundred and sixty star positions

When Qi Shixuan said this, he did not continue.

Because of the time they spent talking, another star was lit up.

“Three hundred and fifty-eight opportunities left!”

“A chance can create a strong person.”

“It seems that you should leave the island too.”

After Qi Lao Dao sighed with emotion, he continued to speak.

“According to the records of the division, when all three hundred and sixty star positions are lit up, there will be a catastrophe.”

“If you can’t continue to strengthen yourself before, it will turn into flying ashes in front of the catastrophe.”

After Qi Lao Dao finished speaking, Jiang Chen thought immediately.

“Doesn’t the master compete for opportunities?”

“I have exhausted my potential, and it is useless to have a chance.”

“Besides, the old man has not left the island half a step in his life, and everything in the outside world has no cause and effect with the old man.

“No matter how big the calamity is, it won’t be too big for the old man.”

After Qi Shixuan finished speaking, he waved his hand to dust before speaking to Jiang Chen.

“This time off the island, the vengeance of destroying the door can be avenged, and those who shouldn’t be killed should be killed less.”

After leaving this sentence, Qi Lao Dao disappeared in the hall.

Jiang Chen glanced at the star map he had memorized a long time ago, and immediately went to the island of Xia Guo Jinnan immediately.

Jinnan is in Xia Country, it’s just a well-deserved city.

If it hadn’t been for Jiang Tiangang, the number one warrior of the Xia Kingdom, to dream of breaking Jinnan, perhaps not many people would know about this place.

At least in the martial arts world, not many people know about it.

Outsiders didn’t know that Jiang Tiangang was exhausted in the first battle overseas.

Came to Jinnan not to make a comeback, but to enjoy his old age.

But Jiang Tiangang’s raptors across the river are too covetous and fearful.

So Jiang Tiangang died, and the Jinnan Jiang Family that Jiang Tiangang founded was also wiped out.

Jiang Tiangang did not die in the hands of overseas masters, but he was killed in the dream of Jinnan, and became a pity in the martial arts world for a while.

Some people regret that Jiang Tiangang, a warrior like Xia Guo Qingtian, has fallen.

Some people regret that Jiang Tiangang has lost his unique skills, and no one has obtained it so far.

Some people regret that they cannot fight Jiang Tiangang in their lifetime.

If you don’t fight Jiang Tiangang in this life, you will be in vain!

What’s the meaning?

That is, as an absolute martial artist, if you can’t fight Jiang Tiangang, then even if you cultivate to the top of the innate, it will be in vain!

It was such a legendary warrior who dreamed of breaking Jin Nan, and even Jiang Tiangang was completely killed.

“Don’t be twenty years!

Stepping into the land of Jinnan again, Jiang Chen felt too much emotion in his heart.

When he was rescued by Ningbo, he was only a five-year-old boy.

The memory of Jin Nan is very limited. In the past two decades, Jiang Chen can no longer remember other things about Jin Nan except for the enemy who has been carved in his bones.

“What are you doing?”

“Ghost Chongchong, a thief, did you think of stealing things from the Wei family?”

The former Jiang’s Villa has now become the Wei’s Manor.

Weijia Manor is very stylish. Although Jinnan’s martial arts is not well developed, its economic growth is rapid.

This Wei family manor has at least the seven-point style of Tianya Haige.

“Your surname is Chu?”

When the security captain spoke to Jiang Taixu proudly, Jiang Taixu suddenly spoke.

Hearing Jiang Taixu’s words, the security captain was taken aback.

what happened?

Did you run into a half immortal today?

You can tell what his last name is when you speak.

“How is Sanye Chu?”

For Jiang Taixu, looking at the face of the bones, it is just a trivial method that is not worth mentioning.

This security captain is after an acquaintance.

“Who are you?”

Hearing Jiang Taixu mentioning Chu Sanye, the security captain suddenly became vigilant.

Chu Sanye is his grandfather. Twenty years ago, it was said that he was the nursing home of the Jiang family, the first wealthy family in Jinnan.

Later, the Jiang family was destroyed, and only a few people including Chu Sanye survived.

Chu Sanye is a romantic, with more than a dozen sons and more than forty grandsons.

He is the least effective among them, and he can only take the post of a security captain in Weijia Manor.

“I am a friend of Chu Sanye.

A smile appeared on Jiang Taixu’s face.

“Nonsense, how can you be a friend of my grandpa’s at your age?”

“If it’s true or false, you will know if you follow me in and take a look.

Jiang Taixu’s spiritual consciousness has already seen Wei Shenghua and Chu Sanye.

“Joke, what’s this place, you just go in when you say you go in?’

The security captain was very disdainful, there was no greeting, no appointment, even if the city leader came here, he had to stand and wait!

“if not?”

When the security captain said that he wanted to go in, he never thought that Jiang Taixu would say such a sentence with a smile.

At this moment, the security captain was sure that the guy in front of him was definitely a lunatic.

Even if he is not a lunatic, he is half mentally ill. Otherwise, even if he is tired of life and looking for death, he will not come here.

When the security captain thought this way, Jiang Chen had already taken a step forward.

The security captain immediately took out the electric baton, wanting Jiang Taixu to taste the power of the electric baton.

Seeing that the captain took out the guy, the other security guards also showed off their electric batons without saying a word.

Only soon, everyone found something was wrong.


Around them, there seemed to be a wall of air.

This invisible air wall completely solidified them like insects in amber.

After everyone was completely solidified, the security captain was still able to move.

Immediately everyone saw with horror that the captain was holding the electric baton uncontrollably, and after turning on the voltage to the maximum, one person came to them.

Usually they beat people, using only the lowest voltage, and the other party will scream like a pig.

At this moment, bursts of burnt pigskin smell filled the air.

When many security guards were convulsing on the ground, Jiang Chen had already brought the security captain to the Wei’s manor.

Along the way, no matter who blocked it.

However, which one of the Wei family’s masters was the opponent, after being suppressed by Jiang Chen, they all fell like dead pigs in the hands of the security captain. .

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